How can we redeem/rebuild the Horde?

  1. Still a consequence. You just don’t like it.
  2. They weren’t there just to arrest Sylvanas

So, it’s wrong for Sylvanas but right for the Alliance?

I think you mean civilians. Being military doesn’t negate your citizenship.

“It’s ok when the Alliance does it.”

You seem upset. Maybe take a break?

They are. You just don’t like them.

Except, they are. Seiging a capital city with the intention of capturing it and the opposing factions leadership is a consequence of the actions taken by the Horde.



Wasn’t that Thrall in Cataclysm ?


It was and Saurfang also when he led the charge in Silithus all the way back in Vanilla during the AQ event.


Which brings us back to a pattern emerging.

Now try and find anything like that after Cataclysm.


You can’t. Why? Because too many Alliance snowflakes whined and pitched a hissey fit about Thrall. Ever since, it’s been Alliance NPCs (going neutral or not) and how the Horde players have had to help them.


I’m going to wait for someone to comment about WoD. As if WoD, in any way, was good for the Horde.




"What do you mean? It was literally orc-centric like Legion was night elf-centric! Also, you had Orgrim Doomhammer, Grom Hellscream…

Oh. Right. :expressionless:"



I’m just waiting for team blue to come running in and say it wasn’t fair because Consequences man :pancakes:

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Nah, Team Blue will come running in screaming, “It isn’t fair!” because they think they’re playing Lord of the Rings (where all orcs is evil) and have virtually no frame of reference for the nuance and context we got with the earlier games and expansions.

Not unlike Blizzard’s current cult of executives.



Orcs not being dumb evil canon fodder was a fresh idea back in the early 2000s which was gosh… 20 years ago now that I think about it. But not anymore man, and since that initial idea Blizzard has made the orcs do or follow along with so many dumb evil plots that at this point I roll my eyes at every excuse they throw in the air to explain away one atrocity after another which would make people like Genghis Khan blush.

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You know, from what therefore writing and spitefully slapping each other’s hands to high-five, it doesn’t become any truer, nor does it become any better to accuse the other faction of such, only because they play alliance…but well, today it seems so the case, the forum got more toxic from day to day.

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It will come loud “whining” depicting the disgusting view current players on Horde have regarding Blizz´s less than decent writting and use of the faction in their narratives.

And considering “loud whining” it`s the only language Blizzard devs seem to understand nowadays, then maybe they will reconsider the next time. Or at least not put on a /pikachu face when people call them on their BS.

I can accept that.

Dude, Horde players (which included Belf and Zandalari fans) were made to defend “muh Jaina Tragicmoar” to rescue Useless Baine by proxy of killing a Sunreaver whose only crime was to condemn the aforementioned female pet character from her actual responsability in the Purge of Dalaran, so kindly don´t come here trying to “gotcha!!” when Blizzard ALREADY made us relieve the closest scenario to what you try to hypothesize with, tyvm.

sure dear, NOT Alliance biased AT ALL, amrite? It´s not like Humans are the de facto most prominent race narratyive wise for the Alliance…

Cause that´s exactly what he´s trying to do -or at least that is how it looks-. The fact he used “human” in his example for “true neutral” didn´t help against this notion AT ALL.

I mean Umbric literally says “Rommath was correct” in the dialogue post voidification scenario… that was all that was needed to ciment Belves were very much correct in their stance -at least narratively speaking-.

But predictable under the current “Everything Alliance is Absolute Moral Lawful Good” narrative path.

Or at least amoral idiots… they can´t truly morally justify “we are researching this cause we loooove Quel´Thalas” with “oh, look!! the guy that made possible the murdering of 90% of us wrote this, cool!!”. Not with any modicum of coherence at least.

As long as you guys are up to get everybody and their mother telling you you are bad for playing Alliance in-game, I´m all for this.

Preach it!!


It’s even more jarring when you consider that the Void Elves are being led by Alleria Windrunner, who wants the Blood Elves to return to the Alliance, but is somehow perfectly fine with learning from the research of the traitor whose betrayal directly led to her own sister’s death.

You really can’t make this stuff up, folks.

Also, this is Vel, by the way :slight_smile:


Vel please, Alleria didn´t even seem to care over why Windrunner Spire was rundown by zombies and cultists in “The Three Sisters” comics, she just cared over the void screaming on her mind about “Sylvanas being eVuL!!”.

I mean, NOT ONe of the recent cameos from Alleria -nor in-game nor in the novels- seem to depict she felt bothered over Arthas decimating the kingdom. The surviving Belves aligning themselves with Thrall´s Horde is apparently a much more tragic and relevant thing to care about as far as current Alleria is concerned.

A depiction engineered to stroke the ego of the Helfers but man, does it make her look like an hypocritical dumb a-hole in the meta perspective…


Meta headcanon:

Our Lord and Sun King Kael’thas Sunstrider returns from the Shadowlands and blasts all those tentacle-loving traitors into oblivion with “the heat of a thousand suns!!!

Sadly, we’ll probably never get anything remotely that epic :frowning:


Don’t give us any more false hope man. Hordes been through enough. Could have the worgen bite the heads off a few though :pancakes:

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“The future I have planned will not be jeopardized!!!”


Best part of that final Venthyr covenant scenario, hands down.

Uhh? Do the Worgen have a bussiness deal “pending” with Alleria and her merry band of lunatic hypocrites?

Though don´t let me stand in the way of Worgen being giving their due heroic moments -man have they been neutered…-

Maybe a rogue Worgen element bites off the head of Blanduin too if it can be aforded? I guarantee his/her ever lasting loving appreciating from a huge portion of the playerbase.


I’m down for it. Maybe use his corpse as a dirty bomb just to add an extra layer of insult on top of it? :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Absolutely… make it take at least the two other pet characters of Christie Golden and we have a deal!!