How can we redeem/rebuild the Horde?

Genn Greymane did nothing wrong.

Certainly not, but his whitewashing and neutering in WoW lend him less dimension as a character than his WC2 incarnation with actual defects had.

To put it in perspective, while Genn Greymane in WC2 was an a-hoile, he WAS perceived as an actual king. Nowadays he´s basically the lapdog of a teen because apparently his 6 decade old man crisis hit him quite terribly (the guy basically ignores his daughter in favor of simping for Anduin… and he isn´t even gaining political power for his simping FFS!!!)

WC2 Genn must be rolling in a metaphorical grave somewhere…

Is this study representative enough from an statistical PoV so we can infer the tendencies for ALL MMO games or only for the games they focused about?

Cause as a woman of science, let me tell you the study you cited can be complete useless regarding WoW per se. The study can only be representative to the population tested (as a matter of fact the data is pathetically LOW for an actual customer test).





The only ones left to genocide are the Dwarves.
I don’t think there is any holding outside of Stormwind and Ironforge that the Horde hasn’t attacked and devasted.

His whitewashing, and neutering lol

Yeah, because he really needs to be whitewashed, and neutered to develop him as a character. Being allowed to hate the Simp-Queen was way to spicy at the time, and way to spicy now. I couldn’t imagine the backlash of tears, and fit throwing had he been allowed to rip into Org, or anything beyond what your favorite, so-called writer’s pet would allow him to do, we don’t want any Reds getting meta offended now do we?

I actually do not care in the slightest if you guys “rip into Org”, or “Bilgewater Harbor”, please blow up Wix’s pleasure palace, or whatever. Go nuts, both those races will rebuild them in a week. And honestly … both aesthetically did not weather the test of time as well as some cata locals. Though, I would care a “little” if you ripped into TB or Echo Isles since those poor sods have lost their homes several times already.

Long story short. As long as the Horde reps get the “Alliance Rep Plot Armor” that’s expected when one is on the defense, go the hell nuts. Far too many of the Horde Leaders and the Horde Council need stress testing, so it be nice if the Blues gave into their mile-long list of grievances for once and let loose. Blow some stuff up for a while. Kill off some random population statistic, its not like pop numbers ever matter anyway. Especially for Horde races. Get some healthy grey back into those sterile white veins!


Sooo… are the lore dev team of Blizz the equivalent to a “messenger”? Cause call me crazy, but they get PÂID by the CEO et all precisely to fulfill the job of creating a story as a support to the gameplay aspect of the game.

Sorry, but bad analogy.

Dude, Saurfang made himself meaningless since his very first appearance post pre-pacth fiasco. Anduin running his mouth to say downright stupid stuff was just the apparent justification -cause I can´t find any coherent literary reason why Anduin has to either 1) give political speeches in Orgrimmar as if the actual Horde citizens should care for his opinion and 2) fulfill the job not even “Zappy boi” could managed regarding “making Saurgand see real sense” regarding the Horde /rollseye

Call me crazy but making a High Deffinition cinematic to portray a “supposedly” repentant / PTSD War Veteran saying how much he hoped for the brutal assassination of his cause of distress (A.K.A. his commander) at the hands of the innocent teenager that had never participated into a battlefield seems kinda the WRONG characterization to use.

And le´t better not talk about the message of scenes like the one I mentioned above.

The way I see it? You have low narrative standards… and that´s perfectly ok regarding yourself.

However don´t expect for the rest of us to be so accomodating on the mediocrity of a million dollar company, dude. That´s our own bussiness and you WILL have to respect our position too… disagree with it all you want, but don´t come here to say we´re wrong cause guess what? we aren´t. Customer feedback IS the thing that ciments the whole ISO 9001 quality policies, and trying to handwave this to simp to Blizzard will noit make this truth any less true, period.

“Buut, buut!!! only the Horde posters are salty!! I´m F I N E!!!”

Pot, meet kettle.

In regards to WC2? Absolutely. This is the man who argued over having the Orcs killed, that left the Alliance in a show of power over not getting his way implemented and that basically constructed a wall to exile and separate his own “infected” citizens from the “sane” ones regardless of the menace outside of the Wall -remember Vanilla Worgen? Cause I remember…-



Dude the saddest thing regarding your post is how you DON´T realize the actual thing holding back the Dwarves and the Gnomes in the narrative is… the Alliance itself (or tne terribad way the Alliance is written).

