How can we redeem/rebuild the Horde?

Not really.

I think in a story with two sides to it there are a ample ways of giving something both sides would find enjoyment in. In BFA at least from the Alliance side I didn’t really see a conclusion or rather payoff to the things we saw in the first act.

IE Teldrassil and Lordaeron blowing up in our faces as Sylvanas flew away.
in Act 3 it was the Horde player that saw massive changes to their system of government, with Thrall coming back and other characters getting a spotlight. You guys even had prisoners and marches in the middle of the city.

Alliance just teleported back to Boralus and there was some NPC dialogue that “Heh the war is over”

Thats remarkably a stark difference of content delivered wouldn’t you say?

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The point of the research was for their nation. Obviously they think it is the best way to prioritize them in turn.

Again, if they think the Void is the best way of helping their people, that’s a consequence of it. As I said, they did broaden their goals as well, but they’ve also still noted they care about Quel’thalas. You can join an enemy for the sake of your people if you think your people are misguided.

Because they think their leaders are wrong.

A frankly irrelevant fact.

In which case, they weren’t proven right. They weren’t destroyed and they’re using those powers for good.

He clearly addressed your prior comment, you’re the one who ignored it to only discuss the authority side-comment.

Undoing a wrong is a consequence.

Again, you need to check what that word means. A consequence is just a result of an action.

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Until you realize that population numbers have never mattered, ever. Which is a reality most Horde players have long since accepted considering what should be the conditions of the: MU Orcs, Darkspear, Tauren, Forsaken, Sin’dorei and Bilgewater. All of which suffered far worse near extinction level events in the last like 35 years than the NEs did here. Its amazing how long its taken for the Alliance players (outside the Draenei) to catchup with that.

Plus, the Horde was simply made a hapless tool in Sylvie’s act of Genocide. So we were the expendable tool to do it, and get the constant shaming by Alliance players, our own characters, and the writers for 2 and 1/2 years. Which … whatever dude.


Lol not really but whatever. It doesn’t matter does it.

Why only the Horde when in Warhammer we have many factions just like this game?

Besides the best comparision would be Empire and Vampires or Dwarves with elves that despite their tenue alliance and many threats, they doesn’t mind go to war against each other because of old grudges/military might and land.

Why not? If Blizzard keeps pushing war storylines started by the Horde, then they should let us finish the job and kill Alliance figures and put their heads on pikes and raze their towns and a toy to put graffity on Stormwind “Horde Rulez”

Action: Horde destroys Teldrassil

Consequence: Alliance sieged Undercity

Just because you don’t like it, didn’t mean it didn’t happen.

Pretty sure they were in port around Zandalar.

Pro-active self defense. Right.

“If we destroy them first they can’t destroy us. That makes us justified!”

  • Alliance


They had already killed a bunch of Zandalari at that point.

So the Alliance is allowed to defend itself as you said previously but others aren’t?

You mean imposing consequences for the actions the Horde took? Like seiging Undercity, capturing Saurfang, destroying the Zandalari navy and killing Rastakhan?



Because we are talking about the Horde and you were talking about their accountability and all that.
Lets, keep the conversation focused otherwise we would derail all over the place.
Which is already hard enough when the conversation takes days to go through.

Then yeah I agree then.
This would save us much eye rolling when Saurfang and the rest of the Horde cast proclaim how moral and good they are. Just let them be cartoonish evil all the time and have fun with it.

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And none of these are good things.

The Warchief is dismantled because it was turned into a festering mass of evil. Thrall was guilted back into the Horde, a fact his wife continues to remind us of. Those prisoners being marched around are certainly not for our benefit, as its one of many MANY examples of Blizz shaming us for what they chose to do with our faction. Were do you see the “enjoyment” factor? Where do you see the Horde “gaining” anything? The Horde Faction Identity is likely damaged beyond repair. Our character roster is a joke of underdeveloped, underused, and underpowered reps … and Blizz has spent over a decade proving the NEVER want to build them up. And several of our core Racial Fantasies are left deader than the Forsaken.

Blizz started BfA out telling the Horde clearly “YOU ARE THE VILLAINS”, and then ended BfA by screaming “YOU ARE NOTHING”! Things they have yet to bother to even attempt to disprove.


As the very angry Gantrithor argues. So what?
Consequence is consequence even if you didn’t like it. Right?
These consequences in particular are Horde only and only they get that enjoyment out of it which seems unfair honestly. Alliance should have seen something equitable in whatever capacity.

Woah there. Lets not state anything that is untrue.
The events of Teldrassil on the Horde side was largely ignored. If you didn’t play the prepatch and didn’t watch those cinematics you would never know it happened unless you did the darkshore warfront.
And even there its barely mentioned how it happened.

So let’s relax on the villainization. It was not as bad as you say it was.


Yeah, if you put your head under a rock, you’d totally miss them.


Bro, you acuse me of trolling and being passive aggressive, but I’m the angry one?




Why are you still replying to me? I thought we were done?


/looks at a thousand threads over the last two years pointing out how the Horde can’t even justify its own existence anymore and how there is no real way to redeem or rebuild us.

And btw, Teld wasn’t “ignored” on the Horde side for our benefit. It was ignored because Blizz could not figure out a way to keep the Horde convenient for Sylvie’s setting up of SLs if they were allowed to react to it. So, instead, Blizz hid the piss-stained sheets under the bed and made the Horde and its characters far more complicit in that act by sheer lack of reaction. The Horde and its reps NEEDED to be kept convenient. No, Blizz has been VERY clear. We are the villains, and we are nothing.

I have no doubt in my mind that Blizz will put more work into “redeeming” Sylvanas than they will the entire Horde combined. She’s Steve’s Waifu and Golden’s cat after all. A decade of merciless neglect to ever attempt to build up the Horde after plot-devicing us has taught me that.


Mmmm… no? In fact, you were the one that said you had better things to do. :point_down:



He’s posting on a lvl 30 toon and has his profile hidden so you can’t see his post history. I wouldn’t take him serious


Haha, I recently made a new character and tried the new leveling zone and immediately started BFA. I got to say I was sad not to have the prison break quest but yeah… Teldrassil and the whole war.
Kind of fell off the radar when I began my new Horde character. Which was really interesting because there was this goblin fellow telling me “This is our home and the Alliance don’t even want us to have that!”

Like really? But ok I guess…

In case anyone wants to know what my main is, here you go lol

Ahmanét - Character (

Well you described this horrible experience of constantly being told to feel bad and evil throughout your experience in BFA and I was only pointing out that for whatever reason… that didn’t really happen.

Can we agree on that?

I asked if you could relax a little and you categorically refused and then you did the bye emoji so I thought we were done. And speaking frankly I don’t find this little bickering back and forth entertaining. Do you want to talk about something else or are we done?


edit: Oh right forgot the waffle.

hugs Tis a cute toon Ahmanet :gift_heart: