How Can We Redeem/Rebuild The Horde (Actual Horde Edition)

The difference between the Alliance and the horde is that Blizzard had the chance to allow Anduin"i have magic bones that allow me to trust anybody and do no wrong" do something bad or have the Allliance commit an attrocity but they didn’t.

However The current writers are happy to beat blizzard with the horde with the villian stick when they want. The council simply allows them to do this while keep a portion of the Horde as “honorable”.

The Alliance was its most interesting when it had its own council that bickered and fought and had elements that betrayed it. Now the Horde have that instead

It isn’t possible…I explained it. The Horde is one country with various “states”. Similar to the United States.

The Alliance is more like the European Union in a sense.

One member of the Horde cannot go rogue and disobey the government while the rest just ignore it. I’m sorry but what your suggesting just doesn’t make any sense.

In your mind it operates that way doesn’t make it true. We have no Idea how it will operate as it is brand new. However based on the current writing the idea that Talanji is just going to give up on getting revenge for her father your dreaming. In fact she was willing to step away from the Horde to get it. All it takes is for a member to break away commit some atrocities, have the rest of the horde condemn it, replace the leader and bring them back into the Horde.

This Idea that now the Horde is a council is some magic protection against them being villain batted is hilarious.

Edit: ironically the Horde is nothing like the states as you no longer have a president aka warchief, They are more like the union.


I like your posts but Badmaa is right. Logic and reason won’t stop these writers. I can point to most plot points in BfA as example. They will twist and disembowel anything to do what they want to do, canon is a crutch to them.

It would be nice to be optimistic for the future though. I just would not be surprised if they found some way to villify the horde again.


Glad to hear it.1

Right, but that just damns the whole Horde, with them being okay with continuing the war after what they did. That’s not a positive, at all.

So he decided that even more dying in a prolonged war was superior. Again, it doesn’t paint him, or the Horde, in a good light.

And waht you don’t seem to understand, is that it doesn’t fix what the Horde did, at all. The only one that has even attempted to fix things is Thrall, and even then it’s currently nothing more than a promise he is unlikely to keep. The rest of the council has done absolutely nothing.

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"Beautiful" death

The Shadowlands expansion has ended. The hole above Icecrown has been repaired. Portals to Oribos are closed. All outsiders are exiled.
The welcoming delegation (consisting of representatives of the Horde and Alliance). Tyrande leads Sylvanas on a chain. The delegation wants to publicly execute Sylvanas. Tyrande wants to give Sylvanas to the night elves to be torn apart. The delegation argues that it is fair to let everyone see Sylvanas die. Tyrande talks about unfairly distributed losses. Someone talks about taking Sylvanas into custody. He immediately dies from moonfire. The delegation is outraged. The delegation is hiding behind a shield. The shields are broken. The delegation is badly damaged and stunned. Tyrande does not check their condition. Tyrande leads Sylvanas away.
Gallywix’s pleasure palace has been invaded, destroyed, and rebuilt by the night elves and their allies (the ancients, the witheroes). The Pleasure Palace is a stronghold of the night elves, and they attack Azshara. Anyone who did not have time to leave Azshara will die. The Goblin Rocket Railroad is destroyed. Bilgewater Harbor is besieging. You can only leave the Harbor through a portal or by water. The gates of Orgrimmar are guarded, no one will get out. Azshara belongs to the night elves.
Mulgore is attacked by the night elves. Mulgore is protected. Local animals join the siege. Mulgore is protected. Beasts and plants are affected by the Nightmare. Mulgore fell.
The druids are investigating the reasons for the resumption of activity by Nightmares. Some druids fall prey to the Nightmare. Some druids cannot leave the Dream. Many druids report the Nightmare in Nordrassil.
Armies storm Nordrassil. The area is infested with Nightmare. No monsters found. Each tree has a wisp next to it. The wild gods sleep in The Seeds of Ardenweald. The armies reach Nordrassil. The roots of the World Tree are infected with the Nightmare. The horn sounds. Wisp’s explode. Hyjal is on fire. Those who were near the Wild Gods will survive. Nordrassil cleared of the Nightmare by fire.
Stormrad is destroyed.
Shardris (the traitor) reports that the night elves are in Teldrassil. The night elves have learned and are using the Nightmare.
The goblins are using Gallywix’s Pride. Bilgewater Harbor is partially (up to 100%) destroyed by the explosion. Teldrassil is significantly damaged.
Armies attack Teldrassil. Armies storm Darnassus. The armies storm the Temple of Elune. Fight with Malfurion and Tyrande. Malfurion is slain. Tyrande speaks with Shandris about the Alliance and Horde. Shandris does not believe that the Horde and the Alliance should die. Tyrande says she has retaliated. Tyrande tries to kill herself. Shandris gets in her way. Elune’s power leaves Tyrande. Tyrande becomes Withered.
News Item: Orgrimmar has been invaded by the night elves. Refugees in the Broken Isles. Refugees in areas of Kalimdor not captured by the night elves. Night elf reinforcements arrive. Shandris announces herself as the new High Priestess. Shandris orders the aliens to leave Teldrassil. Threat: death. The withered Tyrande remains with the night elves.

