How Can We Redeem/Rebuild The Horde (Actual Horde Edition)

To prove to yourself that you are not “godless creatures thirsting for blood”, but “noble savages against whom the world is opposed”?

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Sounds utterly boring

Then get ready to roll your leaders into evil and their subsequent death.
Or think of another reason for yourself to apologize for bad things.

Apparently this needs repeating for the hundredth time:

Noble Savage is a racist trope, not a narrative to aspire to

Yall are weird.


Name a good trop. What was the name of the Warcraft III Horde state?

Not a Noble Savage lmao

Thrall was serving the role of redeemer-leader saving his new home; trusting someone that was an “echo” of another important person in his past, as per Copeland.

Yall are weird and cringe.


Pot meet kettle
Baal you are a source of endless amusement.

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You didn’t seem amused when you were taking things personally.



I don’t check Hidden Replies, but lmao how is he still here

Probably bored like the rest of us.

I updated my post regarding the Horde racial leaders/ council members BTW.


Updated done or updated still working :eyes:

Still working.


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My experience with racists is its better to laugh at them and their ignorance.
This one in particular was a juicy one.

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Ye agreed.

But between

This latter idea I like a lot better, and actually would be an “updated” version of the permanent-fixtures of the Forsaken delegation and the Blood elf delegation in the room.

I mean the former is already “baked into” the latter intrinsically.

Waiting on

And how B would be different from A2.

Yeah, you weren’t really laughing though…


Secondary Characters are those that don’t get much into the politics like the racial leaders, though, admittedly, some of the current secondary characters would need to be brought up if they are going to be council members.

These will be characters like Sunwalker Dezco, ones that accent but don’t necessarily flavor.



What I took seriously was the other tangents we went off on that he began and others started to spread further.

Like goblins and jewish people for one example. This one I found particularly funny because he has been a cringe factory for much of this thread.



I guess I just worry that a model that “replaces” Secondary General Characters with Secondary Council Members would mean any secondary character excluded would, by necessity, be ignored in the narrative.

Weird how Shernish stops replying and Smallioz starts replying each and every time.

A valid concern, which is why I think the racial leaders should be more talkers than doers. The secondary characters (dread Admiral Tattersail for example) would be the doer and become the subject of a talking point or 2 for the council.
