How Can We Redeem/Rebuild The Horde (Actual Horde Edition)

okay this is a Horde only thread and he’s right Daelin was a HUGE racist and so was Garithos. Get over it.


exactly! Im way more worried about him than Sylvanas, He’s a literal loose canon.

Bro the entire bit of “you couldn’t save him from yourself” from Katherine was about Daelin being a self destructive racist.

How did you miss that. What did you think it was?

And why wouldn’t he? Because he was so consumed by racist hatred against the Horde and Orcs in particular.

Racism isn’t just about skin color lmao

White Latinos are often hated on by Anglos because of cultural differences, and Antisemitism and Islamophobia are described as a type of racism due to the racialization of religion.

Why are you so bad at this


Oh if you guys want to have an echo chamber and pat yourselves on the back then please excuse my interruption.


I doubt Katherine gives to brown nuggets about racial justice regarding the Horde and was only concerned with how her daughter caused the death of her husband and thousands of others kultirans.

What did you think it was?

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The tricky thing about using the word “racist” here is that you can’t just toss it around like a blanket statement, the politics of 2020 aside.

As has been noted previously, Garithos was “cartoonishly racist,” abusing everyone from dwarves to elves. Meanwhile, Daelin Proudmoore did have good reason to hate the orcs—and he only hated orcs, he had high elves, gnomes, and dwarves in his army—which is why his actions are understandable, even if they weren’t morally-correct.

Fun fact: Our very own late Sun King Kael’thas Sunstrider also famously called for the mass extermination of all orcs following the Second War.

Thankfully, he mellowed out somewhat after joining forces with demons and sea serpents—it’s even implied that Kael’thas is the source of information behind Lor’themar telling Thrall about uncorrupted orcs (Mag’har) on Outland.


I lowkey want a resolution on The Horde being brought here to be the saviors of Azeroth. Medivh brought us here because he was being manipulated by Gul’dan but that didn’t stop Medivh from continuing to back us as the best choice.

I want the Horde to have a huge moment of Faction pride because being the underdog all the time to the Alliance always makes us feel like beaten dogs.


…you want them to retcon the very first game in the series, and subsequently the entire storyline up to current events? :thinking:

So do I.

I just don’t believe that historical revisionism is the way to get there.

I think that’s what a lot of horde players want. That one moment that we can proud of. That at least blizz remembers that the horde was supposed to be equally important for Azeroth survival.


yeah but people throw around the word “genocide” about Teldrassil and Theramore and I think that needs to be rolled back.

Genocide is a very specific term that denotes ethic cleansing.
Neither Teldrassil nor Theramore were race related ethic cleansings.

The only genocide in wow was the orcs killing the draenei on Dreanor and attempted genocide against the Forsaken by both the Horde and the Alliance.


For sure but Daelin was def racist for the same reasons we agree the Muslim Ban™ was racist even if the root of that discourse in the 21st century came in the wake of 2001.


No one is denying that though. It’s understandable, but it’s still wrong.


Yes because muslims are comparable to world ending demon fueled (ver1.0) and goblin engineering fuel (ver2.0) green and brown spacemen from another reality.

As a muslim idk if I should be offended or not.

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I don’t think historical revisionism is the answer either.

I think the answer is rooted in why the Horde was brought in the first place. It’s a long discussion but it boils down to maybe Sargeras being right.

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I’m sure both Republicans and Democrats said worse in October through December 2001 actually.

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Well, that is not necessarily true. Genocide is really just “The deliberate killing of a large group of people”. The ethnic cleansing aspect comes into play given real world historical context. Most recent genocides with ethnically motivated.

But here is the thing too. Teldrassil might might not have been targeted because Sylvanas wanted to kill that specific ethnic group that lived there. Regardless, it still only effected those ethnic groups. So even if the Ethnic cleansing aspect was a necessarily qualifier Teldrassil would still be a geocide.


Which is why I think maybe a retcon is fair.

The Eredar were retcon’d too for the Draenei, if we recall.

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Genocide is Genus + Cide, killing of a race/people.


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Theramore was a military target, so it was fair game.

But Teldrassil was filled with civilians, so yes—it was genocide. Just accept that already.

Genocide: the deliberate and systematic extermination of a national, racial, political, or cultural group.


Genocide is cleary defined
“the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group.”

There was no implication what so ever that the motive to capture or burn Teldarssil was based on race or ethnicity.

it was however clearly stated that it was a political choice to blockade an enemy from transporting Azerite and to secure the continent of Kalidor for the Horde.

it was not a racially motivated crime. it was not genocide.

Plus, A Good War even says that Sylvanas brought the siege weapons to the beach, in range of Kaldorei ships, for the purpose of scaring the night elves to evacute the tree. She tried to reduce the amount of innocent casualties. These are facts. I read both A Good War and Elegy and sadly Elegy is packed with fear mongering and Alliance propaganda.