How can we redeem/rebuild the Horde?

And if you did?

I don’t. So I’m not going to entertain the idea.

I agree that a questline would be preferable, the trick is how to blend it in to current content, as I’d prefer to address the issue before the next expansion. I also think Ashenvale should have been at least partially retaken during the BfA timeframe; it would have made sense for either the Horde to have a reduced presence there because of the conflicts in Zandalar/Kul Tiras putting stress on troops, and it would also have made sense for Sylvanas to intentionally leave Horde forces inadequately supported in order to get them killed, as she did the same thing in Nazjatar. If Ashenvale goes back to being primarily held by the Kaldorei before the post-BfA armistice was put in place, then that allows for the current tenuous peace to remain intact while also allowing for the Kaldorei to have taken it back by force rather than it being surrendered as part of negotiations, and in the interest of making the Kaldorei look like a legitimate threat, fighting is preferable to peace talks. Also, if it’s set during the BfA timeframe, it doesn’t really hurt the Horde narrative any further than it already has, because it would just be yet another thing to add to the list of reasons we hate Sylvanas, and it’d be a fairly minor one at that. Now, obviously there’s a problem with this situation in that it takes place during BfA, so I propose an instanced flashback scenario of some sort, possibly with Shandris, as a “look what we’ve been up to recently” sort of thing. Making such a quest line instanced content would allow for the topic to be addressed without having to physically move characters away from current Shadowlands content.


I guess I put it wrong. What would you say to the Zandalari who would like revenge?

I mean, I hate to put it this way, but - there is something to this. When you say “okay, let’s end the faction war”, I’m sitting here thinking. “Yeah, that’s easy for you to say, you WON the faction war. Of course you’d like to shut it down.”

As for me, I don’t - I just don’t think the faction war should be expressed in PVE content. I think it needs to be expressed in lore-contextualized PVP content, but getting there requires motivation.

Then your cycle of tit for tat? That gets contained in battlegrounds and other PVP areas - not in the expectation that Blizzard will hand out a fiat win - but again, you have to have a balanced situation, motivationwise, which we do not have right now.

Them, especially Talanji wanting revenge against Jaina specifically is normal

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So what prevents the Nelphs from taking revenge on the Horde, except that they are part of the Alliance, which means they will “steal” the worgen’s revenge?

I like the idea of this, especially if it could actually tie into Shadowlands content, with the whole “Tyrande needs to chill before the Night Warrior power kills her” plot.

Like, maybe Shandris reminds her of what matters/what the Kaldorei still have left, etc.

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PvP is and always will remain irrelevant to how the lore/story of the game plays out, the two times they tried to force PvP to be relevant(MoP and BfA) it didn’t end well, for anyone. So…can we please start coming up with real viable solutions instead?


The problem with this, again, is that Blizzard has always preferred to keep PvE and PvP purely separate.

They quite literally gave us two separate Warfronts in Battle for Azeroth to act as a PvE form of PvP content, simply to advance the faction conflict without forcing players to run Battlegrounds (which, to be fair, would’ve been a terrible idea anyway).


Can I add one other thing?

Worgens rebuild/repair/reacquire Gilneas but Genn retires from leadership. He’s not killed, he’s not crippled, but he just gets a nice cottage and sometimes shows up to train some folks and mostly relaxes. And new leadership embraces Gilneas but primarily Worgen aspects since the playable race is the Worgen.

That has always irked me. I don’t know why.

Telling PVPers to go away because you don’t like the game mode is not real, viable, productive, or fair. Regarding “forcing it to be relevant”, I do not maintain that such is done by forcing PVP stories into PVE content.

Stop acting as though the lore should belong in your walled garden. The faction war is tailor made for PVP content - and that’s what faction war lore should be based around.

While solely being a PvP thing would be better, I just do not trust Blizzard to fall back to bringing it int the PvE limelight whenever they are feeling bold or need some filler. They already think that the only reason there is WAR in WARcraft is because of the faction divide, which is asinine when you recall that there was a WAR of the Shifting sands.

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And PvP has never been relevant to the story. Get over yourself. And besides, no one is telling PvPers to go away.


Why such soft treatment for that old bigoted blowhard?

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I don’t find that a fair standard to base suggestions on though. The whole idea of a suggestion is that Blizzard is doing something wrong and should change it. Their proclivity to force PVP lore into PVE content is one of those things that the suggestion says is wrong and should be changed.

A bit of abomination. Cheer up!
Which of the gods of Chaos is this, you do not know?
So, how do you remove the binding of a message from a response?

That’s how it reads when you employ an is/ought fallacy to suggest that because Blizzard has treated it the way that they have that they should. It reads as sneering elitism, rather than an attempt to consider an entire other means of experiencing endgame content - and to engage the community that does such.

Ok, but save it for when someone actually does tell PvPers this, maybe?

…you’re literally using the term “forcing” and then “maintaining” that it’s not “forcing the content to be relevant.”

Stop acting as though PvP belongs there.

Ok, great.

Except that literally only two expansions have ever focused on faction warfare as their primary theme.

Literally every other expansion has centered on major, third-party villains, with faction war firmly in the background.

And if you’re honestly trying to claim that expansions which do focus primarily on PvP content (Mists of Pandaria, Battle for Azeroth) are of better narrative quality than, say, those that focus on PvE (The Burning Crusade, Wrath of the Lich King) given that formula, well…

I honestly don’t know what to say at that point. /shrug


Well, we had MoP, which did okayish in everything not the faction war department. Then we had BfA which was okay in basically no department save art & sound, with more or less the same story beats as MoP regarding the faction war.

Fool me once etc etc