How can we redeem/rebuild the Horde?

Simple, because you´re refusing to modify the current narrative status quo. Ergo, you putting inane irrelevant characters in the red side of things; which are basically Calia-worthy from a quality PoV.

Indeed, leave it for the lucky people with access to the data to conclude this in regards to WoW retail. Cause as far as we know maybe subs aren´t diminishing too much and maybe people quits more because gameplay stuff (lack of content or repetitive content, poor purple drops, atrocious class balance, etc.).

Which is what Kyalin contested in her scenario. And what I pointed out IS the very first step necessary to start fixing this mess if devs have to perpetuate PvP narratives between both factions.

Have you ever noticed the actual narrative actor causing the Night Elf concerns isn´t even the Horde but the Alliance Humans? No seriously Kyalin, think long and hard about it.

Did Horde burn the three and a crapton of Nelves with it. True. Was only one Horde race the one responsible for this? Nope, it was the collective effort of an army made from individuals of all the core Horde races. Was the bulk of the Nelf military present to defend? Nope, most of the military were traveling to Silithus to “put order” in there.

So basically, the scenario has ALMOST ALL OF THE HORDE attacking a defenseles nation and barely managing to “win”. You think this portrays the Nelves as “weak”? Cause me thinks it´s actually the opposite.

However, who were the ones dismissing the Nelves, literally using them as cannon fodder in Zandalar and making them look like pathetic refugees? Stormwind and his less than self insert of a ruler, who literally would had been devoured ages ago thanks to his own idiocy if he didn´t sport a plot shield the size of Pluto´s orbit around the Sun.

The only issue Nelves have against the Horde IS vengeance. But actual JUSTICE to their narrative is something the devs NEED to explore using the actual elements causing the narrative poop in the Nelf story A.K.A. the Humans from the Alliance.

Not an american here, your phrase literally goes over my head.

Dude I wanted him dead since after his very first cinematic. Why? simple: because the “thing” appearing theres WASN´T Saurfang. It was a plot device constructed to give Anduin another chance to play the “Talk-no-jutsu” game the devs enjoy so much.

True Saurfang promised to Garrosh TO FIGHT to prevent the Horde from deviating from the good path… and him saying BS like “I hoped you Anduin-sama killed her” is literally the opposite of this. Saurfang´s only job in the narrative of BfA was to remember the Horde players that Horde was irreparably bad to the point a teenager without combat expericence had more rights to “fix the faction” than the Hordies themselves.

And sorry but THAT message is NOT enjoyable for HORDE players, it´s basically cattered to stroke the egos of the MHP posters that had been clamoring for the game to validate their extremist views since like a decade ago.

But of course he did. Why do you think he was the one chastising the Hordies in Orgrimmar regarding the “sins of the factions”. Saurfang ended up being completely useless simply becasue his death accomplished the same it would had accomplished had he Mak´goraed Sylvanas since the beggining -and that way, we Horde players would had actually liked him more for fulfilling his word-.

Dude, not only the “Orgrimmar” luddites. Anduin´s management in the narrative of this game is literally AIDS. Everything that touches “him” ends up being VERY poorly represented so he can get a “better portrayal” by comparison; regardless of the faction of the character sacrificed.


Apologies it is confusing. I could be wrong, but the way I read when Horde getting Blood Elves was as followed. When the Blood Elves were first announced with the Blood Knights, I read it as that they had to drain the light out of necessity. I believe it started off as the “Light abandoned them since the destruction of the Sunwell, the Blood Elves couldn’t use the power of the Light.” Light being the most effective tool against the Undead and Demons, and in order to take back Quel’thalas they needed the power of the Light. So the Blood Elves had to siphon the Light out of the need of survival rather than for power.

What we got instead was space mana sucking vampires that Kicked the Puppy and had to be corrected, to be Allianced by the very same people they kicked. They drew power from M’uru for power instead of survival. They stole Draenei ships. They became splintered and Kael’thas villain batted as a traitor and killed. The light never really abandoned them, but rather the Blood Elves abandoned the light and turned away from it. It was “You’ll get this, but you’ll really get this.” Sort of advertisement.


I´ll risk at hand at understanding you.

What bothers you is the fact the Belves got villain batted and the nuance they were given in TFT obliterated so the Alliance Race could save them from themselves, right?


They have already done that. The Alliance exists to safeguard it’s member states. In bfa, they failed at that, and also failed to hold the ones responsible accountable, or avenge the ones that died. That cuts far deeper than you think. The Horde is not alone in having suffered blows to their identity and purpose.


This is literally the lowest you can go. You’re convinced the writers are intentionally doing stuff to offend you, you’re an embarrassment to yourself.

Why was Anduin the one in Orgrimmar? I explained in earlier posts. If Genn, or any other Alliance character was used as a representative, you would be freaking out even worse. Anduins not the best, but to sit around and be calling him Aids without addressing Sylvanas as WORSE? Alright.

First I’ve heard of that. It’s not in the game is it?

