How can we redeem/rebuild the Horde?

Maybe it is too much work but it certainly sounds interesting.
Garrosh 3.0 gives you quest to poison NE trees to prepare for an invasion but HGGS (Horde Good Guy Society) gives you the same quest but to reinforce the trees.

Idk, it sounds fun but I guess I am not the target audience here.

I’ll cop to totally blanking on Saurfang’s part in rescuing Baine and the little holdout in Swamp of Sorrows, so I was wrong about saying he did nothing on-screen. I didn’t mean to lie about it; just for whatever reason, I completely skipped over those events in my memory when I was thinking about BFA’s war campaign in between the choice and 8.2.5. Which is admittedly kinda sad, given that one of those scenes comes directly after the choice. Bleh.

You’re not wrong about Saurfang needing to do things undercover and out of sight. I think that, if BFA had to happen, I’d have preferred a story where my character wasn’t a part of the horde army under Sylvanas’s command at all, so I could divorce myself from the downer stuff. I know that wasn’t going to happen, but because it didn’t, it was just being railroaded into doing bad things and then having to compensate for it, which I found frustrating.

The reason why I brought up Tyrande is that (to me), it should have been just as unrealistic that her and Genn’s people would succeed, instead getting slaughtered in an attempt at taking back Darkshore while also weakening the alliance’s efforts elsewhere. But that would have made for a sucky, pointless story, so they got to successfully entrench themselves and eventually win (even if it was merely via dev comment later).

To be fair, I’m looking at this from a 99% horde perspective so I could just be idealizing the other side’s experience.

And what Identity is that Vuldezi? Because the WC3 Identity seems to be an impossible goal now after two rounds of the villain bat? The WC2 Horde is a dysfunctional nightmare. We’ve been portrayed as a Faction “just prone to evil” 
 whenever its convenient for whatever story Blizz wants to tell for us to be evil. Which makes any future story or “rebuilding” (the point of this OP) kind of irrelevant.

Because, truly, BfA was not an expansion written for the Horde’s benefit. It was an expansion to assist Sylvie in setting up SLs, with the Horde being a vehicle to do that. We were little more than a plot-device. And you can absolutely tell that is the case because the values that the Horde is supposed to generally represent are present in the cinematics 
 they just weren’t allowed to matter until they were convenient for Sylvanas and her story. Its this same reason that Teld wasn’t even allowed to be in the Horde War Campaign after the WoT prepatch, because the Horde reps being allowed to react to it would have made them inconvenient for that aforementioned Syvie story. So, despite it hurting their characterizations to not react, they were forced to sit on their hands and wait till they were “allowed” to turn on her.


For that to work you have to put the goblins and forsaken on a pedestal of being this amazing foe that Alliance can’t help but overcome.
Imagine Tyrande, Malfurion and her powerups are like the most epic charge you can think of.
But then this charge is scattered and collapses against the might of this puny little force called Nathanos.
It kind of went like this.

I forget stuff pretty often, and even come to my own conclusions sometimes, but not without trying to be factual. I ain’t taking it personally, except for the Thrall/Saurfang one. He’s killing Forsaken with his bare hands.

I disagree with that idea though, that it just wasn’t what you wanted. Well, you can not have enjoyed it, I kinda agree. The Horde should have been able to just not hVe another faction war story, but it still happened, and I will still say that the choice is better. What should have happened is something way in the past though, but with characters like Sylvanas, idk if like I just notice it more for whatever reason, but she’s been bad news a long time, but didn’t think to send Forsaken that could handle them green hands.

The two mentioned hero’s do succeed though, and I don’t think a story where the Horde PC is allowed to not be involved in the main Horde effort, while still being in Org is very viable of believable. I might not have made any headway though.

I dunno if your character is completely impossible now, though. You could argue she still has jurisdiction over her night elven charges even when the bulk of the population moved to Stormwind. She’d then be struggling with keeping to her duties while likely getting obstructed by Stormwind’s own laws and policing forces. After all, it isn’t like Maiev felt her hunt for Illidan stopped once he left the night elven borders.

Eh, I have several problems with that.

  1. The jurisdiction would be subject to debate, one that wouldn’t be resolved and would likely result in human players coming after me on an OOC level. It would butt into the RP too often and wreck it.
  2. Darnassus afforded the right mix of factors that in my mind would make it a vulnerable target for smuggling and gold laundering - notably that the authorities would have no clue what to look for or even what they were trying to stop. This character required the constant help of another character who did, and even then the whole time was like “What even is all of this stuff? How does this make any sense?”
  3. I can’t stomach playing what Blizzard wanted me to play. I have no desire to play a war refugee, or someone whose every fight with their enemy is doomed to fail because Blizzard dictated that. I was already feeling bad in that direction after Cata/MOP - BFA makes it completely untenable, and they appear to not want to fix that problem.