Why are the Humans the Overlords of the Dwarves that are probably in a much MUCH better place, economically, military and politically wise? Muradin or Moira should had taken advantage of the issues resulting from the inner disagreements between Tyrande and Anduin and hold ACTUAL power over the blue faction.

It would make for a GREAT story if the Dwarves are treated as they should, not as the glorified followers (irrevocably redundant and unfortunately irrelevant) of the Human Potential. They have great potential of their own, how about it´s actually used and explored for once?


I love this reaction, it was almost a healthy post until you have to defend the Horde for some reason. You don’t care if the Alliance gets one on the Horde, or do you mean you’d be upset that they get one on the Horde outside of what you’d ‘be okay with’. But, atleast you’re finally seeing things from a semi-healthy perspective. After all, being white washed just means you’re unable to do anything.

Dude, I think most people participating here has mentioned how we ultimately don´t care over the territory when we have to stand the permanent negligence of our characters. We don´t interact with the buildings, we interact in-game with the NPCs.

Heck, I often rebuke to Zerde when he goes in his “muh Theramure” ramblings that he can get the whole freaking map if that´s what eh needs to fulfill his self esteem as long as we Hordies get our SEPARATE stuff and no Alliance / formerly Alliance / Alliance flavored character comes to bother us with his BS in a looooong time.


I didn’t see any point in trying hard with it, this reaction from you was pretty much a given.

Yeah you don’t see any reason for Anduin to be doing this, the same reason no one on the Alliance was supposed to see Sylvanas doing what she did. It opens and closes on about the same note. Atleast you didn’t like Saurfang as a character I guess. Maybe it’s a good thing Anduin was giving the speech to you, instead of him.

Yeah let’s not talk about the nonsense you’re trying to make sense in that block. Are we at the point liking the game is dumping for Blizzard? Hoo boy, wow.

You’re worried about Genns whitewashing from WC2 like the Orcs are even remotely like what they were then.

I’m not sure what you mean by “Defend the Horde”? TB and EI’s being blown up would be rather redundant considering both their races have lost those capitals before already.

So are you taking issue with me stating that in such a setting where the Alliance can finally let loose a bit and blow up some Horde stuff … our Reps are off limits? The only benefit to the Horde Faction in such a power play story for the Alliance is the “Pressure Makes Diamonds” philosophy for our roster of truly underused, underdeveloped, and frankly underpowered characters. Especially that cast of B-Rankers we call a council. And considering every time the Horde is forced to wail on the Blues their characters get absurd Plot-Armor at the very least … is it really unreasonable to expect the same for ours if the Alliance gets to wail on us? You get to blow up our stuff like you wanted? You don’t get our reps.

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I’ve given you before y’all need characters, and further development. But, idk. I mean if our guys get made into monsters just by proxy of not being Horde characters… you’re not asking for grey at all. It’s problematic that the Horde don’t have a ‘welcoming’ roster, or enough of what makes their player base feel good? But, the characters the Alliance would have wanted to deal with aren’t even around anymore, or literally are off limits in the Shadowlands right now.

I’m an advocate for no more full frontal faction war after Tyrande gets her revenge. But, if the only thing you’re worried about is making sure the Alliance get hit back it seems kinda weird you’re even wanting this to happen.

But of course I don´t see it, and the reasons are:

  1. Anduin has literally zero knowledge on Horde culture, so how intelligent is for him to defer to the Horde as if he´s talking to his own Human subjects. Politically wise, people and leaders have to take the culture of the individuals they´re talking to into account.

  2. Anduin is basically the military leader of the enemy faction and no one else for your average Horde citizen, so his ideals are kinda… irrelevant? For those citizens. Is like pretending Trump giving a speech in the middle of Beijing regarding China inner politics should be as effective and invigorating as him giving it in Whashington for the American audience regarding a similar issue.

  3. Anduin also lacks the same experience of the Horde citizens, ergo when he mentions stupid BS like the Arthas issue -that isn´t even Alliance in the first place lul or if it could be made accountable to Alliance, is still NOT correctly done- it makes his whole image fall appart VERY fast for players that DO pay attention to the lore. Resting credibility to the whole “let´s hold hands cause war is bad and Banshees are naughty” kindergarden moralistic message of the devs.

