How Can We Redeem/Rebuild The Horde (Actual Horde Edition)


Not every Horde player is Erevien. Just as not all Night Elf players are NEFPA.

I brought this up in my main post (#4) of this thread.

No, the example given shows that the Horde has the subject matter expert regarding the rifts and the forces that power them while also illustrating that the Alliance has more raw magical power. Hence why they are able to brute force the rifts closed.

No, to show that the 2 factions operate differently.


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And i didn’t mean erevien^^

In my mind, only partly. But thats your point^^

It was meant to fullfill this, if you look to the allianceleaninganswers, many seems to be disapointet or open disagree^^ from my perspective ot didn’t seems so^^

Oky, i understand^^

Random dinner table thought:

Is the Horde allowed to be better than the Alliance at anything?


Did the Alliance attempt to stop the Horde during the WoT?

No. It was a token force of Night Elf city guards and civilians against the entirety of the Horde war machine.

Did they successfully eliminate UC as a Horde stronghold in the EK in retaliation for the WoT?


No, just killed the Zandalari king, destroyed its navy (the reason for the alliance in the first place) and destroyed its capital.

Did they win every battle after the WoT?


Are they still attempting to get Sylvanas?


Incorrect. The Horde just wasn’t punished in a way that a lot of people find satisfactory.

Make a thread, propose a solution.

I’m not trying to fix the Alliance here.



Of course^^ my point wasn’t “horde must be weaker as the alliance”

I use the fringe posters as examples on both sides.

Not many Alliance posters have responded directly to my hypothetical in a meaningful way. It is also incomplete at the moment so asking for feedback may be premature.



I doubt you think there is anything wrong with them in the first place.
Like if people did not find the punishment satisfactory then clearly it wasnt enough but that brings me back to my point.

How do you redeem any of the two factions without dragging the other one through the gutter to do it?

Nothing wrong with the Alliance? There is plenty wrong with the Alliance not least of which is how its leaders seem to bend around Anduin.

Have you read my proposal? Have the Alliance been dragged through the gutter in my hypothetical? Admittedly, it’s not complete yet, but I’m working on it.


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This really needed to be said.


Sorry so many posts.
You mean the one at the beginning? Last time i was up there they were reserved.
Now that I look at them they are just general race descriptions?

Nvm there is more. I am on the phone. Let me read it tonight.

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Post #4.

It has a lot of background to establish the current situation. The hypothetical is at the end of that post.


No worries. Again it’s a WiP.

I won’t be responding for a while. Heading to dinner for our Anniversary.


How many expansions do you think Blizzard would need to do all this? Every expansion there is a limit of 4 or 5 characters that really get a focus and they are divided by faction and or don’t have any at all like Illidan or Khadgar.

Not exactly my cup of tea when it comes to stories but thats not relevant. So your bullet point asks for what a good story would entail wouldn’t WoD fall into the perfect story for you that involves both factions but each one has an independed story? Though granted WoD was more Orc oriented than anything but isn’t that even a bigger credit to it?
What about stories that alternative faction focus per patch or does it have to be consistent throughout?

I don’t think your hypotheticals would inherently clash with Alliance current status but if Alliance is going to get fixed its going to impact the Horde.

Can Orcs really go towards shamanism when say NEs are kicking them all out of northern Kalimdor and blocking their access with giant tree walls for example?
Can Voss and Forsaken move on when Turalyon is trying to reclaim Lordaeron?

I think the answer to all of the above is no.
But if this is supposed to stand on its own completely unrelated of what came before and devoid of any Alliance influence then yeah maybe it can work I didn’t find anything objectionable besides the fact that Horde seems to be getting a little extra story here and after BFA I was hoping I get a little extra story (and maybe cinematic short movies too).

TDLR: I don’t have a problem with any of your stated objectives but I question how it can be realistically deployed without considering resources and the other faction.
I can make a thread about it but I am afraid it will just turn into rawr rawr Horde bad and it needs work thread.

It’s okay we can talk about it over dinner when you get here.


I think if they had all abandoned Sylvanas and Undercity that would’ve been a much larger problem. The civilians and guards there didn’t decide to burn Teldrassil and leaving them all to die because of Sylvanas is just as bad.

As Saurfang pointed out in his final cinematic, they are still his brothers and sisters. And they deserved to be defended and get a chance to escape despite what sylvanas did in the WoT.

And the Alliance can’t really enforce any punishments without continuing the war, which they don’t want to do. The armistice is pretty much a white flag. A cease fire from both sides. No one technically won the war in the end.


When did Alliance commit wholesale slaughter and they (horde) could have arrested her and turned her over.
Or at least tried to. Saurfang’s rebellion wasn’t worried about the citizens of Orgrimmar getting genocided when they joined Andiun and thats after fighting him for a long long time.
Your argument makes no sense given the context of what happened.

Lol what?

This addresses nothing I said about the Horde council being essentially the same government that was not only involved in BFA for Sylvanas’ basketfull of atrocities but also present during Garrosh’s super fun time. Do you see a pattern here?

Many more still would have died had they not defended and evacuated Undercity. Saurfang sacrificed himself in the Mak’gora because he didn’t want his fellow horde sisters and brothers to die on either side. Even the forsaken. There is no reasonable way for them to not defend Undercity. That would speak volumes to the new members of the horde and even older ones that your expendable.

Sieging a city leads to deaths even if you don’t intend to slaughter them all.

Undercity was evacuated before the battle started. Horde characters did not need to stand with Sylvanas to accomplish this task.

Yes he is the new green jesus. He died for Horde sins. /s

Why was it so necessary for the hounrable members of the Horde to stand with Sylvanas because of their caring hearts just couldn’t bare to abandon the forsaken population but eagerly abandoned the people in Orgrimmar and let Sylvanas stand alone while they joined the Alliance attackers? After much bloodshed that would have made the Alliance hate the Horde more than they would have at the beginning of the war?

Your argument makes no sense.

Also why are you refusing to address the fact that the “good” horde characters were supporting multiple bad warchiefs and somehow their presence will fix the Horde in the new council government. Its the same people.

The Evacuation was ongoing as the battle started. We see at least 1 or 2 dead Merchants and then city guards defending others from SI:7 and Druid attacks…so fighting wouldve been required regardless to give everyone a chance to escape.

And ultimately Saurfang sacrificed his life so those in Orgrimmar didn’t die and people on his side didnt(Which is stated to be the majority of the Horde). So I don’t get what your trying to push here.

No populace should be entirely abandoned because of Sylvanas’ choices.

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First off you are wrong. Before the battle starts Sylvanas is told the evacuation is complete.
The Horde is fighting SI 7 in the city which were only there to gather intel not kill civilians. Check minute 7:25 for proof.

Your argument is Saurfang and Co could not abandon the people in Lordaeron and just had to fight the Alliance rather than join them.
Your argument falls apart when Saurfang and Co abandonned the people in Orgrimmar and fought together with the Alliance to stop Sylvanas.

They could have done the same thing at Lordaeron there is no excuse.
Your argument does not make sense.
And once again you have no explanation as to why the current council members have any chance of leading the Horde to a better place when they have been involved with multiple mass killer Warchiefs.

You don’t make sense dude.

Please note that this is mainly addressing the nonsensical writing that Blizzard has pushed.