How can we redeem/rebuild the Horde?

Simply have the Horde come to the decision themselves. What is so difficult about that?

I don’t think this is enough to answer my question. How do they come to that decision? Why?

Phasing, Classic. It is all still there yet now they will get brand new capitals instead of the old cities designed back in classic.

This character is phased in Darnassus, which is a ghost town in comparison to the RP hub that I remember it being. Walking down its streets is desolate, and deeply depressing for me.

Phasing is not a universal solution.

So if they rebuilt Hyjal as an amazing Night elf hub you wouldn’t be atleast a bit more happy?

As i said the lurch they left the Night elves in sucks for them however If they went ahead with this I would expect they would complete the change over. Not just remove Orgrimmar and say hey don’t worry they have a whole new city in Northrend you will never see.

It would be better than the status quo here in 2021, but I think I’d still be happier if they just didn’t destroy Darnassus. I have memories there. I don’t want something “better”, I want what I invested in to grow.

I can’t imagine that Horde players think all that differently.

Here is the issue though, The Horde can never grow from orgrimmar they are already on the Border of Night elf territory.

Nor can the Night elves grow as they border the Horde. One of them needs to move on if they want to see their faction grow.

Horde players would enjoy a far more functional capital city that brings back the feel of the original Orgrimmar. not the giant metal fortress it became that has basically been invaded a number of times.

I think that’s only true if you adhere to a limited and reductionist view of what growth is.

Then the Horde need to determine if its Orgrimmar that determines what the Horde truly is and its growth. Or is it something they have grown out of and they need more room to grow.

You have to remember thrall had them originally settled in a desert as penance for their crimes. not necessarily the best reason to build a home especially one that has only brought them more grief.

It has always seemed to me that the Horde have out grown Orgrimmar for a while which is why they have such issues with their neighbours. if they found a new place to call home where they weren’t restricted on where they could roam and grow they would prosper.

Yeah, and I can’t see this very much differently from Horde players telling me that I should be grateful that Teldrassil is gone because it was an ugly stump, or somesuch. (Besides, I can tell you from experience that living in a desert is awesome)

Edit: Put another way…
(Content warning - language)

I don’t feel like this addresses my questions.

And is the only thing that makes the Kaldorei a people a tree?

I don’t know, seems like a sneaky Night Elf ploy to tap into Horde aspects of being “better and stronger” to convince them to leave Kalimdor so Night Elves have an entire continent to themselves.

Tell you what. Night Elves can have all of Northern Kalimdor. ALL OF IT.

Stonetalon, Northern Barrens and Durotar can be a big DMZ.

Tauren keep their lands.
Orcs can make something nice in Dustwallow, Desolace, Un’goro etc… somewhere nicer and more hospitable than dusty Durotar.
Gazlowe can expand Gadgetzan to the Goblin city it was meant to be.

And Trolls… well, I think something in Feralas that would put a Zul’Gurub or Zul’Aman to shame. Sen’Dar? Vol’Dar? Jin’Dar perhaps? :thinking:


Meh, I honestly never cared for Teldrassil I always kinda wished they rebuilt Hyjal with Archimondes skeleton still latched to the tree(ah the original alpha days). Teld always seems like a cop out of them doing that.

I would expect the barrens/durotar might be reclaimed by the quillboar/centuar. You know the races the Horde drove off their own lands.

Night elves would probably just regrow their forests and keep to to themselves. Maybe take back azshara and try restore it.

Similar Idea I suppose, you could have the Tauren patrol the DMZ make sure rest of the horde stays on its side and night elves on theirs.

Though atleast with Northrend they have their own contient to own rather than having to still share parts of Kalimdor.

I feel the same way, just with a slight difference. That difference being that, rather than plan it herself, she finds out about the ploy and simply chooses to do nothing about it. As you mentioned, Arthas dying was the point of her (un)life at that point, so long as he bit it to hell with everything else. Still plenty guilty since she chose not to warn or stop it, but not the sole guilty party.

They thought it through alright, but with an entirely different mindset. The stories before were all Black and white Rule of Cool style things with some scattered nuances in between. Which worked. For the later 2000s era.

Now though, players want the reverse scenario; More Nuance, with some scattered Rule of Cool and Black and White. They already have 3-4 expansions going off that old system, so having to shift gears is simply too much to ask, even moreso when you remember they need to make the new way fit with the old, which is set in stone.

None of which is to be used as an excuse for the writers, mind you. There had to have been times where they worried about story meshing over the years, but for all it seems they paid it absolutely zero heed.

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Welcome to the club.


Well the Darkspear and Gilneans are currently tied but this would put the poor ol Spears ahead 3-2.

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In terms of occurences, sure. But they have only lost one location, since they retook the isles. The Worgen have lost two, Gilneas and Teldrassil.

Nope. Gilneas and Tel for Worgen sure.

Trolls however have Stranglethorn as the place of origin and had to leave due to Gurubashi cruelty. Darkspear Islands was their next home and the place the Darkspear and Orcs met each other and had to escape because of a sea witch, murloc army, Kul Tirans and an active volcano sinking the islands. Then they settled on Echo Isles off of Durotar which they were kicked out twice (First by Daelin Proudmoore then by Zalazane) before reclaiming it for good.

Darkspear have had a rougher go I’d say.


Don’t forget that while the Echo Isles was turned into a zombie apocalypse and the trolls were forced to mostly live in Orgrimmar Garrosh took it upon himself to exile the trolls from Orgrimmar too.

Darkspear have lost four separate homes, and one of those homes was lost twice.

Never get in a “who lost their home more” fight with a Darkspear.


And yet Orgrimaar and Echo Isles are still around and perfectly fine. Gilneas is a abandoned hell hole and Teldrassil is likely gone for good.

Don’t expect pity for darkspear trolls from worgen players shrug

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Ah yes, heaven forbid WoW’s loot piñata race ever complain about losing their homes and having their cities defiled again. After all, the worgen lost stuff too, and so the troll fans should just shut up.

Does this sound like a good line of discourse to you, Micah?


I simply said the Darkspear have their homes, whereas the Worgen don’t and don’t expect pity for that. The rest is all you. All the complaining in the world isn’t going to change that fact.

Sucks for fans other of the troll tribes sure, but to complain you lost two homes you got both back and had them for 10+ yrs is just…its meh shrugs

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I think it’s a little different when your chosen race’s home is lost outside of WoW. The player isn’t accustomed to having gotten used to it being around, only to have it taken away from them later. And the trolls have their little zone now anyway.
On the other hand, it’s not like Gilneas is around for long to begin with. I can’t imagine a whole lot of nostalgia being built up for it; at best it’s just a forgotten plot point. :man_shrugging:


His point is that even before WoW the Darkspear were twice homeless. First being driven out of Stranglethorn by other Jungle Troll tribes and the second when their island home was sent to the bottom of the sea when they joined up with Thrall.

The Echo Islands is a home they do have nowadays, but it’s one they’ve had to reclaim twice now. First from human encroachment in WC3 and secondly from Zalazane’s zombie/mind-controlled army in Vanilla-Cata.

The Worgen are twice homeless themselves now, but the only difference is that Blizzard made a spectacle of it, whereas the Darkspear aren’t even given a reason to mourn their old homes. They just roll with it because Blizzard gotta keep the story moving. Both suck for different reasons.