  4. Anduin is a TERRIBAD military commander; literally saved by Deux Ex auntie Jaina in Undercity and by the writers inability to give Tyrande et al more political power after HIS mistakes (the spying pre WoT) made possible the losses at Teldrassil and the faction overall negligence regarding the Kalimdor allies. and this may seem irrelevant for you, but for Horde players who valued character fortheir growth this comes as a massive letdown (to put it simple I don´t care over peace speeched given by WoW´s version of a bad shonen anime protagonist when he´s not even a developed character in itself)

Noope, we are at the point that defending Blizzard writting of the lore of the game requieres either very low standards or downright teribad reading comprehension skills. People can like the game and hate the lore dude, you may want to consider that in your rabid equialization of both aspects of the game.


There is no benefit in a story for the Horde Faction in an Alliance aggression story if our roster is allowed to be further culled. Just like every time we get villain batted. It is one the primary issues we’re trying to solve, not make worse. If we’re losing locations and territories (even temporarily), then the Reps on the defense need to be allowed to grow. And that cannot happen if you’re instinct is “well, its meaningless for the Alliance if they don’t get to destroy locations AND purge your character roster more”. Even though the only Faction to ever actually lose noteworthy characters in Faction Conflict expacs … is the Horde.

And no one said “made into monsters”, however growth should equate to some buffs as the story progresses. If the idea is the Alliance gets to run roughshod over the Horde for a time, then the Horde reps merely defending their people and keeping them alive (even if it means evacuations and hiding) would give avenues for development and Growth. Though they should be given time to show their strength too. The Horde has never been allowed to kill off Alliance reps when Blizz hits us with the villain bat, the Alliance don’t get to purge what remains of our barebones roster if they get to have their “destroy crap” fun.


It’s almost like you’re close to what my opinion of how to help the Horde is. I don’t want your guys characters killed off, but if they kinda deserve it, they should be killed off. I don’t even think that’s a fair’s fair thing, I just expect it for dealing with mechanics the least, and expectations foremost. They don’t always have to die off I guess, but…

For some reason when I expect the Horde to be separated, and grow. People freak out. I have my opinion on how I think the NEXT faction conflict should go, and people freak out. Having a million characters isn’t fun when they don’t do anything, and if anything the amount of character imbalance doesn’t make me want to kill off Alliance leaders, since that wouldn’t help the Horde in anyway.

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So in short, the Horde loses characters when its villain batted as a plot device. The Horde loses more characters if the Alliance gets to go on the offense. The Horde cast gets completely ignored in Big Bad stories. I’m still not even convinced Baine (our apparent Best and Heart) wont spend all of SLs sitting around waiting for Anduin and his story to progress. Kind of sounds like there is never any room or opportunity for the Horde and its cast to ever grow. That tracks, we’re the villain faction after all.

And yes, I know your dumb idea to villain bat a Cultural Genocide Survivor due to a single anti-Draenei comment, despite the AU Mag’har ONLY having Geya’rah (as barebones as she is). Solely because you want Turalyon to go on a Crusade, but you cannot fathom the Alliance ever pre-emptively attacking the Horde. And need an excuse for him to do it. So, you have a character damned whats left of her people and screw over the Allies she’s completely dependent on … by picking a fight with the Dreanei she can’t win.


I see zero reason to bring real world political figures into this at all. Nor do I understand what you mean with the anime stuff.

I get what you’re saying, to an extent, but I just can’t decide to blame the writers for making the story progress, can’t do it. Yeah I understand they don’t do everything to everyone’s liking, it’s never going to be perfect, but when it’s not close to what you’re expecting… it’s somewhere close to something I would expect.

I kinda saw Anduin helping Saurfang to be something that ‘was’ meant to be unifying in putting down something both factions had to suffer, and survive through in the story. Why shouldn’t Anduin be there? Because Tyrande gets to continue hating Sylvanas in the next story? If you say so. But, I’m pretty sure the ideals of the Horde were meant to be represented by Saurfang, and yeah, Anduin represented the Alliance in the ending of this episode. It could have been Genn. I would have liked it better if he got to spit on Saurfang’s body, and say no one learned anything. But that’s not a realistic expectation.

Go back, and read what I wrote about that I dare you, but so glad it’s rocking you to the very core.

The Alliance don’t have to go on the offensive, why are you so hellbent on this being a plot point for you, be honest. The Horde gets ignored in big bad stories? Well, god forbid they share the screen with Alliance characters. SL isn’t good for any of the characters so far, including Baine. If you don’t like Blaine I’m not going to stop you, but idk what you expect out of him, other then returning fire.

I do not want Turalyon to go on a crusade. You want that. Why do you keep saying that?