How can we redeem/rebuild the Horde?

So, just so we’re clear:

Two baseball teams are picking people for tryouts. Team A treats you like %$#^. Team B is nice to you. You decide to go with Team B.

By your logic, you’re being selfish.


I don’t get the analogy.
So no we are not clear at all.

…he’s trolling, right?

I honestly can’t tell at this point.


I asked what the difference between those is. You didn’t answer that at all, and went on about how Blaine might be something you actually like.

I honestly don’t know what you are talking about.

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I think we have a realistic shot at 3,000 replies if things keep going in this vein.


I mean, if we’re talking about the Nightborne…

Banker: “Of course Thalyssra, we’d be happy to approve a loan to get your company through this difficult period. That being said, we have included the following covenants.”
Thalyssra: “I’m sorry, what’s this? I have to get an annual audit?”
Banker: “Well, your company did just go through a pretty serious fraud scandal - and you’re in a risky industry. We just want to…”
Thalyssra: “I’m sorry, didn’t you just say we were beyond that? Don’t you trust me?”
Banker: “It’s not that I don’t trust you. But the bank is going to require some assurance that our loan will be repaid on ti- why are you conjuring a fireball? Wait! STOP!”

That was the day the First International Bank of Azeroth was burnt to the ground.


The nightborne situation is just weird all around. It’s probably going to depend on when the player consumes that content. I can concede the Highmountain somewhat just on them being an obviously horde-shaped race (even if nobody really had any idea allied races were going to be a thing), but when I got to Suramar, my first and only reaction was more or less “third night elf story zone.”

I’m not going to say Legion could be ENTIRELY identical without horde presence, because there’s at least 7.1(?) with blood elves…but admittedly it annoyed me a bit that what felt like the only horde contribution to the expansion was done through that race. Not that blood elves don’t deserve content at all, but it felt like a misstep that what seemed like the only representation of the “monster faction” was with the not-monster race.


to be fair, quite honestly, no one really matters right now expect anduin and Sylvanas. Anduin’s story is not an ALLIANZ story, it’s an Anduin story. Sylvanas right now is not an horde story, but an sylvanas-Story

It’s zero about the alliance but 100% about Anduin, and only about him, his person, how he seems to be the chosen one.

And the Alliance part of this equation still has to be adressed. post number 5 should frankly be shoved where the sun doesn’t shine, along with every post that suggests something similar.

In addition to this, Legion was the culmination of the longest running big bad in the franchise’s history. The Burning Legion are THE major antagonist of the franchise. Sargeras is THE Big Bad who has been the adversary of life on Azeroth for over 10,000 years and has personally ruined the day of the majority of playable races on both sides of the fence.

The Burning Legion is behind everything. Even the frickin’ FACTION WAR. They started it. The Cycle of Hatred that this franchise obsesses over began because of the Burning Legion when they fed orcs demon blood and pointed them toward Azeroth.

The fact that they couldn’t find a way to make sure both factions were equally relevant to bringing down the Number 1 Biggest Bad of the entire franchise is frankly appalling. There’s no good excuse for it.


I saw this and wanted to touch on this.

I feel that “grey” injection wouldn’t work for the Alliance. Every character in the Alliance story line has been stripped of their flaws or died. To reintroduce those themes and make them deplorable in any way where they don’t hold the moral high ground would be extremely ham handed and wouldn’t fit the current narrative.

More than half of the Alliance cast would have to drop dead in order for ill-intentioned characters to take the reins of power. That’s extremely wasteful, damaging to marketing potential and, frankly, they’re just not going to do it.

So, all arguments of “making the Alliance grey to sustain a faction conflict” is just moot.

At the absolute best case scenario, they could continue to push the exhausting faction conflict by putting the Horde into a situation where the Alliance stirs the war back up and the Horde narrative effectively shrugs its shoulders and says “well, can’t be helped now, guess we’re back at it”. There won’t be any pleasure derived from it, I certainly will roll my eyes even harder, but, it’d be better than some other insanity.

But, to come back to the main topic: the Horde doesn’t have to change. Nothing has to change. I would even go as far to say that the Horde shouldn’t have a council, but a Warchief, like they always did.

What does need to change, is for the writing team to stop using the Horde as instigators.

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WHAT? What an nonsense? WTF? I mean, moraly grey = Dead? WHAT?

As in, the currently established characters don’t have any of the flaws that would make “morally grey” feasible as a character arc. They would have to be replaced by people that do have these flaws. If they’re not old and feeble, then they’d probably be alive enough to stop Jerk McJerkJerk from doing a morally questionable thing, or, stop them from doing more of it.

It’d require a permanent solution, such as replacing the cast.

As you can immediately tell, that is not going to happen.

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Why? I mean, why should they not get their flaws back?

I was talking about in general.
I don’t really care what Blizzard did to justify the Nightborne going red.

If they wanted they could have made Tyrande nice or whats her name and tyrande old friends.

Blizzard could have given Alliance some other ARs or made their presence in the other zones more central. The point is you can have half the zone of the expansion for you and take piece of the content that was given to Alliance.
Which is Velen the hero we follow in the argus zone.

I’m not thinking that Velen shouldn’t have been a big part of the Argus story, if that’s how I’m coming off. I just would have liked to see a little stronger representation than what was given.

It might sound silly, but I think it would have been cool if the army of the light ended up with some token orc support once the players go there. It’d be a callback twist of Warcraft 1 of orcs invading another planet again, but this time side-by-side with the draenei that the legion pitted against each other in the first place. It could have been a cheesy message of the legion having inadvertently created its own downfall by having racial reps of both factions fighting together at the end.


Could’ve had the same exact story with having a Draeni/Dwarf Shaman sustaining the SW/Oribos portals and an Orc/Tauren Shaman sustaining the Org/Oribos portals

Instead we have Death Knight Shadow Mages that can now make portals.

It doesn’t even look like a death gate.

Hell, Ulfar and Bwonsamdi should’ve been the NPCs sustaining the portal out of Oribos and Shaman sustaining the portal into Oribos.


Yes, yes. We’re all aware you still feel Horde owes you something and you’re mad that Horde players don’t want to cowtow to the Alliance.



I’ve been watching several topics the last few months quietly…and I can say I honestly worry for the mental health of people Iike Morghel. No need to be that angry that Horde players are tired of being crapped on and like you said, don’t want to cow tow the alliance or it’s players