How can we redeem/rebuild the Horde?

I meant it all in good faith and would love to see it play out.

You want a win - give all of Ashenvale and sure the Horde can get something. But that trade doesn’t exist in a vacuum between expansions.

The Horde has been getting beaten up since Cataclysm but BfA basically deleted one of our original races and destroyed the faction as a whole. Our hero roster is depleted, we are constantly vilified, we are the perpetual antagonist, and we need a lot to fix BfA.

(Purely nonsensical numbers ahead). The alliance is already +100 in the ledger from BfA. You want Ashenvale? Sure, make it +105. Now let’s get out that checkbook and balance this tab out some.

I love most of the forsaken questing zones. I like a lot of the blood elf ones too. Quel’thalas is such a beautiful zone and Silvermoon is gorgeous


If anyone I’d like to see come back, it would definitely be Garrosh or Grommash (our world, not the AU Draenor one) Shadowlands brings a perfect opportunity to redeem him. Be awesome seeing AU Draenor Lightforged Garrosh go up against our Prideful Garry.


Sitting here from the perspective of the playable race that got turned into a pity object by your playable faction, and is now staring down the prospect of losing its faction leader to “cOnSuMeD bY vEnGeAnCe”, I disagree with your accounting, pretty substantially.

I don’t like to put it that way, but if you’re going to persist with this no-holds barred approach in calling me somehow advantaged for that, then expect that. You are in no way the only person going through bad treatment - and you shouldn’t believe that you are just because my issues are different from yours.

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Can we burn Ashenvale with lights then? Fill it with chimera acid? Will we urgently master shamanism better than the orcs and wake up the volcano? The Horde must suffer when it steals foreign lands. Otherwise the Nelfs will howl again. Okay, we’ll blow it anyway. But if we get nothing from our loss … it won’t even be Undercity. Another incompetence on the part of the Nelves. Another “wait”.
Remember this is a two-faction game!

The Night Elves got it better than the Forsaken. The Alliance got it better than the Horde.

You want Ashenvale on top of that because you feel like you were victimized.

Okay. What do the Forsaken get? What does the Horde get?

And Tyrande may be in some sort of danger now - which they are pretty clearly working to remove - but the Horde actually had their leader leave and join her evil best friend no one knew about. The Forsaken lost their leader and pretty much only main character. One of the two main Night Elf characters (and they have a few significant others) is in danger. These are not equal!


Your interpretation. Personally, I pitied Elves and their players long before BfA. But that’s because Elves are, IMNSVHO, lame in video games.

Oh gosh! Losing a racial leader! That’d be horrible…

Nothing is going to happen to Tyrande. The whole consumed by vengeance thing isn’t holding any water.



I mean, heaven forbid the ALLIANCE loose a racial leader for a change right? We can’t have that.


In my mind, the Forsaken need to have their identity repaired and their territories restored. I want Ashenvale - I think they should be established as having taken control of Tirisfal, Silverpine, Hillsbrad, both Plaguelands, and should be re-contesting Arathi.

Hope that helps.

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And when did the Horde lose territory? I’m really interested right now.

Well, I mean, I keep getting told “sure, you were completely humiliated onscreen and you lost all your territories, but at least your leaders aren’t being villain-batted and killed for the narrative!”

… and, well, your “at least” provision is under threat here.

Except, you weren’t.


Ah right, I wasn’t humiliated because you felt bad about it. My mistake.

And you sure didn’t loose all your territories. The night elves still control most of Kalimdor.


Our leaders die like flies, and we ourselves are evil! It doesn’t compare to your population and land losses, and the fact that you are spineless hippies!

INB4 someone reminds the audience that the Alliance has had two racial leaders be raid bosses, and both survived! :point_up: :smiley:

Whereas the Horde lost the one racial leader they did have as a raid boss…

…then again, “INB4” doesn’t really mean much for content that people deliberately overlook out of faction pride…


I’m talking about the Night Elves. If you interpreted the WoT as on screen humiliation that’s on you. Because that’s not how I interpreted it.



Who controls them? The nelfs are burned! Territory Nelf, but not occupied by anyone! Why do you need so much land without a population? Let us occupy these lands!


Well that would imply things like already taking back Ashenvale or having territories outside of Darkshore, Hyjal, and Feralas. Could you kindly show me where the lore establishes or depicts that?

By the way, no, I will not accept “Well don’t you think Baine would have done this or that?”. I want the evidence, not speculation.

Then what do we care about your interpretation of the next loss of the leader? This is not how we saw it.