No idea if it’s on Alliance side, aside from what people showed to you already, like Anudin saying “We will take Lordaeron back” (take back what is ours).

It’s 1:1 in Before the Storm.

It feels like you’re trying a bit too hard, to look for anything you can use as a positive thing for this mess.

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So you just made that up? Lol
Anduin tells Calia she can have an army?

It feels that way to you no doubt, but what are you even implying? I’m looking to hard for a ‘positive thing’ to use for ‘this mess’. I usually expect vague, but that lacks even a basic clarity.

Yes I made up Before the Storm… I wrote the book and it was never ever mentioned or discussed here before.

Why are you only trolling in this thread?
Edit: Like this response of yours. A lot of your replies read like that.


He just wants to come here and tell horde posters they’re wrong for feeling how they feel. I have yet to see him add anything resembling a constructive arguement/statement


I didn’t say you made up Before the Storm. You’re making up this idea that Anduin gave Calia an army to take over Lordaeron lol.

You’re accusing me of trolling, because you are insecure, and don’t like my input.

Yeah okay. This is coming from someone who is loud about getting off on people who also care

Wrong person bud. Don’t know who you think I am. And that statement just proves you’re here to troll horde players.


Pfff, first of all I never said “they did it to bother ME”, so try actually to contest the argument instead of trying to attack ME as a poster -that´s rule No. 1 about argumentative text: attack the argument, not the people-.

Also, if you think devs care for the opinion of any player, then you are but an ostrich with its head buried in the sand. Cause their "No negativity in the dojo! BS IS them aknowledging they don´t care for the opnion of NOBODY but themselves.

Nope, you tried to justify his presence with some weirdo spin about Saurfang and actually never explained why should Anduin be there in the first place and why should the Horde PC and the NPCs care for his opinion in the first place. The only thing you managed to do was to simp to the 10th rate narrative Blizz put for BfA WITHOUT actually taking an actual critical stance over it.

Dude, maybe the correct answer is that, under an actual COHERENT and WELL WRITTEN narrative the Alliance should had NOT be present at Orgrimmar for starters? Their depiction changed wildly from “we have such a shortage of soldiers we are conscripting farmers… again” to “we can totes end the Horde easily” with no logical explanation whatsoever.

Heck, maybe NOT copy-pasting MoP but worse (in regards to both construction AND execution) would had been the better path in the first place?

And then you come here to pseudo defend BfA´s atrocious writting, but sure, “we” are the “trolls” :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Man, BOTH are AIDS. However Sylvanas is NOT the character getting eveybody and their mother to say “yes, Sylvanas, you ARE right!!”

But sure, you totes don´t care for a 10th rate Gary Stu self insert like Blanduin, amrite?

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He hasn´t even realized it was Kazthan the one that pointed his answers were so poorly constructed they read as trolling.

Which makes us think he doesn´t even read the posts he´s supposedly answering to in the first place… indeed confirming he´s making an effort worthy of forum trolling, not actual discussion.


Yes! It was the first time in many times the Alliance came in and wiggled their finger at the Horde. Not MoP or BfA, but that moment at the Sunwell. The Alliance saved the Horde from themselves. All things the Belves were from TfT was removed from BC especially at that moment.

Edit: I’ll also add the fact that specifically worshipping the Light is more of an Alliance trait. When the Horde’s most popular race is worshipping the Light, it feels they’re less Horde and more Alliance. I actually like the Tauren Paladins and Priest worshipping specifically the sun, and having a religious background to it calling the sun An’she. I hope that is more expanded upon in the future, though since it’s a Horde thing I doubt that’ll happen. Ironically the Blood Elves should have worshipped the sun, hence titles of “The Sun King” and all.


What like people gatekeeping their red backgrounds?

So basically you hate the Alliance, the story they get to have, and their players, because they enjoy their faction?

Simping for the narrative? I’m calling -you- guys Trolls? You’re making stuff up. Where the Calia/Anduin interaction where he gives her an army? I’ll wait.

The only people who ever enjoyed Anduin called him Boy King from the beginning and laughed, and had their fun with it right up until ‘uh oh! It’s gonna hurt my story too’ :frowning:
Doesn’t change the facts though. I understand you hate the game’s story, and don’t care, and that’s why you’re here… but, Anduin was there, because the Alliance get to have input in the story sorry. Sorry the entire BfA story was about the Horde being evil again.
You want them redeemed? Genn should have been at Org and spat in someone’s face. Stand up to that.

It’s literally in the book. Anduin did literally offer an army and the help of the Alliance to Calia to take over Lordaeron.

Nope, because you are trolling.


It is in the book, after I checked. But, it still doesn’t add up for Ol’Andy to me.

What stance? That the Alliance have to deal with Anduin, and now that the Horde get to deal with it they’re mad? It’s not exactly flattering to be accused of being some dredged up NE poster within your first 10 posts in these forums. Then to have people worry about what it is you main, and drone on attempting to put words in your mouth for the length of a week. Those -are- victim complex coping mechanisms people have been making a fool of themselves with.