How Can We Redeem/Rebuild The Horde (Actual Horde Edition)

He almost shredded Nathanos

This makes me feel really great about the Night Warrior powerup - so awesome and not worthless. Totally not pointless Shadow-the-Hedgehog edgy garbage.


Well I’ve done both sides of that quest. And on the Horde side Nathanos is still walking around, no worse for wear after the fight.

Genn is knocked tf out. Or otherwise like wounded in a tent. Nate clearly came out on top in that one.

I also think it was a missed opportunity for someone to point out they both clearly go to the same coat shop.


Was he really tho? He just struck me as ‘Old troll is tired of everything’

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He struck me as the same. An old man who’s empire is crumbling around him and people wanting different things. More like I don’t know what to do anymore. But that’s me.

Before the explosion, Genn was mauling Nathanos. Not to mention, wasn’t it mentioned that Nathanos actually died, and had to be revived by the ship alchemist?

I think he knew his deal with Bwonsamdi was going to ultimately be a death pact.

Not suicide quite as explicit as Saurfang and Sylvanas, but still suicidal in a general sense.

Actually that’s the PC, and you’re killed in the initial surprise attack. I’m just saying Nate’s fine afterwards but Genn’s half naked and in bandages.

And i’m saying it’s because of the explosion. Genn clearly had the upper hand, until the ship went boom.

It looked to me like they were both about even during that fight. Genn might have had a SLIGHT advantage, but Nate clearly walked away in much better shape overall.

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Don’t give them any ideas. They’ll just give Tyrande hand guns and call it a day.

Tyrande as Bayonetta would def increase subscribers and fanboys

Yeah but Bayonetta’s fun though. Tyrande’s from the grim growly badass school. Because at some point somebody thought being really cross while standing in the dark was the coolest thing ever.

That can work for Batman, but even he’s improved by having brighter characters to bounce off of.

I didn’t have to give them ideas! They came up with the Night Warrior crap on their own! I can only imagine how…

Writer 1: Hey? What do you say to a Night Elf with two black eyes?

Writer 2: Something about a nice pile of ashes?

Writer 1: No - You tell her: nothin’! You already told her twice!

Writer 2: Hehe - hey, that gives me an idea. Let’s write that in.



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Unless you’re playing against her in Smash Bros.


It may have already been said, but in tandem to considerations regarding the thinning of the Horde’s roster and as a partial solution, I’d like to see forgotten and neglected Horde NPCs brought back to bear on current events. Just a few characters that come to mind are Nazgrel, Jorin Deadeye, and Gorgonna, but there are many who I think, with proper development (let’s do better than Rexxar got in BFA for instance), it might aid the losses the Horde has suffered from villain batting and such over the years.


That is, unless you are willing to let the Alliance have a victory fighting against the Horde. A smashing one, like for example kicking every single Horde individual straight out of Gilneas. The Alliance could be the agressors in that, I wouldn’t mind.

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While I get your point, these posts are being written from the pov that there should be “shades of grey”, and that doesn’t really work if the horde is grey and the alliance is a faction of pure and noble good-ness. Do you think the alliance is morally grey right now? I think there’s some arguments to be made that they are, but I also think the game itself clearly does not try to paint that picture.

Maybe the reason everyone is suggesting racism against horde races is because that’s what blizzard has done repeatedly in the past to achieve the ends of making the horde a little more noble and the alliance a little less so. See: Garithos, Daelin.

In truth I’m pretty over the whole thing myself. Shades of grey? Whatever… stop writing the horde into being moustache-twirlers, maybe some gestures of atonement for wrongdoings in the war against the alliance (and hey, maybe even the reverse too, I am sure the Zandalari would have some opinions on this), and just leave it there please…

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Yeah sure that’s whatever.

All we need to do is not hold hands around a campfire, and instead kick each other’s teeth in as much and as often as possible.

Why should we offer restitution for our enemies?

What benefits are there in groveling for their own failure to defend themselves?