How can we redeem/rebuild the Horde?

I like to think that, if Calia had just been risen as a standard Forsaken, she wouldn’t have been so reviled. Sure, she could be goody-goody, but she would have both the look and the mental baggage that Forsaken are known for. But nope, gotta make her some… lightsaken amalgamation.


How about you answer why I shouldn’t have Cairne as my #1?


I have a question for you, because I’m curious: What is your opinion on the “Terror of Darkshore” cinematic?

Follow up question, do you think you would have been more satisfied with the conclusion to the Darkshore warfront storyline if more had been made of Tyrande and the Army of the Black Moon being terrifying?

Not. Now you will definitely use it. I would rather wait.

Hillsbrad is lowkey one of the best leveling zones in the entire game because of how entertaining it is.

Starts out strong from the very first quest before Dumass, Orkus, and Johnny Awesome carry the zone on their backs. Even the minor NPCs cater to just having a stupid smile on your face.


You have no argument.


Yes. And I don’t believe you either.

Figured as much.


What does it mean? Is this some kind of catch phrase?

Honestly? I’m probably in the minority on this but I really don’t care about Ashenvale. Take it, change WSG, whatever.

For any realistic sense, the Horde would have to move their capital away from Orgrimmar (perpetual supply shortages would get worse). That’s just a necessary logistical change stemming from losing more resources.

The issue mainly is that this is just another loss following the giant loss festival that was BFA for the Horde.

So in exchange:

Tyrande is offered a choice in how to use the Night Warrior power - Sylvanas’ head or saving the Night Elf souls in the Shadowlands (maybe even bringing them back to life). She chooses vengeance and kills Sylvanas before dying.

Sylvanas turns Anduin into a Death Knight. Upon his return to Azeroth, the nobles of Stormwind refuse to recognize his claim to the throne and banish him as an abomination. He joins the Knights of the Ebon Blade.

Bolvar - free of the Helm of Domination - joins the ranks of the Forsaken to lead the race. His experiences on the Frozen Throne give him insights others lack. Lilian Voss moves into a more permanent prominent role. They also build a necropolis so they won’t be vulnerable again.

Turalyon sees the evil of Death Knight Anduin and the fall of “good” folks like Bolvar joining the Forsaken. He calls to the Army of the Light and brings them in throughStormwind. They begin forming re-education camps, which quickly turn into purging all the undead and any who won’t convert to worshipping the Light. The Alliance supports the purge until it begins to see Night Elves, Void Elves, Worgen, and others purged as well. The final confrontation occurs when Alleria kills Turalyon while the Horde and some Alliance storm Stormwind and execute Yrel and a prime N’aaru named Elune.

Oh and …
Calia Menethil turns out to be a Jailer spy within the Alliance and attempts to be the next Lich Queen before we get to murder her. Just because she’s garbage.

Terror of Darkshore was great - and it’s one of the elements that’s in the good column when we go to assess the mixed bag that was the Darkshore warfront. As to your follow-up question - I absolutely think I would have been more satisfied with the conclusion to that storyline if it was as you described.

It’s still Darkshore, which itself is a problem because it sets up this situation where even a win is in the greater context an overall loss, but what you described would have been much better than the conclusion that we got.

Edit: @ Zarrin

I don’t think your “compromise” is entirely being made in good faith here - I think you’re trying to give me an exaggerated “how would you like it” rather than standing up something that would be satisfying for both sides.

I think that might be down to your assertion that the Horde would have to move Orgrimmar - which I strongly disagree with and wouldn’t advocate for. Post Garrosh, they should have no problem in growing food indigenously - and speaking as a desert dweller myself? Dry climates and untreated wood don’t mix anyway. Let’s break out that old Orcish construction like what we saw in Draenor.

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It means you shouldn’t make claims like this :point_down:


Making me miss my horde toon now man. :gift_heart:


Maybe he shouldn’t. I’ll check it in a month.

Like the Horde during the WoT?



I don’t call “wiping your geopolitical rival off the map” a loss.

I got a 50 of each class (If not multiple) and every Horde-side heritage armor unlocked. I have no reason to level a new Horde toon, but man do I love this new system of being able to jump around my favorite zones.

Start in Hillsbrad, then jump into Pandaria to do Jade Forest and Dread Wastes, then maybe go hang out in Arak or Zulduzar. It’s fantastic!


I call getting villain batted again and setting up yet another Horde civil war an overall loss.



So-ak. Again the Nelfs will be kicked, this time by religion. Although, if this will force them to effectively kill the Horde and Alliance members, but in alliance with the Wild Gods … We need to weigh such a proposal.
What means So-ak?

Kyalin, the thing you have to realize is that ultimately, what happens on one faction doesn’t stay on one faction. And by that I mean that if the Horde acts up in an Alliance storyline without any player involvement, the Horde playerbase will find out about it via Wowhead or the like, and it will inevitably end up being a part of the story, no matter how little input they had. Brennedam is the best example of this.

To go back a ways, remember the one post about reclaiming Gilneas? About the Worgen’s reclaiming it and pushing out any Forsaken stil there? Well as small a loss for the Horde as it may seem, picture how the Horde would feel if the Forsaken get the full villain treatment; Making any survivors test subjects, torturing PoWs, etc. They would feel rightfully upset. Or what if they are shown to be incompetent? When you remember that there are two factions to please, suddenly something inconsequential is far more damning.

Not to mention that there are many, many different takes that can be had on a “true W” for one race/faction.