How Can We Redeem/Rebuild The Horde (Actual Horde Edition)

And it’s something that never should’ve been put in game.


Yes in Latin… That is where the term comes from.





What happened to all that crap about the Alliance needing moral superiority? It doesn’t seem to be Alliance posters arguing it’s NOT genocide, but instead pointing to facts stated in universe. Which factions worried about walking back their kill quota? Hrmm…


That’s the thing. I am all for a more morally ambiguous Alliance.

Hell, if Blizzard decided “BFA was all bad, lets retcon the whole thing” fair enough.

But saying Teldrassil wasn’t a genocide is stupid. It is in-universe defined as a genocide. You are not going to Redeem/Rebuild the Horde if you can’t even acknowledge the problem.


forget about that. Today I learned I am an Orc in real life because originally I came to the west to destroy it as Ayatollah Guldan ordered me to.

Do I get a free faction transfer now?

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My condolences on your Orc hood. I won’t hold it against you though, but anyone approaching my farm with an axe is a threat, I guess you need a disclaimer considering you’re green now.

Actually Gallywix going Alliance a la Werner von Braun would be hilarious and a much needed amusing series of events that motivates Horde (and Goblin particularly) development.


The Alliance’s ambiguous historical actions have been gutted in large part because Blizzard seems determined to set some sort of arbitrary distinction between the Alliance in the RTS games and the Alliance in WoW.

Also, historically the biggest pricks in the Alliance have been:

A) Lordaeron Humans, and
B) High Elves

And these two groups have had their screentime in the Alliance massively diminished from what it used to be, to say nothing of Quel’thalas joining the Horde and Blizzard pushing a “Forsaken are Lordaeron” narrative onto everyone.

Horde players want an edgier Alliance but don’t realize that the Alliance lost its edgier elements in order to accommodate a Horde presence in the Eastern Kingdoms.


It would certainly be a twist no one saw coming. It could actually work if done right.

Like, I would happily shoulder the moral burden of the internment camps or Garithos or half the Alliance leadership being-pro Genocide after the Second War if it meant that I could say “Alliance of Lordaeron” again without feeling like I’m being ironic.

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But how would Gallywix get into the Alliance🤔

Who would be willing to hear him out?

Maybe Mekatorque?

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Mekatorque and the prince of the mechagnomes maybe? Gallywix convinces both that if they just combine their tech and intelligence, the sky is the limit?

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Erazmin is def naïve enough.


The gnomes have the least reason to get Gallywix of all people in.

If you want to really Operation Paperclip, it’d have to be someone in Stormwinwd. I’d argue the House of Nobles would be the ones most likely to pull in someone like Gallywix.

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Mechagnomes tho? Gnomes yeah no, but I figure Mechagnomes would consider Gallywix strange and exotic :sob:

And most mechagnomes don’t know Gallywixs history and how devious he is or how much he’s willing to step on others to get what he wants.


But the Mechagnomes’s prince is a councelor to Mekkatorque, who does know Gallywix.

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Getting some real great posts about rebuilding the Horde here. Keep going guys.