How can we redeem/rebuild the Horde?

Yes it did.

That list isn’t even complete because I checked out of playing Horde pretty early in BfA and had to rely on input from other people.


She is horribly undergeared though lol

Lol just a bit. But you’ll get there :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

You did no such thing.

Because you said you had better things to do.

Eh, mistakes happen.


Can you explain how the actions taken by the Alliance in BfA in direct response to Horde actions in BfA do not count as Alliance imposed consequences?


The way that Droite was explaining it seemed so much in your face and explicit.
Can’t say the number of times some random NPC had a death rattle voice line that I completely ignored but I guess some players would really take that to heart and internalized that.

I thought it was like you click on an NPC or a major character like Baine who kept repeating “Oh man what did we do? Are we the baddies?” or something like it.

When you did the Warfronts all the Horde character were so into it. Like… Lady Liadrian yelling face the light or somesuch. So she didn’t seem too broken over what was going on.


I kind of think of it this way.
Feel free to disagree but this is how I processed it.

Horde Attacks : Alliance Attacks
Horde burns city : Alliance watch as Horde (Sylvanas) green burns city.

Was there a consequence? Sure. Was it weird? Hell yeah.
And thats why I said punitive consequence, there is one more that is missing so there should be more but there isn’t which creates the issue.

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Thank you.

The entire expansion was weird. And stupid. Weirdly stupid.



Which causes unsatisfaction which people ask for more consequence to adjust the balance.
Because at the end of the day this is all supposed to entertain us but instead its causing frustration.

Alliance playerbases’ frustration is to stick it to the Horde for once and stick it hard.
Horde playerbase frustration is something else. More heroes perhaps?

Alright so next expansion Alliance does something really epic to stick it the Horde and in all that chaos a Horde character really takes the spotlight because Horde players want more heroes and want to feel good again.

Boom. There you ago.
Attempt at reconciliation.


Which will just cause the Horde to want to stick it back to the Alliance.

The cycle repeats.

At least, that’s what the devs were probably trying to say with BfA.

Weirdly stupid.



I think its time the Horde finally got to experience that. Its not fair to tunnel a similar experience to one faction only.
If you want verbatim repeat then make Andiun or Turalyon a light baddie that you get to assist the good Alliance in stopping and then the Horde player gets the consequence of going back home with promises and lectures.

The cycle might repeat but at least someone else is riding this bike instead of the same kid over and over again.

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Should we villain-bat the entire Alliance to make it happen? I don’t think that would work.



I think we can both agree that the way Blizzard does this is always one singular character’s fault and a few unknown D rated characters as support bosses.
By all means take them out.
Andiun can throw Daelin and Arthas at our feet again if you like.


I thought the prison break sequence sucked anyway. I suppose part of it was because it came shortly after Teldrassil, but I’ve personally never found any enjoyment in having to be pitted against enemy faction leaders justifiably hating my character, and then you tack on Saurfang, an NPC who helped start it in the first place, who snubs you at the same time.

I would have preferred to skip it if I had the option.

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horde doesnt have anything left though really.

The BE have been ignored since they were released. They are more known for paladins, rangers, and spellbreakers than, you know, magic.

The Nightborne identity has basically been deleted and are now the bland walmart brand elves

Forsaken are rapidly becoming an alliance flavored race.

Tauren despise Baine, as does nearly everyone else in the horde.

On top of this, horde suffered far more loses than the alliance did in BfA. Forsaken have basically been deleted and the horde roster has been cut nearly in half (and it was already pathetically small compared to the alliance).

In order to have that “epic” moment over the horde, the horde would have to be GIVEN something in order to have it taken away. Which, btw, we already experienced TWICE in BfA with both rastakhan and Zelling. Both of which represented something the fans have wanted for a long time, only to have them snatched away immediately.

And even if they DID give us something and then take it away for the alliance to have that “epic” moment, you guys will claim that it doesnt count.

Well guess what? This is what happens when blizzard either ignores or dismantles a faction for a decade while constantly building up the alliance.


Firstly I would argue against giving something to Horde players and have it taken way almost immediately.

What I would take away from the Horde in an epic way is really tricky because it has to be game content for both players to enjoy. My idea is since Night Elves got burnt last time, literally, then this should be their attack.

Hopefully we finally use this Night Warrior thing for something useful for once.
What I would take away from the Horde is Azshara and that northern Horde exit.
Have new trees grown there with a blasted gate. There is nothing there anyway than a winding canyon.
Its a successful attack on Orgrimmar with lasting damage so that is already up there in terms of consequences and we are revamping a zone for both players to enjoy new leveling content there.

The epic Horde moment could be to push back the attack and res-establish their defense perimeter. Perhaps led by Gazlowe? He is the new Goblin leader right? Maybe its time for him to shine in this newly conquered goblin zone that he needs to retake.

Or at least try to :stuck_out_tongue:

That is not bad honestly, but keep in mind the horde already has less territory than the alliance, especially since the horde lost the neutral zone arathi basin. Also, this would make the horde the only faction to have a capital city, let alone their main capital city, right next to opposing faction controlled territory.

On top of that, defeating the horde in battle is not exactly epic. NE almost managed to defeat the entire horde without their military and the alliance defeated the horde in every single battle in BfA. Now, if the NE did win the War of thorns, that would be epic because a single race defeating an entire faction would be epic, but it would also showcase just how pathetic that faction is.

In the Zuldazar quest zones, the horde is defeated in every single storyline. Horde losing is the DEFAULT state.


This sort of touches on the problem. Horde does not really have anything left to lose. We lost most of the characters we care about, and our roster is already hurting.

As far as locations…other than orgrimar and maybe crossroads, i dont think there are any locations left of any significance to the Horde playterbase. Brill and Undercity were destroyed in BfA.

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I think at this point Horde and Alliance territory has become kind of grey area.
Almost all zones now have content for both sides to enjoy.
I don’t think anything outside of level 10 should be faction specific. With systems like Warmode the actual faction territory doesn’t really matter anymore.

Getting ganked is not the huge issue it used to be now that you can opt out of it.

Both factions need an overhaul at this point on Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms, Alliance, at least to me, seems to be suffering from the same issue. Major iconic places are constantly seen in ruins.

Huge dwarf dam? Gone.
Theramore? Giant crater.
Southshore? Green goo.
Everywhere else is like rebell camp lol. Just a hole with some tents in it. Its sad to see.

We all desperately need a revamp to the base world.

I’m talking on a meta narrative, the Alliance will forever be known as the faction that let the other one GENOCIDE one of their races and did nothing in return, it’s pathetic, no other race got that treatment, High Elves/Blood Elves dont count cause Arthas genocided everyone.

Lol what a ‘consequence’, the Horde destroy not only a people but their homeland to and you think Alliance sieging Undercity to arrest one person is a viable consequence, get the f outta here.

That’s literally Sylvanas’s reasoning which turned out to be BS anyway.

Not citizens.

We’re talking about citizens here, and seeing as the Horde doesn’t take prisoners they don’t really get a choice.

I’m talking to a f’ing brick wall I swear. THOSE ARE NOT CONSEQUENCES, those actions are not the Alliance punishing the Horde, they are to stop the Horde from causing further harm.

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Because you keep misusing the term consequences.
It’d be easy enough to say ‘I didn’t consider those satisfying consequences’ and use the term appropriately.