So, I’m kind of stuck on that - wistfully reminiscing and snickering to myself about what say, banking regulation would look like if instead of a degreed professionals demanding information, the regulators sent a heavily armored, probably incredibly frustrated and therefore angry elf, armed with a crescent, limitless authority, and a woefully inadequate understanding of what’s going on to burst into the corporate offices of some bank accused of illicit activity and make a mess of the place.

“Many craven investment banks have dared my wrath in ages past. None have survived!”

You can’t build the Horde up as something to be feared, while expecting it to just stop everything and deal with all of its internal conflict, Droite, if that even is your main.

Idk what Horde you were watching growing up, but they did what they had to survive, but still held their dignity. The Horde was just prone to evil at its conception, so it’s all still there. You’re focusing on the ugly side, instead of the dignity.

You’re literally more concerned with what has happened, and trying to equalize it on the other faction, then expecting a way for it to be resolved.
You’re right. It was written for some of the Hordes benefit that’s why there’s a choice of preference in the storyline, but it still has to wrap up in one way.
Idk what to tell you about them not jumping up and reacting ‘when you think they should’. Which of these characters lost more of their Horde identity. Baine, or Sylvanas?

That’s kind of how I viewed the initial War of Thorns with the stuff being about the horde crashing against shopkeepers and militia. It’d be like if the entire alliance got stonewalled by the peons you have to keep awake with booterangs.

Not that I was happy to see the horde win in the first place, but that was a head scratcher for me.

This actually happens during late MoP, if I remember correctly. By the .3 and .4 patch, the horde player character is meant to not have access to Orgrimmar. I think the game just expected you to handwave away the ability to do that.

Side note, FF14 stuff:

There's actually a point in the game where you're supposed to be exiled from a particular city, but the story does a better job of explaining why you're allowed in there anyway. In short, the civilians hate the law and believe in you anyway (the shopkeepers even consider it a point of pride to sell to you), and the guards run the gamut of thinking your ban is BS, being utterly terrified of trying to arrest you because you're the damn HERO, and also not wanting to risk starting a riot among the populace if they even try.
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A patch or so is understandable, but not an entire expansion. That seems silly. Sylvanas has a secret service.

What dignity? Truly. We had another round of being used as witless tools for a genocidal maniac who betrayed us and discarded us. We had another round of a Horde races culture being used to Ner’zhul one of our Leaders to make it happen. We had another round of all our characters who should oppose that despot, not being allowed to oppose them 
 because it would be inconvenient for them and their stories if they did it too soon. We had another round of the Peerless Alliance having to save us from ourselves.

For gods sake Vuldezi, the entire god damned Horde part of the story of BfA, Shadows Rising, and even parts of SLs so far has been actively shaming the Horde for what we were made to do in BfA. We have no dignity anymore. And I’m not worried about “Being Feared” (since again, its the WC3 Vision of the Horde I fell in love with, not that worthless, dysfunctional garbage of WC2) 
 its having a Faction that makes sense to even exist at all anymore. Beyond simple game mechanics requiring it.

Horde Pride? Its been a non-factor since WotLK tbh

  1. Yah, that’s fair. It could cause a lot of fiction with various law enforcement guilds in Stormwind, and while in an ideal world they’d just roll with it a lot of roleplayers can be pretty stubborn.
  2. Also fair, though I’d argue Stormwind offers much the same sort of potential but to a greater extreme. And with a sudden influx of night elven refugees I am sure a lot of criminally minded folks would be eyeing their exploitation for some variety of profit.
  3. I definitely get that. I’ve tried very hard finding ways to incorporate the current story into my roleplay and it
 Isn’t great. Even more so with the GIANT SWORD in Azeroth that should be taking up all my characters’ time.

She sounds like a delight, though. I hope you’re able to find some way to play her again. She reminds me a bit of Zen’Kisin back when he was stuck in a voodoo-empowered zombie apocalypse when the memo went out that Darkspear are giving up cannibalism and was suddenly thrust into the Cenarion Circle.

Fish out of water stories can be SO much fun.


Any of you reading this, should never again attempt to call me upset over these topics, when this is going on.

I’m pretty sure Garrosh has dialogue about killing kids in the Bornean Tundra. You’re worried, about the other faction plain as day.

They can’t depose a leader they were so injured over being attacked an expansion before. Even with just the plain Jane hero’s without any outside consideration, they’re not going to watch her do one thing they feel icky about, and jump and stomp about it going on. You’re using elaborative thinking for why your characters can’t do anything to stop Sylvanas until the time is right, but you’re apparently upset the Horde is shamed for what it’s done.

If you’re not worried about how the Horde may be feared then that’s what leads me to believe you don’t care about the Horde identity whatsoever. But, don’t worry. I expect the Horde to not get anything satisfying at all because of this portrayal you’re wanting.

