How can we redeem/rebuild the Horde?

Recognize the traitors in our midsts and exile/execute them. At the top of this list is Baine Foulhoof. When he isn’t busy sending part of his body to the alliance, he is prancing around in his citadel in the alliance tabard he hides in his closet.

Ah Moothas, I thought you had disappeared into the maw. Good to see you still saying the same things as usual.

I gotta give the guy credit for two things:

1). Always on script
2). Moothas is an awesome name for a Tauren Death Knight and I’m jealous I didn’t think of it first

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Agreed on both points

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I’ve said it before but I feel the simplest thing the Horde could do is simply relocate themselves. Perhaps the Alliance keep making demands of the Horde to secede lands or riches to them to the point where the horde cannot sustain themselves when being boxed in by the Alliance.

So the Horde simply move all their people away from Kalimdor and the eastern kingdoms and move to Northrend. They can establish new cities far away from the Alliance and demand the Alliance now leave them alone. They can claim all Northrend for themselves and making a nation that carves out a place without conflict with the Alliance.

It gives the Horde a chance to rebuild themselves far away from the Alliance. The Alliance gets all its lands and no longer has to worry about the horde invading them for resources.

The Alliance can then start rebuilding and perhaps conflicting among its own members on how to rebuild or who reclaims what lands. Perhaps some alliance want to still see the Horde punished and attempt to go after them. It opens up the story for both the Horde and alliance without requiring intervention from each other.

Sure the Horde would lose their capitals but they don’t lose them to the Alliance. so long as they rebuild them in Northrend they dont lose anything. It also shows the Horde is being the bigger person by just avoiding the conflict the Alliance is pushing for by just moving on.

Still a bit of a scourge issue up in northrend, and you’re asking Tauren to forsake their ancestral homes, and the trolls to abandon another home.

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You mean all those freed undead that the forsaken can try save to keep their numbers up. Not to mention this doesn’t rely on some savior like Calia to help them, it will be them helping those who remained controlled by the scourge.

Tauren don’t have a ancestral home they were always nomadic until thunderbluff was built which was around the same time as Orgrimmar.

Again the Trolls home isn’t even an old as orgrimmar or Thunderbluff. where as Zul’drak is much older troll home or even Shalozar basin would make a good home for them.

And Northrend’s already occupied by other races, for the most part. I guess Zul’drak is available for rent and it’s not like it’d be the first time blood elves squatted on some ruins, though.


True, I mean a perfect place for the Blood elves would be the nexus. Lots of free (holy power free) arcane power spilling out there. Plus the blue dragon flight has all but abandoned that area. So someone has to deal with the arcane tear there, who better than a race of charcters trained in the arcane who feed of the stuff

I would like to think it would be a peaceful migration where they ally up withe the peaceful races in these area’s. perhaps help them against the Scourge hold outs and be invited to stay.

Gives writers a chance to develop a few horde champions they are sorely lacking.

Not to mention the fact that the Alliance will not walk away from ITS claims in the continent.

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a few half built keeps and destroyed towns, which were mainly staging points against the scourge. The Alliance hasn’t had a vested interest in that area for a while. Perhaps that could be a point of contention but it they were given the chance to resettle on eastern Azeroth why would they stay up there?

I’d quit the game on the spot if the Horde got shipped to Northrend. No cap.

Orcs have to throw everything they’ve built and replace it with… Warsong Hold?

The Darkspear loose yet ANOTHER home, and no Zul’drak is NOT Darkspear land.

The Tauren have been wandering Kalimdor since before the Sundering.

The Forsaken being forced to give up Lordaeron after all they’ve done to keep it? I’m pretty sure they’d just blight the entirety of the kingdom and leave it to rot rather than see it in the hands of the living.

The Sin’dorei will never leave the Quel’thalas and by extension the Sunwell. They’d likely rather die.

How would you even balance that anyways? Alliance get two whole continents to themselves while the Horde gets a single one that the Alliance still have settlements on. Would never work.


Better than the abomination spikey city Garrosh turned it into. Though I would probably expect a new city would be built somewhere else rather than warsong hold.

Yet Neither is durotar, The quillboar have more of a claim to that land than the orcs and trolls do.

Yet they never settled anywhere till thunderbluff, Northrend is home to the Taunka which is another off shoot of the Tauren. Maybe they can rekindle with their cousins and invite all Tauren to come stay (highmountain, Tauren, Tauka and yuan’gol) make a super Tauren state comprising of the strengths of all.

Lordearon is gone as is brill i mean other than tarren mill there isn’t much currently going for the forsaken after their leader blew it up. Plus I doubt they are getting Valkyr back so they need a way to keep their numbers up.

This would be one I would agree with, however this could be one where the sun well is destroyed by Alleria and the Elves need to move on.

It isn’t about balance about how many zones a faction holds. It about how much story and character development that matters. A story about the Horde settling new lands and restarting the Horde from fresh is a great chance to really develop them and new characters. Otherwise they Horde is just gonna always be tacked onto the Alliance stories following our champions around.

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No one in the horde would get behind that, I’m one of them. It is something that makes the horde even more hamstrung, and it would only lead to a continued negative reception on the hordes end.


As has been said, there’s no situation where the Sin’dorei would willingly abandon Quel’Danas while the Sunwell is intact, and any situation that involves either the Alliance taking control of it or corrupting it or the Sin’dorei destroying it to keep it out of Alleria’s hands is one in which the conflict between factions would flare up again. There is no path to peace possible that involves the Alliance pushing the Sin’dorei out of Quel’Thalas.


Yeah if Alleria defiles or destroys the sunwell war would flare up again, that’s a large act of aggression.


God … pretty much. Move into a bunch of plagued, contaminated wastelands. You’re people will barely survive there, and never prosper. But you’ll be out of the Alliance’s way, so that will be nice.


How so? I mean they are going to be doing the right thing in the sense of leaving area’s and avoiding further conflict with the Alliance. Secondly it gives them a proper chance to reinvent themselves and build a new Horde. The Horde could do a lot of interesting things with Northrend.

That was just a suggestion it wouldn’t need to be Alleria but maybe something else happens that forces the the Sindorei to look for an alternate source of Arcane to Sustain them.

Even if the Sindorei retain Quelthalas but the rest of the horde move on could be an interesting plot as they find themselves surrounded on all sides without the support they once had.

I don’t think you have to have settled a land in order to claim it as an ancestral thing. I feel like that unfairly weighs toward civilizations that do so, when the taurens’ culture involved them being nomadic up until WoW. It’s not like their movements would be random and aimless.

It runs uncomfortably close to “you don’t use it, so you don’t need it.”


You’re not avoiding conflict though, there’s alliance in northrend and you’d have to kill them or push them out. And the rampaging scourge isn’t intelligent undead and number in a greater number then the forsaken could convert and they’re all mindless, so the horde is going there to literally all just die in the cold north with your suggestion.