How can we redeem/rebuild the Horde?

It’s a complete joke you’re bringing up this idea of honor in the conversation. It’s a personal joke of mine that the Horde operate with more honor-actually never mind, I don’t think you’d understand.

Is this supposed to make Garrosh seem like a good, honorable person? What is he implying in this conversation then, according to you? Lol

If there’s no dignity in existing in a world that constantly vilifies you… idk what to say to you really. You’re hopeless.

Oh gosh. Stonetalon, here we go. You are hopeless lol

Yup, this definitely sounds like a joke.

As I just explained to Smallioz up there:

Yup, a big “go jump off Thunder Bluff” to you, too.


Are they really punished by that “sin” though? It feels more like outside of the Horde they’re haunted by their pasts in most conflicts; but not due to parts of their past they themselves are responsible for. Xavius? Staghelm? Illidan? Azshara? Outside of the Nightborne just being like “Yeah, we’d rather hang out with our cousins who we share a hobby with, and want to get to know us … rather than put up with our Siblings who don’t” I don’t recall even NE Arrogance and Pride biting them in the butt? Half the time its almost portrayed as if they’re deserving of it. They are just better than everyone else.

Frankly, just about the only thing that they themselves have done that hurts them is their weird habit of imprisoning people forever with the expectation they’ll get better on their own. Then those people break out and cause untold havoc. And that’s just the Warden’s being ineffective rehabilitation officers.


It is an existence without Honor.

Clean yourself up.

It’s more Stormwind humans specifically that get portrayed that way.

I don’t think I’ve ever heard that one before. Fandral and any corruption got dealt with back in Cata anyway.


That’s definitely a new one for sure. Most of the jokes I’ve seen are mostly people poking fun at some of the…rather crazy suggestions I’ve seen put forward from low lvl alts.

I don’t think I’m ever going to forget the Darkshore quest from Cata where you encounter a dying Night Elf who is dying because of an unpredictable natural disaster, and the sudden appearance of water elementals, who blames her death on pride. Tyrande in Elegy even wonders if it was her pride that somehow led to Teldrassil. So, they’re dumb, ridiculous instances where pride is being blamed for absurd things, but yes, that’s there.

Also - hot take: Prisons are bad at rehabilitation generally, and I don’t think that the Night Elves expect that the people put in barrow prisons are really capable of reform.


I’ve seen it more times than I can count.


Blizzard won’t let us.

That’s the point.


I meant off the grassy plains, I already told you you’re hopeless.

Wanting to be alive when screeching genocidal demigods want you dead.
Truly, the height of Hubris.


This is super weird that they continue to think this way? Like, has this ever been tied into their Elune faith or something? Because if “Pride” is what caused the Cataclysm, then Org burned to the ground too? And Kezan was … well near extinction level for the Gobs. Where they also prideful? Or the Dwarves in Loc Modan? As for Tyrande, I have no idea what she’s talking about either. The worst that can be thrown on her is her moving so many troops south … which like so much of BfA … was nonsense.

So its less “Pride” or “Hubris” actually having karmic consequences, but more the NEs just thinking that it is? God that weird self-depreciating thought process.


God that weird self-depreciating thought process.

Isn’t it? But, I guess the answer to all of those questions is probably “yes”. I get the feeling that if some of these people get up in the morning and found that it was raining, they’d blame the weather on their hubris in wanting a clear day.

Unless we’re talking about Maiev. Maiev is allowed to act confidently and charismatically about what she’s doing, whether she’s right or wrong. That’s why she’s so beloved. Her and the generic priestess of the moon voice actress from Warcraft 3 who was badly needed in the MMO.


Also. Saurfang died so the Horde could towel off the blood one last time, and maybe mop up a little.

Until blizzard needs the horde to commit another genocide or any other horrific war crime to kick off the next faction war that is. It’s honestly tiresome at this point.


Wow yeah, whew. I’m so tired… Ughlol

Exactly, you said it: marginal, not crucial.

Gameplay IS crucial, ergo why WoD was SO terribad -the “selfie camera” patch was certainly one good meme-.

Pfff, Sadfang died so he could let Golden´s per character have yet another screentime attempt at gaining the interest / admiration of the Horde playerbase.

Suffice to say, it was a failure.


I’m afraid you’re misunderstanding what I mean when I say “marginal” - and do bear in mind that I signposted that meaning with a comment on the microeconomics-way of seeing it.

When I say “marginal”, think “incremental”. The use of that word is not a comment on the size of the effect.

Oh please. Do you think the person who delivers your mail is the person who you send the bill money too?

If you’re so bothered by Anduin being there Saurfang’s character is meaningless, then you should hang it up.

Dude, I don´t think a good portion of your side of the playerbase IS prepared to deal with that.

Not with actual MMO faction rules in which there´s no guarantee the “good guys” will always win… that´s why we complain, cause it´s extremely annoying to get chastened for stuff one never signed up for in the first place by the freaking NPCs (A.K.A. the devs) 24/7.

Making the Horde unapollogetically evil without having to pay everytime any consequences is NOT gonna cause anything but more strife between the playerbase.

And also annoy players like myself that actually lament how a company destroyed their own innovative producto to copy-paste overdone “monsters = bad” tropes one can find freaking everywhere.

Actually it depends narratively spoeaking… does it need to be reedemable to the WHOLE playerbase or only to the HORDE playerbase?

Cause me thinks the efforts needed to “redeem” a faction for players that don´t even care for it (A.K.A. players more attached to Alliance) are NOT viable if this process is perceived as detrimental by the players that actuallyt play and care for the faction (A.K.A. players taht favor Horde; especially WC3 one).

That´s the beauty of post No. 5 of this thread… it focuses in making the USERS of the product called “Horde” gain back the attachement and love and respect for the story aspect of their preferred product. The opinion of the Alliance players / NPCs to achieve this first goal is indeed irrelevant and sometimes downright a hurdle to atain it.

Soooo… your actual problem is reading comprehension I see…

And you still sound salty, gnome.

Quoted for truth. Ty for taking teh time in actually READING the arguments, Kyalin.

Please ladies (I think…? Now that I think about it, are you both guys or gals…?), the fact is that the plot post TBC is NOT designed to focus on the actual socio political rivalry between 2 factions; it´s designed to coddle and give screentime to the FOTM self insert / pet character of the writer(s) in charge, no more and no less.

Personally I just want 100% guarantee of not having to coddle any more pet characters / self inserts / plot devices whose only purpose is to make possible the engagement between my PC and the self inserts / per characters from the writting team; which means no moar Anduin nor Jaina nor Sylvanas nor Thrall nor Baine nor Calia and so on and so fort…

Is is too much to ask to NOT be treated like a naive 5 years old going to her first day at school so the devs can deliver their “wise” kindergarden worthy moralistic BS using their favs as vehicle? I´m kinda old already, too late to point to me thge difference between “good and bad”.