How can we redeem/rebuild the Horde?

Actually Metzen was an Alliance main.

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Doesnā€™t have to be. It can be mere fluff in game. It can be a book. It can be smoke circles for all I care. As long as it is done.

Not really. Settle the score, and then we walk our separate ways. Thatā€™s all I want. Promise.

But the Horde should get to feel good at the expense of Alliance players right?

You have yet to come up with anything that doesnā€™t:

  • Turn the Horde into an Alliance subordinate
  • Turn the Horde into the red Alliance
  • Cause additional humiliation to the Horde players for choosing to play the faction they like

Itā€™s going to do that regardless of what the Horde does, because the scales are not and cannot be balanced.

No, thatā€™s a false dichotomy and another vacuous suggestion on what the Horde should do in the eyes of the Alliance.



Your faction canā€™t even agree on what settled is.



Alliance attacks horde with devastating effect.

Horde counter attacks but needs alliance help to stop alliance and gets a pinky promise that Alliance wont attack again.


Try again.



I donā€™t understand.

Thats what Alliance received twice now and you have argued that its good enough.
Why donā€™t you want to experience it?

You can kill our warchief if thats your hangup on this idea.


Quote it please.

Iā€™ll wait.

Your whataboutism is terrible.

Your idea needs more time in the microwave.



In the debates you had said that Alliance got their consequence or whatever and they should be satisfied with it.
I know you recall the conversation, I am on my phone and and have no interest in finding them.

If Alliance can handle it twice the Horde can handle it once.

Thats not how whataboutism works.

If you think the horde playerbase felt good about what happened during BfA, than you clearly havenā€™t been paying attention.


No, I said there were Alliance imposed consequences on the Horde. Never said anything about satisfaction.

But, again, feel free to quote it.

Iā€™ll wait.


No. Im saying brushing Teldrassil under the rug is to make the Horde players feel better at the expense of Alliance players. Which is what Horde players want.

Iā€™m aware that those scenarios took place in Legion, but they also took place during the swirl of BFAā€™s marketing where we were all aware that the Horde was burning Teldrassil down and engaging in the War of the Thorns.

You may not agree with my impression, but at this point Iā€™m just sharing how I feel about the affair.

If you think the Horde helping the Alliance is humiliation, then you are certainly in need of a lot more humility.

But fine. If my options arenā€™t up to snuff, that is to say the Horde canā€™t help the Alliance, or be attacked by them in retribution, then what exactly do you propose? And please for the love all that exists donā€™t say ā€œnothingā€.

Nothing was never an option, so I didnā€™t include it.

I dunno, I think having Baine sprawled out on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace and whispering ā€œWeā€™re sorryā€ will certainly change the way people view him.


No, we want the horde to atone for teldrassil, but we donā€™t want the horde to care if the alliance thinks they changed or not.

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That gave me a chuckleā€¦for all the wrong reasons, but it was funny nonetheless


You said if that person was not satisfied with those consequences then thats their problem.

Which means these measures should have been satisfactory.
Horde going on an apology tour is not acceptable to you.

Horde becoming more friendly to Alliance is not acceptable to you

Horde having their own Theramore/Teldrassil moment and villain bat Alliance is unacceptable to you.

The only thing that I think you would find acceptable is a continuance of what we have had so far which is ceaseless Horde aggression and a ā€œso what?ā€ Attitude from its characters.


Andiunā€™s mind doesnā€™t need changing Sarm. Who do you think is recording the video?

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