How Can We Redeem/Rebuild The Horde (Actual Horde Edition)

I hate to break it to you OP but as long as you’re going to be judging the Horde’s morality relative to the Alliance’s (and thus, the Alliance not doing enough bad things makes the Horde look worse by proxy) then any of your proposals are going to inherently involve the Alliance and it’s not really fair to say we can’t comment on them.

It seems to me that it dodges the larger problem with the Horde which is that it’s a patchwork entity that doesn’t really have ties to the larger narrative the way that the Alliance does, and this problem has been present pretty much since WC3. Heck, even in Warcraft 1. The Horde was not conceived as a protagonist faction but as a narrative foil. The revisionist entity to the Alliance’s status-quo entity.

But Azeroth and the World of Warcraft are largely presented as a place that’s pretty good in its default state, with most conflict coming from other revisionist entities (The Burning Legion, The Scourge, The Old Gods, The Jailer, etc) seeking to disrupt the status quo. It makes narrative sense to juxtapose these revisionist entities against the status quo entity, namely the Alliance, but since the Horde is another revisionist entity their participation in these PvE scenarios (where the enemy is the revisionist power and the goal of the players is the preservation of the status quo pre-WC1) it comes off as feeling wrong, at least to me.


Genus + Cide, Killing of group, race, family.

It is not limited to race or gender or nationality, but those certainly qualify.

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I started posting on these forums in like 2008 and we argued endlessly about the strict definition of genocide back then too, but I’m sure y’all will crack it this time.



Sylvanas’s intent was to burn down Teldrassil knowing that the majority of the Nelves are in it.

There was genocidal intent.

Albeit the attack itself wasn’t motivated by that intent from the onset.

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What does that have to do with you comparing me to orcs?

Am I an orc?
Is the western world the Azeroth to my middle-eastern Dreanor that I needed to escape?

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“the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation.” That is the definition.

Motive doesn’t matter as much as the action in this case. A large number of people were killed. In this case, that large number happened to be of a particular ethnic group. It was a genocide.

We know now that is a lie… Since she is feeding souls to the maw…

Gender is not a Genus that is why Femicide exists as a term.

Genocide is not just “a large number of people”, that is incoherent.

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You’re contradicting yourself here.

If genocide is defined as

“the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group.”

then it does not matter whether it was “racially motivated” or not.

The end goal was destruction. Genocide.

Sargeras’ Burning Crusade and Lich King Arthas’ war on life meet this criteria as well, and it’s pretty clear that neither of them were “racially-motivated.”


It wasn’t her original intent though. Burning the tree was a last second snap judgement of hers. She started the war with the intention of capturing teldrassil.

Still, it doesn’t help that blizzard themselves called it a genocide.

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Didn’t Blizzard also state that it was always her goal to burn the tree, and she simply tricked Saurfang into going along with it…?

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It doesn’t help that blizzard called it a genocide? Lol Blizz please retcon my faction’s genocide thanks.

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That’s where we disagree.

She may have planned to burn the tree, that was clearly something she was hiding from Saurfang.

But she DID attempt to scare and intimidate them with the intention to get them to evacuate and she risked the Horde siege weapons by doing so by pulling them into the beach in view and in line of fire of Kaldorei ships returning from Feralas. It was also a distraction so that her orc boarding party could take them over.

It was actually Lorash (the blood elf rouge sent ahead by Saurfang to kill commanders) that had prejudice against the Night Elves for racial reasons and even those reasons were not unjust. The Kaldorei did sentence the Quel’dori to exile so it becomes a game of who tried to commit genocide first?

Doesn’t have to start with that intent, or even be the end result or goal.

Chattel slavery was a genocidal process even if materially the end goal was to bring subjugated workers to the American continent.

The act of burning Teldrassil was genocide.


I’m not sure. I don’t use twitter, which is their favorite platform to use. It’s certainly possible

Guys was this a genocide or merely an omnicide? This is an important distinction that needs to be argued over as it’s critical for the meaningful moral alignment of the perpetrator.


Blizzard said so yes.


Well. Guess that’s it than.

Genus means group/kind/family as well as race. The term is much more broad than you are making it out. It is used as a taxonomic rank between Species and Family.

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Not in Latin. Learn 2 etymology and philology.

This is implied but not explicit.
I don’t remember Blizzard ever confirming it.