How Can We Redeem/Rebuild The Horde (Actual Horde Edition)

So much argument over the meaning of genocide. I wish someone would whip that thesaurus out over the word shoehorn for these…players.

“Ooooh! Green skin! Must touch…”

“Hey, what’s this button here?”


“LET’S PUSH IT!!!” :smiley:

And that is how Mechagon was once again removed from the game.


Now that we’ve lost their trail:

  • Should Lorthemar be powered up? Because Belves and now Nightborne should be the default magic users of the Horde but only Thalyssra is the Horde leader member with magic. Alternatively Rommath could be given more centrality but

  • what are must haves for Calia, since she is def here to stay I think? What parts are necessary to make her palatable to both the Forsaken in-narrative and the playerbase? Sky’s the limit.


Don’t mention that the Horde has been this way since the Warcraft RTS. They’re brains will implode.

No. Restore the Sun King.

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I’d be on board if Anshe was a canonically salient being and Sun-Cult had been made canon during Legion

But alas :upside_down_face:

Maybe he sleeps in the Sunwell part-time as Belore, like the night elves thought Elune did with the Well of Eternity?

The other time he hangs out in Highmountain with the island cow-men, who are far more badass than their mainland cousins.

I always pictured An’she as a sort of smith type of god. Too busy crafting new and wondrous artifact as his phoenixes fly lazily about. Perhaps he could impart some advice on how to improve or protect the Sunwell better or something


The true (divine) inspiration for Anasterian Sunstrider creating Felo’melorn, perhaps?


That would be awesome actually, so yes :smiley_cat:



But also it sucks how much retcons are necessary to flesh out the cosmic relevancy of the Horde

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Retcons that would actually be welcomed though. Those kind of changes would actually be a good thing.


Can we also smack writers with a pool noodle when they bring up the Alliance’s moral high ground? Also when they bring up the human-concentric racist colonial tropes that have ugly implications on both sides, we tag team the writers for a combo finisher.


can we blow up Gallywix’s Pleasure Palace?

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wouldn’t be far off, lots of religions, even stonemasons, worship a smith type creator.


There’s no way that the Blood Elves would be having the relevance problems that they’re plagued with if they were Alliance.

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He has enough in him to woo Thalyssra with his poetry…

Or did you mean settle down as in retire?



How about no more Power up’s for NPC’s instead they just kill off most of the overpowered alliance characters. Let the players feel like they are important to the story again rather than relying on NPC’s to stop big bads.

Still develop new Horde characters but keep them a bit more reasonable in their power.

Secondly have the Horde build a new capital. it shows them being the bigger faction and offers a chance to develop them away from the Alliance along with their new characters.

Thirdly have Anduin leave the Alliance(along with jaina) have them start a new neutral faction somewhere else. Let the Alliance look to take back its home lands and rebuilding itself to its former glory. Not due to racism but simply a want to see themselves safe and protected against any more aggression.

Nah, Jaina is the Lord Admiral of Kul Tiras now. Ideally, I’d like to actually see that established in a less overtly-racist/faction pride way than when Daelin was in charge. Now that Jaina is quite literally a national ruler, let’s see her actually throwing her political weight around to make her newly-reclaimed pacifism actually stick this time.

More of, “The Horde knows what they’re doing, let’s trust them to take of their own business” like we got in Shadows Rising, with the reminder to the Alliance that she commands the world’s most powerful navy, in case anyone (on Team Blue) tries to start up hostilities.


Nah, Lor’themar needs to “retire” after wooing Thalyssra :kissing_heart:

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See I can’t get behind this, I never liked the new Pacifist jaina story we got in BFA not to mention all the Kultirans simply forgetting she let her father be killed by the horde for reasons. Especially after the most recent war where the Horde were invading them. It just doesn’t make sense they would agree with the peace after that or want Jaina leading them. Let her brother take the reins as High Admiral(like he had been leading the fleet) let her go be neutral elsewhere.

If she wants to love the horde let her be part of the Kirin tor again.

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