How can we redeem/rebuild the Horde?

And thank god they didn’t include the “Alliance Neutrals”. Because like it or not, Kadghar, Magni, and Bolvar all find the majority (if not all) of their emotional and personal attachments to the Alliance. Especially now that Magni “saved Azeroth” and Bolvar is not the LK. More often than not their neutrality is used as an excuse to not force Blizz to write around the Horde trying to deal with them. Like they were forced to do with Malf and Jaina, and why they ignored the Vindecaar. And like with Rokhan and Talaamon, a lot of this does stem from Blizz’s massive neglect building up the Horde.

Like it or not, but DBZ power levels (especially since Legion) have mattered more and more with how Hero driven Blizz writes stories, and the Horde is laughably lacking on this front. More now than ever. Which is why you can have our apparent “Heart and Best of the Horde” Baine Bloodhoof be cast away as “Worthless Garbage” by his own damned kidnappers. And the Horde Playerbase looking at what should be a massive catalyst for growth and “power-ups” for him there, not believing for a moment our main Spirit Worshipping Race rep wont just sit around pining for the Boy King and HIS story in this death themed expac.


2 things:

  1. The collective efforts of SIX races (which includes Trolls native to the terrain and/or friends of the natives to the terrain -hello, Shatterspear & Co.-, Belves with similar Forest efficient Ranger Units and Orcs that have been fighting on that same terrain for a decade) apparently HAS TO BE lesser than the efforts of ONE Alliance race that to add insult to injury had most of their military units ABSENT at the moment of the attack.

  2. Somehow Night Elf forest are a Biome of their own and totes different from other forests? Whud? :thinking: :thinking:

Louder for the NEFPAs in the back

Also: it was just me or that “dodgy” Troll that knew of the secret passage between former Shatterspear grounds and Ashenvale sounded like a Griftah look alike?

Sooooo… double standards? Cause I call double standards on those NEFPAs posts.

Which is basically what, the right to exist cause it would be a a-holish move to erase the faction gameplay wise thanks to the incompetence of the writers in charge?

I guess myself and all the other Horde players had a collective massive alucination that showed Orgrimmar detaining Sylvanas loyalists for months… mentioned again by Vandraeda in her very first post of the thread.

Ty for proving my point about how those actions being portrayed in-game for whole freaking months suddenly “don´t count”. Next time exercise some honest evaluation, please. Cause you SAY you don´t want forced X, Y, and Z but afterwards NEGLECT to aknowledged actions being depicted (implying nothing but your own biased X, Y, and Z will fulfill the parameters, period).

Current dev team have their heads so far up their behinds regarding the M E T A L kick they are getting poisoned from their own farts, dear.

I repeat: no negativity in the dojo A.K.A. “I don´t care over criticism cause muh product is perfect!!”.

Worked just fine for the Helfers and the MHPs, so as disgusting as it is, I´m afraid yes, we will have to demean ourselves to such lows to get things done -or more properly to PREVENT more destructive “attention” from the hacks writting the lololore.

Experimental data shows the contrary dear… or are we gonna pretend a million dollar company doesn´t have enough resources to invest in a single editor? Or a mere Quality Control Supervisor? No? Too expensive for this indie company?

Then kindly, brainstorm coherently. Cause you can´t say “I´m all for developing factions independent from each other” and then propose content based in SHARED narratives.

You know, so one can take you seriously at least and not as a troll post.

Of course they like writting for the Horde… who doesn´t love getting paid when no quality control is gonna be exercised around the job being done in the first place? It´s the literal dream scenario.


But it’s not the topic we were discussing. You want to discuss Horde issues… open a new thread. If you don’t want to get back to what we were talking about, we’re done.

At least Blizzard’s consistent, they also either ignored or forgot about the existence of Quel’Thalas’ navy in BfA. All that fuss over how the Horde needs the Zandalari fleet because we’re out of ships or something (I can’t even remember why Nathanos and Sylvanas were suddenly obsessed with getting more ships at the beginning of the expansion), and yet not a single Sin’dorei ship is seen, even though Wrath and MoP both established Thalassian vessels as being able to undertake long ocean voyages. At least we had Captain Dawnsail, but I think he’s the only reference in BfA to the fact that Quel’Thalas has a navy (please correct me if I’m wrong). I started wondering if Lor’themar didn’t hide the fleet away somewhere to keep Sylvanas from commandeering it. “Sorry Sylvanas, I can’t give you any ships, every single one is in dry docks being repaired after a nasty infestation of Void barnacles, which are totally a real thing and not something I just made up. Curse you, Umbric!”

That might be a difference in regional dialects. “Whining” is the only word ever used where I’m from, “whinging” is a slightly different term and isn’t used at all.


“But sir what about the Thalassian Navy”
“Those boats are too small, they’re not a real navy”

^100% guarantee you this is how the conversation went


The Horde didn’t have a fleet at all, outside of … I guess … those invasion scenarios?

