How can we redeem/rebuild the Horde?

Here’s what I expect.

Pre-Blizzcon 2021 Blizzard teases an announcement regarding the long-term future and even the very survival of the Horde. Something game-changing regarding the faction!

Blizzcon: “And we promised you an announcement regarding the Horde. 9.1 will indeed determine the very future of the Horde. Calia Menethil WILL BE THE NEXT LEADER OF THE FORSAKEN!”

Prepatch data mining shows the Horde will be sending their forces to the Plaguelands AND Northrend to help clean up the Scourge. But while they’re there, segments of the Horde decide to re-invade Arathi Highlands, killing any civilians they come across.

This sparks a new war, which ends with the Horde being pushed into a new island chain they miraculously discover while fleeing both Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms in response to the Alliance forces beating them up.

During the escape Lor’themar and Rokhan are killed. In the Plaguelands, confronted with the feral Scourge, Lilian Voss commits suicide. Gazlowe dies when his newest invention - an explosives powered civilian transport - explodes. Baine criticizes the Horde for their crimes and moves into his new home in Stormwind. Thrall, more guilt ridden than ever… mopes.

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[Citation Needed]

Oh, the Thor: Ragnarok approach.

“Asgard is where it’s people are.”




You really think Blizzard hates the Horde that badly?

…oh, right.



The futures bleak when this seems like an actual possibility lol.

They hate us all.

Edit: Except humans


Wipes all races from the face of Azeroth except humans. “Ahhh perfect.”

Sad pupper noises

Oh, don’t worry Micah.

Worgen will still be kept around as pets.

Only if we can burn more trees full of elfies. Than it’s a fair trade :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I’m kidding, or am I? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Traitor! Purge the werewolves! Break out the silver-tipped arrowheads!


Yelp! Pfft, head pats and a tennis ball is all you need Everyone knows this :gift_heart:


You turned on the worgen quick, I thought both of your kinds where in this together.

Well, you know, lack of head pats and tennis balls makes a worgen very restless you know :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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So did I, until

But I did not specify which elfies were to be sacrificed…not mention I was kidding…

. . . . There’s only one type that lives in trees though Micah. . .


Doesn’t mean we can’t tie a few blood elves to trees. There’s more than way to put a elf in a tree

I haven’t felt this betrayed since the Draenei sat on their hands and did nothing during the War of the Thorns after they’d spent the last ten years squatting on what technically is our territory too, all rent free.

With friends like these, who needs enemies?

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Draenei have greater concerns, like making gilded horseshoes for their feet.

I feel like you guys can’t take a joke and seriously need to quit WoW for a while. It was a joke.

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