How Can We Redeem/Rebuild The Horde (Actual Horde Edition)

Wow you guys post a lot.

But what exactly do you guys want? The Horde lost three racial leaders- all of which were the ones leading the Assault on the Kaldorei or war in general. They are all already dead or out of the faction.

And there has been world ending threats since the Armistice, so even if the council did want to help- there are other priorities among rebuilding their own stuff. Not that I would expect Tyrande to accept Horde help either way.

There really isn’t anymore to be done at this time. The government is reformed, the leaders involved with Teldrassil dead or being hunted. Now there is a worldwide threat that is being focused on.

If we see anything, I would look into the ‘Exploring Azeroth: Kalimdor’, because that’d mention stuff if it is happening. Releases later this year in the POV of Rexxar and Zekhan.

The Alliance isn’t a monolith and different players will want different things, but from the looks of it the Horde playerbase isn’t interested in actually doing anything because they still hate the Alliance and want bad things to happen to it for the Horde’s benefit.

Even suggesting that they help rescue souls from Hell generated massive blowback because that might result in some Alliance suffering less. The exchanges over the past day in this thread have done a lot to convince me that yes, the Horde simply hates the Alliance for existing and their only problem with the past expansion was that their actions weren’t treated positively by the narrative.

The actions of the Horde at Teldrassil didn’t matter for instance. The REAL problem in Horde players eyes is that the narrative treated what happened as bad.

Your suggestion was sequestration. Horde players should only be in the Maw for the duration of the expansion doing 1 thing to benefit the Alliance. That’s why it got blowback.



The Alliance and Horde aren’t even involved in this expansion. It would be replacing the Horde doing nothing with the Horde doing something. But that still isn’t good enough because the Horde considers it passive for some reason even though it involves fighting the Jailer and his minions.

That isn’t really a suggestion seeing as its inescapable so really it is unreasonable to do.

Azeroth is dealing with rampant scourge. And they still are all around the world as we see in the Kyrian campaign. The horde has itself to protect without sending soldiers to die in the maw.

Again, the leaders involved with Teldrassil are dead or being hunted. And there are other massive problems to deal with right now…so what reasonable thing would people want?


It’s not inescapable, certainly as of 9.1 they will be doing away with “inescapable” entirely. And the Horde could still work with the covenents as a means of finding some way to help even if it doesn’t involve going into the Maw at all (my example was what I envision with my Horde characters specifically)

Technically players of both factions are already doing the maw thing.

It reminds me of at least two night elf fans who didn’t like the idea that the horde player had the privilege of being able to rescue NE souls from Torghast during the Ardenweald quest chain at all, because the sentiment was “you helped put them there in the first place so why would you being the one to rescue them make things better” or something like that.


Those people aren’t me and I think that that’s a crazy take.

You know, I sometimes think Blizzard does the same with trolls, Darkspear to be more specific. Their leader is dead (Vol’jin), and their, um, ‘replacement’ leader isn’t really much of one currently. Also they have Zappy Boi too, but still.

At least they got the Zandalari to look up to. Well, most of the time anyway


They kinda have to. The Zandalari stand up straight.


Don’t ever change, Sarm. :rofl:



I adore your sense of humor Sarm :wolf:


Y’know, while a Demigod who’s motives were “eradicate what he assumed to be the agents of Legion before they can make a foothold for invasion” hunted them. And when Grom insisted that they were no longer slaves of the Legion, Cenarius did not believe him and continued in his efforts to wipe them out. And that was Cenarius’ intent at least, if not the NEs. Which pushed Grom to such desperation (because YES, Cenarius intended to kill them all) that he disregarded the warnings of a single Troll Shaman and Drank from the well. Which is the irony of that story, as Cenarius himself created a self-fulfilling prophecy through his own actions.

Lets not blame Cenarius for Groms lack of self restraint. He could have pulled his forces back once the kaldorei started attacking instead of doubling down. I mean, even Thrall blamed nobody but Grom for doing what he did.

Grom still isn’t a hero either way :wolf:

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No one said he was a “Hero”. In fact, I’m not overtly fond of Redemption through Death narratives, which is why I am more partial to the messaging of Saurfang’s sacrifice (as he himself admitted his death would not absolve him, and all he cared about was the future generation). But, lets not whitewash Cenarius actions there. He was drawn to the conflict due to the Warsong killing NEs in what was initially self defense (the Orcs did not know they were harvesting the NE trees, prior to the NEs attack). And the Demigod took their actions as validation that they were agents of the Legion. And committed to eradicating them.

The MOMENT Cenarius took this stance in a conflict that the NEs started, is the moment that the only other alternative for the Warsong really was “Die at the hands of Cenarius”. As Cen was just not going to let them go, because of what he assumed they were on Kalimdor to do (create a foothold for the Legion). And that motive is one of those things that’s hyper tricky with Cen there, because if “total eradication to squash the presumed threat” was the Goal … then that goal should have inevitably taken him against Thrall’s group as well (because a Legion Foothold in Durotar is not much better than one in Ashenvale).


Of course not. But let’s also not lump all orcs together and say they are all just like Grom.


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At any rate, for those that are following I appreciate the patience with my sporadic updates. And, for those that contributed, Alliance or otherwise, thanks for staying on track and understanding that the narrative is in due need of reworking regardless of what side of the faction divide you fall on.





The thing is the members of this council were heavily involved with the previous government.
Since Sylvanas constantly gets described as wow’s hitler then assume we are talking about N Germany, hitler gets ousted with one or two of his main supporters but the rest of the high command stays but they just shuffle a few seats around.

I doubt anyone would say that this is a new germany and ready for a brighter future.

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Are more Orcs like Thrall or more like Grom?