How Can We Redeem/Rebuild The Horde (Actual Horde Edition)

Because it’s not necessary.

The point of racist/race extremists in the narrative is to fundamentally point out they are wrong.

I’ll repeat what I said Hundreds Of Posts Ago:

Sylvanas, for almost 2 decades, played that role for the Alliance. “Death to the Living”. Garrosh played that role for almost 6 years for the Alliance.

Now, the entire Horde can be assigned this regard because of Teldrassil.

On the Alliance side that role was played by Genn for the past ten years, and in theory could be played by Turalyon, Alleria, Tyrande, etc.

The point of having racist/race supremacist leaders in the narrative is to:

  1. Have it be few and far between, at most 1-2 Main Leaders with at most 1-2 Secondary Leaders (of a race group different than the Main ones). They, and only they, are the ones who commit war crimes.
  2. To provide intra-faction conflict about tactics and limits
  3. To provide moral footing for the other faction.
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Oh bah, they can’t even keep their own lore straight. Grr.


Fair enough.

But I am noting all Alliance wrongdoing gets justified by the plot here. Even if they fire bombed an orphanage I’m sure it’d turn out the matron was a disguised imp mother and the children her progeny.

So, why would I want more of that? Genn came off as a rage case lunatic for all of an expansion, then even before we knew about the Jailor it was clear by Teldrassil that just thwarting Slyvanas on principle was indeed the smart move.

It’s like you’re playing a game of pretend with the kid who says he has a everything proof shield. The Alliance does no wrong. And seeing as some posters here act like they have PTSD from seeing the Sludge Fields I can sort of see why.


I feel like this is just a repetition of what the Horde went through - but on the Alliance side - and it’s being done in a fashion that excludes the side of the Alliance that was most badly hit from hitting back.

Can you see why I feel like these suggestions are less geared towards making a fun conflict for everyone to feel good about and more like content that’s intended only to drag the Alliance down? I don’t merely advocate for pendulumming Teldrassil-level tragedy onto the Horde - because it sucks. Why should we do the same here?

You can hit back.

Just pick 1-2 Main Leaders (1 leader per race) and 1-2 Secondary Leaders (1 leader per race, different from Main leader races).

Any more and you get the Horde treatment, where Everyone Is A Villain.

Not really. You’ve specifically engineered this to exclude the scenario I had of Night Elves taking things too far and trying to raid civilian settlements in the Barrens on a basis of hatred, and I have to ask why that expression isn’t good with you, and why Genn’s is.

I also don’t see the point in these number restrictions. I feel that they’re arbitrary in nature.

  1. The entire settlement of the Orcs in the Barrens was for Thrall to force all Orcs (and later by being the capital, the Horde) to atone for their sins and the sins of their fathers (like Thrall).
  2. The area has been razed and subjugated many times over: the Cataclysm, the siege of Orgrimmar during Garrosh, and again during Sylvanas.

It’s materially the WoW equivalent of deciding to walk in and slaughter all the varied scattered settlements across Siberia for what Genghis Khan did.

And worse; within fantasy universes “POC = Nonhuman Races” is the general rule, one upheld by WoW. Do you want the Japanese/East Asian Otherwise With Celtic/Hellenic Neopagan Characteristics Metaphor Race to be saddled with War Crimes?

While the Actually Human Races get scott free?


For the hundredth time?

Genn is a Human-Worgen King with the ear of the current “High King” of the Alliance. He’s been a rabid war hawk (war dog?) for ten years and that bark has amounted to nothing in-game to date.


Re: 1 & 2 - that was with regard to Durotar, not the Barrens, which for some reason is different ecologically from the Barrens. I think the idea of living in a desert as penance is silly because from my perspective living in a desert is awesome, but that’s neither here nor there. What is notable I think is this:

I feel like you’re asserting that there’s a choice here. I don’t agree that there is. I don’t see why the humans can’t do dark things at the same time in territories closer to home. Possibly including something like a (failed) attempt to move into Stranglethorn and wipe out the Gurubashi, and a (failed) attempt at launching pogroms in the Northern EK. Why do we have to pick?

My proposal above is not yet finished. But is there anything in it (at present) that is standing out to you? The entire post, not just the last part.


He launches a surprise attack on the Forsaken. And gets his lack of tail handed to him by Blightcaller before the mobile Alliance airbase he used to do this against orders is shot down.

Between that and ordering his Court Wizard to summon a bunch of feral wolfmen after he closed the ports I think the guys just extremely incompetent.


I like the broad strokes of it. One thing that I feel that might be missing though is an emphasis on clans, tribes, and that sort of thing. This might just be me talking, but I’d love to see the Orcish clan identity express itself all over Durotar and the Barrens, interacting with Trollish tribes being integrated in under the Horde’s umbrella. I think there are some worldbuilding opportunities there to take Orcs from a more general shamanistic concept and really explore the differences in how the clans would do things in that new environment.

Edit: I guess to be more specific - I agree that the Horde’s roster needs to be built, and the way I think in which that needs to be done requires a few more representatives than two per race. I’d like to see, for instance, a leader of a more shamanistic Shadowmoon clan building bridges with the Tauren to the south, while a leader of the remnants of the Blackrock clan carves out a space for his or her people in the Stonetalon mountains. Things like that.


Thrall abolished the clans tho lol

That was part of the point of the whole Horde lol

Only Orcs with Clan Identity are the AU Mag’har.

Which to be sure, the MU Orcs can reclaim their clan identity going forward, but the premise of Thrall’s Horde was abolition of the clans and a multiracial coalition based on friendship, family, and loyalty.

Thrall did, but that didn’t stop the Warsong Clan from retaining an identity of its own, and I have to imagine that he’d have some difficulty in telling the Mag’har to disband their clans. There’s also no reason for these new “revivalist” clans having to fight with each other in any sense other than a political one - but I think expressing differences in their culture would be interesting, and well, fun.

I’m planning to add more, especially about troll tribes, in the (internal) Horde Narrative section.


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One thing I’ll throw in then. I think it would be cool if Zandalar could pick itself up, and seek revenge against the Proudmoores in a long-game sort of way by bringing the world’s troll tribes in under the Horde, and then proceeding to arm and train them, leveraging a partnership with the Bilgewater Cartel. Stormwind could for example attempt to move south into Stranglethorn to secure new resources and wipe out the Gurubashi, only to learn that the Horde is throwing their weight behind the Gurubashi there, and finding that they’ve just bitten off more than they can chew.

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I think if anyone will unite the tribes it’s Vol’Jin. That being said, don’t get ahead me. I’m juggling a bunch of stuff right now and I’ll make updates incrementally.


Of course - I understand how difficult it is to put these proposals together. I’m happy to be someone to bounce ideas off of in the meantime though.

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No more faction wars, PvP gets put in a lore bubble?


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Nah - I disagree with that. But I do think that the PVP conflicts should be separate from the PVE content, and that they should not be so large that they screw with peoples’ investment in the franchise.

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No he did not. He almost shredded Nathanos, and would have had not the explosion separated them. Don’t sell the old wolf short.

I mean it worked, it kept the scourge at bay. It’s just that the price was a bit higher than expected.