How Can We Redeem/Rebuild The Horde (Actual Horde Edition)

Gee, you sure make that sound like a positive experience… :thinking:


So, faulty argument huh?

Care to add anything that will build up the Horde? Or are you here for the pancakes?


You lose the Barbie doll and I lose the barbie dream house.

Mine cost more. Hah i win.
Go shove your pancakes in a pantry.

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There’s your victory. Now you can stop complaining. :upside_down_face:


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Can we just admit it was a terrible story decision, but one everyone is suffering from and mad about for different reasons? :wolf:


Um… yes? :point_down:


It’s not positive…like for anyone. :wolf:

You can’t build the Horde up without building the Alliance back up. And each building block for one side destroys the other.

Alliance needs to punish the Horde.
Horde needs to have its identity outside of Alliance that doesn’t punish them.

It won’t work.
And also I haven’t been complaining.

If you say so.

Patently False.

Alliance are not the world police.

You did an awful lot of complaining regarding some of Baal’s comments earlier in the thread but sure, we’ll call it something else.



No but they need it to “redeem the alliance”.

My problem with Baal is different.
He was basically pulling the Orcs are a minority so you can’t do anything to them because of RL implications which makes it racist argument. I disagreed.

But I was referring my posts for the past hour dunno why you are pulling posts from over months ago.

I think a real solution would be much more complex as a bunch of retcons and would need a long time of storys for both faction

Blizz retconning the story they screwed up is just laziness :wolf:

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The more realistic approach is probably what they are doing now.

Thrall gets some flash backs puts on some new clothes and character model. Returns in a big flashy way to his warchief throne.
By then BFA is an old memory and no one would care.
Horde redeemed!

Alliance will just be pretend nothing is wrong. Here is a new cemetary in SW.

And thats a problem on his own…the alliance have to move too. Right now both faction need a new purpose. The horde need a new generation of inspiration, and the alliance need a story on his own

The remove of the warchief position was one of anduins peace conditions, i dont think it should be installed a new warchief, lol.


Because at this point you’ve provided no input on how narratively the Horde can be rebuilt, you know, the premise of the thread.

But, in fairness, you have only been snarky the last few posts and not actually complaining. So I’ll acknowledge that.


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Alliance gets the bulk of the neutral content, or at least they are relevant.
Its the factions war that they just stand around and do nothing while the Horde steam rolls them and then they have to pretend they are best friends for the next couple of expansions.

Its the Horde that needs that more independent story development.

The Alliance is an alliance that is supposed to defend each member state and stand against the threatening menace that faces them (Horde)

They failed to do that on every level in BFA.
Alliance needs its own redemption otherwise its pointless as an organization.

They do that by punishing the Horde which will ruin any redemption plans Horde may need as this thread tries to do.

This is a complex topic because redeeming have many faces and i actually saw thats many horde player saw their faction as to weak and the redemption would be to strike down alliance x again.

To fix the horde you have firstly to note in which area you have to work on and create a big questline through manny addons to bring it down, part after part.

For example your little rift story will show the horde clearly in a more competent light as the alliance, is this your only picture of fixing the horde, to show it superior compared to the alliance?

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Every level? Did the worgen not help the Night Elves? Did the Gnomes not help the humans?



If we keep talking about this its going to derail the topic further. But just to reply to you.
Did the Alliance stop the Horde in WoT? No.
Did they capture Sylvanas or Lordaeron? No.
Did they stop the Zandalari Alliance? No.
Did they stop the Horde and the War? No.
Did they capture Sylvanas at Orgrimmar? No.
Did they punish the Horde for what they did? No.

They failed on protection, prevention and they failed to do any punitive damages on the perpetrators. Really Alliance needs that fist pump moment since MoP, BFA just dialed it to 11.

If a Horde redemption is going to happen it has to do zero with the Alliance imo. But Alliance redemption has all to do with the Horde. So how do we reconcile that without stepping on any toes?