How Can We Redeem/Rebuild The Horde (Actual Horde Edition)

Given that there’s only about 3 orcs that are relevant to the story at present, Thrall. The ones that are/were more like Grom ended up dead.


And actively fought to overthrow it.


For me in BFA near the end of it they made it clear Saurfang sympathizers were clearly a minority so… yeah.
If the rest were killed how many Horde people are there left? 1/8th?

If that’s how you want to interpret it…:+1:


Its what Blizzard says.

Blizzard also said Azeroth is a world of grey and BfA would not be MoP 2.0.


What Blizzard advertises is different than the story facts they establish no?

Well I guess in the nest faction war they are going to retcon BFA like they ret conned siege of orgrimmar.

You leave the birds out of this!


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Its a free country then tell me how to live my leaf.

That’s what they want you to think…



I mean, waiting until the war isn’t going your way isn’t exactly what I consider noble. They rebelled because they were loosing. :wolf:

Because it wasn’t convenient for the story Blizzard wanted to tell. Things would have been very different if the rebellion happened in earnest during the WoT.



What damned the Horde wasn’t WoT.

It was Siege of Lordaeron when they stood shoulder to shoulder with Sylvanas.



That’s certainly one way of interpreting it. :wolf:

Do you think Horde players are not? Because there’s a rather huge difference between “both sides are suffering in different ways” and “only one side is suffering.”


Both sides are being pubished.

Alliance gets their toys broken and told to suck it up.
Horde gets called a bad boy.

Idk how to describe losing characters in this analogy. Someone help.

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Because the actions of individuals like Baine make zero sense otherwise. Why wait for the situation with Derek Proudmoore to turn face?



Nobody came out of BfA happy. Like Smallioz said, the horde gets to commit their crimes and get coddled and protected from any revenge tactics from the alliance, while the alliance is made out to be righteous morons for believing the horde can change for the hundredth time. :wolf:

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How many Alliance racial leaders have been lost due to death, villain-batting or both.

You think the Horde doesn’t get its stuff broken?



I know.

Because Horde lives matter more to Baine than Alliance lives.
Baine is a true Horde chad.

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