How can we redeem/rebuild the Horde?

What is a joke? Is that something you eat?

So are my comments about the Draenei refusing to pay rent. I’ve jokingly called them unhelpful squatters for years. :slight_smile:


Like I said they have to forge gilded horseshoes, and develop a good horn polish lol.

The last 20 posts had more believable twists and turns in the plot than BFA did.


And the draenei women…I wanna know what their exercise regime is because…those backsides are glorious :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Lots and lots of squats and hamstring extensions


Don’t forget running … away from their allies when the going gets tough.

Ancient Draenei Proverb: When the going gets tough, the Draenei get going.


No no no, you misunderstand Velskar - this isn’t bad. Blizzard will have finally defeated the villains. It’ll lead to the next expansion - “World of Warcraft: Rise of the Illidari” where the Horde is deleted and the defeated races get to either join the Alliance as slaves or reroll to join the Illidari!

Meh, who am I kidding? Blizzard will probably not make them reroll - they’ll probably make the Illidari accept every class. Next thing you know, you’ll have Holy Paladin Illidari.


Ancient Draenei Proverb: Other life forms make for good shields to protect our escape.


lol I thought the motto was “Oh no the legion! Well have fun you lesser races, YOLO!”

Ancient Draenei Proverb:

“There are demons chasing us, and this is a planet filled with innocent life. We should…absolutely not tell them about the Legion!”


I really thought someone would laugh at my narrative. It took a lot of effort. Apparently I’m just not funny.

Sad Troll.


I found it funny :pancakes:


I don’t think it’s genetic, but cultural. If what you say was true then the Frostwolves Clan and the Shadowmoon would be far more violent. They weren’t, but orcish culture in general is very savage and warmongering by nature, as a matter of survival. Their planet was basically eat or be eaten and not just by beasts or giants, but plants as well. Everything was out for the orcs.

Thrall showed us that an orc given the opportunities, education and patience will be just as compassionate, wise, and deferential as a human. So it’s not biology alone that explains the Orcish mindset.

I do think however they are predisposed culturally to violent and fascist tendencies. We can see that with AU orcs and MU orcs that fel corruption isn’t the factor, but their natural bloodlust frenzied state.


I don’t have to outrun the bear, I just have to outrun you.


I remember I once saw a post somewhere on the forums, don’t remember who, jokingly say that clearly the extreme aggression towards the trees in the Kaldorei’s forests shown by the orcs in Warcraft III was the logical result of growing up on a planet where any plant that big would eat you. I have to say, it makes a certain amount of sense, the Warsong must have thought the Kaldorei were insane or terrifying to willing live in the midst of such large and dense vegetation.


I mean, then what about the Eradar, who now have two groups who’ve committed to World Ending Genocidal Crusades? They didn’t have the benefit of extreme environmental pressures to explain that cultural trend like the Orcs, but here we are with both the majority of their race joining the Legion … and the Lightbound. Kinda comes off like Velen is the only stopgap that keep those people sane if what we’re doing is oversimplifying history to just the outcomes.

Hell, technically the Purge of the Draenei was the Orcs being made into hapless tools for KJ’s desires. The 1st War was Sargaras using them as a hapless tool to invade Azeroth. The Iron Horde was Garrosh manipulating his father to act on a personal grudge. And the Horde in the 4th was was made a witless tool for Sylvanas’ attempt to cause as large a death toll on both sides as possible. If anything, “Orcs” are more predisposed to just getting tricked and used for acts of Genocide by others than anything.


Oh, no, there’s at least one more type than just the Night Elves…

…the massed forces of the Horde military surrounded the elf-filled tree. This was both far easily and far more difficult than the similar Siege of Teldrassil at the conclusion of the War of Thorn. Easier, because THIS elf-filled tree was of ordinary size, with the elves inhabiting it being only a few inches tall. More difficult because the Horde was so thickly packed around such a small target that any attack that missed was guaranteed to strike friendly troops on the far side of it.

Warlord Cromash scratched his head as he surveilled the elvish tree-fort-bakery. “I do not know. This does not feel …honorable.” He walked ten feet and peered into one of the many tiny windows built into the trunk. “I mean, these are no warriors, they merely spend all their time baking cookies.”

Sylvanas twisted the end of the long thin mustache she’d grown specifically for this occasion. “Alliance cookies, for the Alliance! They all must burn! For the Horde!” she flat-out cackled as she kicked hard at at puppy who’d wandered too close to her feet.


Those poor little Keeblorei*…:sob:

*Children of the Cookies


Keebler elf: “You cannot kill these cookies.”

Sylvanas: “can’t I?” Turns to Natty lite “Burn it! Burn it!!”

Nathanos: Lights a match and throws it onto the tree.


It depends on what lens we’re using. If we’re looking at this in-universe where the Darkspear have experienced at least four separate mass cullings/attempts at extermination in the span of 15-20 years then yes, I’d say the Darkspear have had it worse.

Gameplay wise it is more shaky. Darkspear have their “home” back but it is still just a starting zone with like, two or three huts on it. Most of it is blighted from Zalazane or in a constant state of eternal war with the naga because Blizz never updates anything.

Gilneas is also a starting zone but it is significantly bigger with a significantly longer, more thought out, and more memorable story with some unique gameplay quests thrown in and a lot of NPCs that really fleshes out Worgen culture and their recent history.

Gilneas is also still in the game and can be visited just like the Echo Isles. The main difference is the Echo Isles has a few NPCs, but ultimately there’s no in-game reason to ever go back to either except to just look at it.

Both are also stuck in the Cataclysm which is just annoying for everyone involved.

All that said I do hope Gilneas gets restored one day. It is such a waste of space to have that beautiful city and nothing to do inside it. I just think going up to a Darkspear fan and going “You have nothing to complain about compared to us” is kind of short sighted and misses the point.