Night elves are villains. This should tarnish the Alliance. This should distract attention from the Horde’s atrocities. Capturing major points of Kalimdor and destroying Storwind is a “cure” for the Night Elves’ fantasy. The horde is punished.
Disadvantages. The author of the plot is me (extreme stupidity is everywhere). It’s enough.
An edited version of the “Beautiful Death” storyline.


Waiting for another criticism.

So in other words, you believe that both sides are suffering but the Alliance players are suffering more?

I don’t agree. I think both sides are suffering about equally, just for different reasons.

But this is the eternal debate of the story forum, and there appears to be no way of changing anyone’s mind about it.

However, just hypothetically: if you did believe that the suffering of both sides was equal, what would be your suggestion on how to proceed? Note again, I’m not saying you have to believe that. I’m just curious what you would want to do if you did.


Of course not. Its just more resistant to it than the Warchief spot is. As it makes it more difficult to pull a Garrosh. The classic shoehorning a despot into the driver’s seat through some mcguffin, largely through the forced death of some WC3 Horde rep, then silencing the rest of the Horde for years so their despot can have their fun. Using the faction as a plot-device to settup future content, with little regards to the Faction itself. Or little consideration to luxuries like … motives for any of that.

So, you’re right. The Council does not prevent villain batting, because villain batting is an extension of Blizz’s desire to regularly use the Horde as a Plot-Device for future content. But the removal of a Warchief at least denies them access to their “easy” way of doing that.

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In this specific issue, yes. Alliance players suffer a lot more from Teldrassil being unresolved compared to Horde players, who’d rather forget about the whole thing instead.
Doing nothing, in regards to Teldrassil, hurts Alli players more.

I’d say to rebuild the Horde while at the same time have the Horde help fix what they broke, to the extent that they are able. But apparently that isn’t good enough for Gantrithor, or seemingly any Horde player. Because to them, doing nothing is superior when doing something might not be enough in everyones eyes.

Because your Alliance bias has taken over.

And doing stuff to the Horde in regards to Teldrassil hurts Horde players more. But you don’t care about that. You just want to feel better about yourself.

What did Horde players break?

The Horde owes the Alliance nothing.

You mean Alliance eyes.

You still don’t seem to get it. You want to stand on your Alliance pedestal and dictate what the other faction should do so that they are better “in your eyes” without taking into consideration how Horde feel about their own faction. Or, you do take that into consideration but you just don’t care because you only want Alliance to feel better and couldn’t care less about Horde players.

I’ll repeat this from the other thread where Alliance posters did the same thing regarding rebuilding the Horde:

Don’t like that Horde players don’t feel like placating Alliance player issues with the story?

That’s distinctly a YOU problem.



To frame it another way: why are Alliance players feeling like they’re entitled to my Horde gametime as a foundation to any argument?


Maybe this is due to the fact that your Horde was taking our game time?

LOL. Yes, the Horde players told the writers to do just that.

Totally how it happened.



Thats not how it works. This argument: “we didn’t say the writer what they in the end did” is a weak line of defense to escape ingame consequences of the story.

Suprice, the alliance didn’t either and both face the same consequences.

So the Horde players should be punished for a decision they had no input in?



And how is that different from what you think should be done given that you believe the suffering is not equal? In other words, what would change about your proposed solution if you believed it was equal?

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M … Yes? How was the Alliance that was punished?

Both factions were punished in BfA. The writers just used the Horde to punish the Alliance. That didn’t mean the Horde wasn’t punished.