I can understand not wanting the Alliance save the Horde from themselves, but for no reason at all should the Alliance even be doing that to begin with. If you don’t understand the dignity of existing in this story, and moving on once the characters who actually had to deal with the tragedies have also moved on, then that means you hVe up awhile ago. GG

Or the alternative. Why nearly every Horde poster on these subs disagrees with you.

You are coming exclusively from the stance of “Yeah, they’re more prone to evil, duh” 
 which means the reasons WHY they should act in evil ways don’t really matter. Since that is the expectation. It doesn’t matter how forced it is. Or how much they had to twist to even put Garrosh or Sylvie into the drivers seats in the first place. Or how much they had to shackle the other Horde reps to ALLOW Garrosh and Sylvie’s stories to happen (because those stories were setting up future expansions, and had to reach their conclusion). Since the expectation truly seems to be that they’re evil, then they’re evil. And it must come as quite a shock when so many Horde players invested in the story are so upset by the faction being used the way it has been. Or neglected so deeply like it has been. It must feel like its very undeserved.

You and I will never see eye to eye on this. Because you aren’t coming from this from a Horde players pespective. Truly you’re not. You truly seem to be coming at this from the same angle that Small is up there. An Alliance player that may play Horde, but does not perceive the Moral Absolutism of the Alliance as a negative influence on the Meta Narrative of the overall story; and thus the Horde being forced to be the bad guy over and over again is just expected. No matter how little sense it makes anymore, or how little effort Blizz puts into explaining it. Which they barely bothered with the WoT.


The what now?

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I’m pretty sure you’re making sweeping generalizations with little to no knowledge of the lore. The conversation you’re referring to goes like this:

High Overlord Saurfang says: I think it was the sounds of the draenei children that unnerved most of them
 You never forget

High Overlord Saurfang says: Have you ever been to Jaggedswine Farm? When the swine are of age for the slaughter
 It’s that sound. The sound of the swine being killed
 It resonates the loudest. Those are hard times for us older veterans.

Garrosh Hellscream says: But surely you cannot think that those children were born into innocence? They would have grown up and taken arms against us!

That is very different from Garrosh actually suggesting that the Horde slaughter children at the time of the conversation, which I hope you weren’t trying to imply.

Kek, there is literally no dignity in “existing” in a story that constantly vilifies you—what sort of existence is that?

It is an existence without Honor.


I can just as easily say you’re not coming to this from the story’s perspective either. You’re entirely bothered by the moral absolutism of a single character’s influence on the overall story.

The Horde stance of making its use of evil, as long as it’s useful is part of the narrative, but that’s not the Hordes position on it. They’re unwitting, they just see it as benefiting their preferred outcome in the war lol. Quit putting words in my mouth, it’s getting old from you and the rest of them. If free living is the absolute expectation from the Horde, then they need to live by example, when they’re the exact people keeping that from happening. If the Horde has been as rotten a taste in your mouth, for as long as it has been, that’s where I start to reallly be confused on why you’re going ape about me stating plainly that they’re evil here.

Moral Absolutism. Being portrayed as always right, always virtuous, and always justified in the end. Even if you weren’t when to committed an act. Like it or not, outside of when they have to hit you guys with the stupid and nerf sticks to justify them using the Horde as the aggressors 
 that is sort of your story.

Haven’t you ever wondered why you aren’t allowed any meaningful internal conflict? Its not because the Horde is just more interesting to tell those stories with; since they rarely make sense when they do. Haven’t you ever wondered why the Horde is forced to always play the aggressors, but with less and less motive to do so each time? Despite the Alliance drowning in justifications to want to attack the Horde? Because in order to justify Horde antagonism, the Alliance might have to do something antagonistic 
 and in their current iteration they aren’t allowed to do that. The Alliance in its current state does boast Moral Absolutism. Constantly sheltered and insulated from any act of grey they might accidentally commit.


Seems like he was arguing that its ok to do it. No worries because one day they might be enemies [that we attack unprovoked].

I disagree its that cut and dry but why do you think I am a supported of this as you describe it. You know what never mind I have already spent way too much here. Time to make dinner.

I do have to say, that speaking as a Night Elf fan, I have found this somewhat confusing.

Night Elves get punished for their alleged “sins” all the time, even though they’re things like “arrogance” and “pride”, which is rarely ever portrayed, or the framing of their concerns about the arcane as being nothing more than bigotry.

I also don’t think I’m ever going to hear the end of Horde players claiming that Teldrassil was justified because Fandral grew it, and therefore everyone living on it deserved to die.

To be fair, yes; he was trying to justify what Saurfang and the other orcs did back on Draenor.

That’s the whole point of that exchange—it’s literally all about Saurfang the elder teaching the hotheaded Garrosh about honor, which resulted in what we got with “Stonetalon Garrosh,” showing how he did take Saurfang’s teachings to heart.

Then we got Mists of Pandaria and it all went out the window.