How Can We Redeem/Rebuild The Horde (Actual Horde Edition)

That is rich coming from you. You don’t care about Alliance players at all. Atleast I try to find a solution that can please both parts. You’d prefer to simply let the other side languish, because otherwise it might hurt your feelings.

Your opinion, nothing more. And after what you’ve said, an opinion I care nothing for.

Nothing, and yet your faction did. But you’d never give anything at all to fix things, that’s clear.

You’ve made that clear. I can only hope that the writers disagree with you, deeply.

No, it’s you who don’t get it. And i’m tired of trying to make you get it.

I don’t care about your opinion, true. And that’s because any and all goodwill the Horde shows the Alliance is wrong in your eyes, even if it’s deserved.

That’s the problem, isn’t it. To you it’s not about quests, for I need none to see my vision done. I don’t even need in game content. It’s about how the Horde looks. And to you, the Horde helping the Alliance is humiliating. Well, I truly hope that you feel humiliated going forward then. I truly do.

It’s irrelevent, because I don’t know how i’d think if I felt differently. Having the Horde rebuild itself while helping the Alliance is the compromise i’d make, as things are now.

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The Alliance was punished by the Horde. The Horde was punished by the Horde. The Horde then punished the Horde. Where is our turn to punish the Horde?

I don’t care to try and fix Alliance problems in a thread about fixing the Horde.

You would know about hurt feelings, right? You’ve been whining about how Horde rebuilding has to incorporate fixing those hurt feelings for a while now.

Right back at you.


But you still want to take it out on the Players.

Good. Then I shouldn’t have to keep repeating myself to players like you.

Yes, because you as an Alliance know exactly what Horde needs, right?

Yeah, it’s not hard to figure out.

Patently false, but keep making incorrect assumptions.

Wrong again.

:wave: Enjoy your victim card.



Alliance is punished in BfA.

Horde is punished in BfA.

So, Horde should be punished again?

Should the Alliance get punished again?



Then what the hell is wrong then? Why can’t the Horde do anything for the Alliance? Why is that so god damned hard for you? What is wrong with it? Is it because not everyone might think it’s enough? That is the flimsiest excuse ever invented, and you know it.

Make me understand what part of it is wrong. Why can’t the Horde help the Alliance? And if that’s not the problem, why are my suggestions not good enough?

Give punishment to the Horde that the Horde punished. Give out all loyalists. And we will execute them.

I love the unwillingness of any Alliance player to create a thread “How to fix the Alliance narrative problems” to brainstorm amongst themselves what they’d internally like to see.


You sang in the songs of the night elves. We will sing in the songs of the Horde. Do you have solutions for the Alliance?

Make your own thread for that end.

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I have tried. The standard reaction is, “What the hell is this?”. They said to move to Role Play.

Like the alliance was punished, you know?

The horde wasn’t punished, the hordeplayer feels punished, yeah. But it’s exist a difference between the fictionary and the player.

The horde as faction wasn’t punished, but as hordeplayers you feel as the current looser of the war. A looser who have to support warcrimes and didn’t get a single win even without real. In reality you get the same expierience as alliance get in cata (lost every battle expect 1). But teldrassil overshadowed every nuance cata had and so its got even worse.

Yeah you’re gonna be my first ignore. Because you’ve been on this forum long enough and have interacted with enough horde posters to know this isn’t the reason, but you need a strawman to prop up your feelings of having it worse. Good bye.


Go ahead and quote any of my posts where I explicitly stated that Horde doing ANYTHING for the Alliance was unacceptable.

Go ahead.

I’ll wait.

I’ve even stated previously that I have no issue with things like Thrall promising Sylvanas’ head to Tyrande or the quests where Horde players get Night Elf souls out of the Maw.

Those items in combination with other actions, such as moving to a council show the Horde moving in the right direction independent of the Alliance and its moral superiority.

Your suggestions do NOTHING to rebuild the Horde beyond attempting to assuage Alliance player’s feelings.

That simple.



Its obviusly not my problem, its your problem then, you got triggered^^

Patently False.


So pls, correct me, show me the factionpunishment.

Loosing leaders is a lost to us players because they are our connection to the game in some cases, but the faction, where lost the horde something ingame?

How did it work in your brain that losing a faction leader doesn’t count as the faction losing something?

Like, what?

Are you trying to say characters are unimportant to a faction?



Going by your logic, then you also want the Alliance to punish itself and get punished by itself. Not just punish the Horde. Hey, I’d be okay with the Alliance causing its own problems. Maybe then Alliance players will stop complaining and blaming the Horde for it. (they’ll probably find a way to blame the Horde though)

Lmao, okay. So Blizzard can add a bunch of no-name NPCs that the Horde can hand over to the Alliance, then the Alliance can kill those no-name NPCs. They can make it a whole quest and make all the Loyalists /cry and /cower. Blizzard can say the Alliance executes…what, a thousand? Two thousand? A quadrillion? I’ll say a quadrillion just so those nasty Loyalists get EXTRA punished. Are you happy with that? Will you feel better when Blizzard does that?


I agreed with your ideas, and I feel like that is a more comprehensive list than I could manage, beyond generic “rebuild the Horde rooster” kind of ideas. And I already told you this.

Perhaps it is like the electoral system of power. The death of a leader means nothing as long as the system is able to elect a leader without changing the election algorithm.