How can we redeem/rebuild the Horde?

Just came here to post Make the Horde Great Again.
Garrosh did nothing wrong.

Okay level 22 Alt with 2 posts trying to instigate melodrama lol


You know that’s not what he means. Whenever Alliance players claim they want the “Horde Treatment”, or they want the Horde to experience “The Alliance treatment” 
 they don’t really mean it. What they really want is for the Alliance to do things like what the Horde has been forced to do, but get their standard “Buried under justifications and whitewashing” treatment.

Plus, its not like Horde players from my experience care as much about things like locations or population numbers. Nearly every race in the Horde has either gone through worse near extinction level events than the NEs in the last 36 years; had their home permanently destroyed (with no getting it back); or both. So, if our reps were to get the expected Alliance Plot-Armor and Power Ups they get when we get Villain Batted 
 I’m not sure “blowing up our stuff” will have the same reaction.


If the horde is going to be the evil faction, we the players should just own it, whole hog. Go back to the Cata forsaken days and just be unrepentant about it. I’m sure that will get a few people riled up, when we’re still saving the day at the end of the expac.

I may or may not be serious with above statement by the way :gift_heart:


Oh but of course!!! I®m just waiting for his “reply”
 to call on the usual BS if it becomes necessary.

Certainly not, least of all the average players. Maybe the only ones that would care are the RPers, but then again I think most surviving RPers probably stay in the Belf niche of things -considering there IS negative feedback when people brings the dreaded “destruction of Silvermoon” scenario.


And bring back two well-loved troll characters while we’re at it :stuck_out_tongue:


You must be the fourth person to bring up this non-issue and I already addressed in this one thread.
But muh villain bat reeeee~!

Pls stop it. Its like a broken record.

Hey I think one of those people was you
 How many times do we need to go over the same points after addressing them before going back to the same rehearsed lines?
Does this conversation ever move forward or are you people doomed to do the same debate over and over?

Well, that’s 2000 posts now, that was the goal right? We can give up and lock the thread now. As expected, little-to-nothing was accomplished, the Horde remain totally and completely irredeemable, in-universe and out. Gratz writers, your narrative failure is complete.


To competent writers, that is a mark of shame.

To Blizzard writers, it is a challenge.

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Kek, imagine thinking MMO players being shamed by the developers of the MMO for playing a certain faction is a “non-issue.”


Notice it’s always alliance players with this attitude too :face_vomiting:

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Almost as if they don’t have the experience of watching their faction be continually victimized time and time again! :scream:


Virgin faction supremacy, Chad playing both factions and knowing they both suck.

I know, I just it amusing how dismissive they are of the hordes very real legitimate problems


I don’t think it was the game itself saying it on a meta level. It was just easy to internalize it that way to me, because my buy-in on the faction’s concept was broken. Like, I’m sure you’re not meant to take the opposite faction’s barbs at you seriously.

The problem is that I found it impossible to disagree with the other faction’s assessments about the faction and character I play. My takeaway shouldn’t be “yeah my character sucks and should die,” but that’s how I felt whenever an anti-horde sentiment popped up.


“I feel like I’m being victimized, and am not allowed to get any meaningful retribution upon my attackers” is a perfectly validate way for an Alliance player to feel. And “I feel like I’m being villainized, and then told I should feel shame for being made to do things I never wanted to in the first place” is a perfectly valid thing for a Horde player to feel.

I wish I had the slightest faith that the current team will be able to alleviate either of these problems, but I don’t.

I wish I had the slightest faith that the majority of players on both sides would be able to do something more than screech “YOOOUUU DON’T HAVE A PROBLEM! ONLY WEEE HAVE A PROBLEM! YOOOUUU JUST SHOULDN’T HAVE CHOSEN TO PLAY THE VILLIANS/GOOD-TWO-SHOES!”, but I don’t.


Just seems the only thing blizz succeed at with BfA is getting players from both factions to hate each other.



Maybe I’m just being paranoid, but I still find it interesting that the World of Warcraft expansion released during the United States of America’s most politically-divisive presidential administration just happened to be advertised with a series of commercials clearly showing how people on “Team Red” and “Team Blue” aren’t meant to get along.

The takeaway line in each and every commercial?



I never gave that much thought, but it does fit with everything that happened before and during the expansion.


You now view Battle for Azeroth in hindsight in a much more terrifying light.

You’re welcome. My work here is done.

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