When we go from the WoT to having no Horde ships (air or sea) to actually transport our troops into and onto Teld beyond like 3 we stole from the Kaldorei … to having a WoD Era Aircraft Carrier and MoP Destroyer support chilling off the shores of Zandalar. That was interesting… since there isn’t a single non Golden Fleet ship that shows up outside of those little sub-events? Outside of like a few Forsaken flagships?


There’s a few Orcish and Forsaken ships that show up. Obviously there’s the Banshee’s Wail, but there’s also The Swift Vengeance which we stole with Baine and Zelling, and two of the four Horde ships in the opening Nazjatar cinematic are Forsaken vessels. There’s also Orcish ships in the water right outside Warfang Hold.

The thing is, the Horde still had a few ships at the end of Legion, not all of them were destroyed at the Broken Shore or in Stormheim, and we even took a Thalassian vessel, The Sunstrider from Ogrimmar to Azuremyst Isle to start the Argus campaign. Then suddenly BfA happened and Sylvanas and Nathanos are acting like the Horde’s entire naval presence is one Forsaken flagship and a couple of rowboats, when there are still other Horde ships that have been seen previously and weren’t destroyed in Legion that should be available. Where did they all go? I don’t think there were any Sin’dorei ships in Legion beside The Sunstrider, and there had previously been enough of them in MoP to bring an entire fleet to the Isle of Thunder, so where did all those other ships go? There should have been at least one still around, right? It’s just weird that we don’t see any.

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The first step is to get Blizzard to see the Horde as something other than villains for the Alliance to defeat. Until you do that, there is no point in schemes.


They didnt ignore the navy, you just ignored the explaination cause for some reason, you think the belves arent horde, so when blizzard said that the horde and alliance navies where depleted in legion, your mind went, oh we still got the belf navy.

Yeah, but nearly the ENTIRE Horde navy? To the point we had to steal NE ships to even try to make it to Teld in our master invasion plan? Also, the decimation of nearly every single Horde ship outside of like 4 apparently was not an issue the Alliance had considering how many SW boats they threw at us in the Welcome to Zandalar and Naz’jatar cinematics lol!


Um, I never said the Sin’dorei weren’t Horde, and that would be rather strange for me to do so considering that I really like playing on the Horde with my Blood Elf main and four Blood Elf alts (plus one Nightborne and a goblin I’ve created but not leveled yet). If you’re referencing my use of the term “Thalassian” to describe the ships, that’s because it is both accurate as a descriptor for a ship from Quel’Thalas and because I think it sounds less clumsy phonetically in that particularly instance than saying “Sin’dorei”, but I’ll happily clarify that I’m referring to Horde Blood Elf ships. The Forsaken still had several ships present in BfA, along with Orcish ships, presumably representing what ships the Horde did have that survived Legion, so I’m asking why not a single Blood Elf ship was included in that number since we know for a fact that at least one, The Sunstrider, survived the events of the Broken Shore and Stormheim since it showed up afterward in the Argus patch.


wow is a comic book story droite, the strategy of the wars in wow all the way back to wc3 arent sound

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I mean, there’s an in-lore explanation for that. If the Horde went there with their navy, the Alliance would wonder why they’re sailing ships north to go around the horn of…

… oh who am I kidding? With Alliance intelligence, they would have figured that they were just showing up for a friendly visit.

Also - @ Azighan and Mahrn - while I still don’t think that those examples don’t create the impression that the Alliance is the overwhelming juggernaut that Droite believes they are, I do think you actually answered the question and I respect the care and attention that you gave to your answers. I didn’t want that to go unsaid - sorry for not replying sooner.


Save yourself the migraine and don’t read Kat’s posts.

stayed to protect quel, or they where dead

If that was the case, I would have liked to have actually seen that in game, rather than it being left to assumptions. Especially considering that Blizzard bothered to put a whole aircraft carrier in Nazmir when we previously had only seen that tech in use on Draenor. I’m not saying I dislike the aircraft carrier, far from it, I think it’s great, just that it would have been nice to also see at least a single Sin’dorei rowboat, specifically as a reminder that they are part of the Horde. I want to see the Blood Elves more involved in general Horde action alongside everyone else, because logically they should be.


Okay, I admit I LOL’d at that.

“Whinging” is a Britishism. Must have percolated in from some TV show or other.


the belf ships are low rez, blizzard only really likes using high rez models, and they are lazy to update stuff

Or because a significant number of the Forum Posting Alts™ are Europeans/English. :eyes:

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I think that it is just a rather heated mood here and anyway nothing clever would come out of it, let it rest until tomorrow, think about it, and then sit down neutrally again ran, what I read here is only a mutual attack … and partly insinuations

I mean, if because of a counter-opinion immediately several pounce on this one person like wild animals, one is more than just too close…and should seek a little distance, don’t you think?