Oh, that’s just conspiracy thinking. “Don’t assume malice where incompetence is a more likely culprit”.
Who said I suspect malice?
I absolutely suspect incompetence; why bother trying to create/imagine a well-written faction conflict when you can lazily rip one off of what’s going on in RL politics? After all, the Burning of Teldrassil has already been likened to Game of Thrones’ Red Wedding.
Albeit done far, far less skillfully.
Sooo, the faction you play matters?
Oh brother. Better press the rewind button on this topic a 6th time in the past 48 hours.
Do you people ever get bored of repeating the same rehearsed lines?
Coming from the poster who is notorious of constantly going into the NE cry festivals and boldly claim they just don’t care I find this particularly delicious in irony. Mmm… tastes like strawberries.
The difference is Sylvanas had no proof the Alliance would try to destroy them, whereas the Alliance has plenty Horde would not take prisoners since they didn’t in War of the Thorns.
Alliance doesn’t go after civilians, Horde does, so yes.
They either aren’t consequences or not one’s the Alliance is directly responsible for.
Even if that’s true which I doubt it is because if Undercity wasn’t destroyed it most likely would have been given back after the war, the fact that Alliance got nothing from it means it doesn’t count anyway.
Dumb late night opinion… but something that would really help (probably every faction) is to give it a new interesting / unique inn. Give it some flavor, some flair, and maybe have a few NPCs that visit it in a specific corner. A different one every day of the week. They don’t have to say much, just a little dialogue box expressing a different opinion of what a common person of that faction / race thinks.
Make the inns unique and interesting. Like the Night Elves could be built on top of a tree canopy, with little treants as the waiters. They can serve all sorts of fruit wines / ciders. The head barkeep is a druid that mixes drinks while doing transformations in the process of it. The NPCs can be a Warden, a Sentinel, a Druid, an Artist, a Merchant, a Songstress, and a Priestess.
The Goblins can have one that is a seedy 1930’s speakeasy with a full band playing swing music (or the goblin equivalent) with the room slightly smoky and with dozens of liqueur bottles. Prices range from the cheap well stuff to the absurdly expensive. Lots of small booths just hidden from each other enough to allow private conversations, and a secret passage way as a get-away route. The NPCs can be a Dockworker, a Zeppelin pilot, a mechanic, a small business man, a soldier, a Trade Prince, and a Priest.
etc, etc.
Basically just a place that lets a faction have something cool, thematic, and gives the players a chance to RP in their own place, and maybe hear the voice of a ‘common person’ (in most cases) and their own take on their race’s stuff. Mostly because I think if you want to rebuild something, you have to give the players something to latch onto that is firmly planted in the mundane. Sure, rescuing the world is all big and stuff, but players, in general, get much more attached to the small, more relatable things.
We need more Moraz and Buttons for our faction. Sure, saving the world from the impending doom of all the multiverse is great and all, but when I hear Buttons yelling Mrrrraaazz, that’s when I know I’ve done the work of a hero.
Not only did the Horde take prisoners, Saurfang actually had us release civilians during the battle at Auberdine.
Except those trying to defend themselves from an invading force that already started hostilities in their home, right? Keep in mind that the Zandalari know 2 things, the Alliance previously apprehended their princess and seer and just destroyed their “invincible” Navy.
So…Alliance didn’t:
Seige UC
Capture Saurfang
Destroy the Zandalari Navy
Kill Rastakhan
… which expansion did you play?
It is. Did you watch the video I posted? It’s in the first 45 seconds.
They captured Saurfang and succeeded in removing the only other Major Horde stronghold in the EK. And, before you mention it, yes, Sylvanas scuttled the UC as a direct response to it being seiged by the Alliance. Had the Alliance not attack UC she’d have no reason to blow it up.
Again, consequences. You just don’t like them.
Why would they have ever given it back?
They wouldn’t. The alliance had been clamoring for years about wanting to reclaim Lordaeron, it would be foolish to hand it back over once it was theirs.
Kind of like an abusive parent who pits their own kids against eachother to maintain control aint it? Depending on which angle you’re looking at, either the Alliance or the Horde is the abused kid or the neglected kid. One beaten whenever daddy Blizz gets too drunk and wants to “express” themselves, the other locked in the closet and forgotten when daddy blacks out. Both kids thinking the other has it better … when both have it trash.
Good analogy, It sure feels that way a lot of the time.
Honestly, as much as the story has frustrated me, I’d feel icky comparing the consumption of what’s ultimately a cheesy computer game story to real trauma like that.
Some people really internalize and project their own issues way too much unto this story and its characters.
Kind of reminds me of Twilight. That story was also incredibly dull and uninspired but somehow a lot of people could self insert themselves into it for some reason.
Its probably the way its structured. This story and its characters leave so much unsaid and unclear that the human mind automatically fills in the holes with assumptions.
I’ll freely admit I’ve done this a hell of a lot myself. I’m pretty sure a psychologist could track my mood swings based on my post history. BFA frustrated me, made me angry, bummed me out, the whole nine yards. I’m pretty sure if there’s a bottom rung of posters on this forum, I’m right down there.
I get the appeal of trying to express these feelings with analogies but I think it’s a little easy to forget exactly what someone says when they’re trying to find a way to say it.
A lot of that pent of anger is due to how the horde has been mishandle since Cata. We’ve gotten so far away from the WC 3 horde, that I barely recognize the faction I feel in love with back than and it breaks my heart.
Do you want some fries with your salt? Cause you sound salty, my dude.
Also, I´d actually believe in your “pffff, villain batting is NO issue!!!” “Chad” argument if most blue players demanding “reparations” didn´t trip over themselves to pull the baggage of whitewashing and/or justifications every time a Horde poster mentions Alliance DOES commit crimes too (they just get passively justified and/or handwaved by the narrative in-universe).
Which actually brings something else to my attention… you clearly believe you DON´T represent the type of Alliance apologist me and Droité are talking about then, why get annoyed when we actually make a mention over an issue that DOES exist? (I mean sorry dude, but the fact you are 100% fine with inane, stupid and incoherent villain battinmg for the sake of the lols doesn´t mean other Alliance players are, period.)
Well, the fact they LIED to their customers (A.K.A. the playerbase) IS malicious by starters.
They may not deliberately try to screw us up -that would be bussiness suicide-, but they sure as hell don´t care over the BS they´re charguing us for. And that´s a form of malice.
Sure dear, is not like stuff like reaching the Vindicaar in Argus after meeting Alleria granted me with the “nice” gift of hearing her screaming for weeks about “the filthy Horde!!!” after I helped her sorry behind.
You know, we Hordies probably wouldn´t “internalize” poop and get issues if the freaking game didn´t call us filth to our face in reward for our money + the less than decent writting skills of the hack taking advantage over the lack of quality policies at Blizz HQ.
Tl;dr: when the game calls you an “Alliance pathetic pansy” literally to your face for weeks, come back to complain over “crazy players internalizing their issues” or something.
Well, I guess the phrase “ignorance is bliss” is proper to use in this case ifyouknowwhatImean…
I actually disagree in part with bolded. The way I see it the most valuable input was accomplished in the 5th post, and I´m serious.
May the other 194 post be useless? Maybe, maybe not. But the actual important thing was said in 5th post -no wonder it´s the most voted one-…
No thanks your villain bat salty tears were enough of a seasoning for my fries.
Hehehe, seems so. Truth hurts, I know.
Maybe instead of BS your way into free epic Horde “reparations” useless sugestions -by your metyric man, cause if villain batting is NOT an issue, then guess what? The consequences of the villain batting (A.K.A. the Alliance loses) neither are an issue, and indeed NO reparations are required in the first place.
Congratulations on seeing the light and joining the “let´s implement 5th post of the thread” club.
k /10chars
In my case is a combination of the annoyance resulting from watching people destroy their own bussiness brand in such a stupid way they apparently didn´t even notice in the first place and offense over getting offered a Steak and beiong served a salad instead (Ergo, BAD bussiness policies).
Unfortunately for us lore junkies, most players couldn´t care less over how evidently STUPID the story became; most player care over minmaxing for their purples and that´s it.
Not an american here dude, you´ll have to make a better effort cause I don´t have any freaking idea what this /10 chars thing means…