How Can We Redeem/Rebuild The Horde (Actual Horde Edition)

I’ll take trying to save up for an epic mount over trying to get that Mature Blue Dragon Sinew again.

Took almost 4 months before I decided to just buy the thing.


That was back in the day when they used to write things so that both sides had a point. I miss those days.

LOL, well, that would explain the power slide retcon!


Seriously. The Worgen/Forsaken come off as villains in eachothers stories. But when you play the other side their actions are understandable.

Flash to BFA and the Horde / Alliance actions can never be understandable. Because you don’t sack Brennadam on the Horde or set vulpera on fire on the Alliance. The game just makes you fight super villainous versions of the other faction who’s actions cannot make sense with more context. Because they don’t happen on the other side.


I don’t think Blizzard realized the damage they did with making it seem Sylvanas was damned because of her suicide.

And they fixed it by having her plan the Wrathgate. So she could be damnable. And then double downed by having her make a deal with the devil during her suicide attempt.

That was simply not okay as a narrative choice.

And it’s the same issue with the Thrall Panel this week: they not only affirmed, but doubled tripled quadrupled down on “Baine the Noble Savage trope”.

And then they “revealed” Thrall both hated Humans (because he was abused by them) and identified with Humans (because he was raised “as” one) and believed what his abusers and captors claimed about Orcs (???) and also just didn’t understand why an Orc would want to defend him (looking down at his arms was apparently impossible).

And then they doubled down on that by insisting Thrall “straddled two worlds” and was “from neither here nor there”, invoking a metaphor of immigrant Diasporas feeling stuck between the Motherland they know they’re from and the New Country they were raised in.

Applying immigrant diaspora logic to someone raised as a slave is absolutely insane.

Literally! Just doesn’t exist!

I had no idea Sanlayn briefly joined the Horde until I leveled my Alliance Druid lmao


No, they do not. I have played the Forsaken zones, many times. And never have I ever felt that they were justified in attacking Gilneas, attempting to exterminate everyone there through blight when a frontal attack failed, and then trying to wipe out the humans still living in Silverpine and Hillsbrad. Not once. And the Forsaken having a broken moral compass is no excuse, beyond that they are unfit to govern themselves or anyone else if that is the case.


Yeah. Because you went in with a bias lol

If you play the Forsaken storyline for fun and not to win arguments on the forum, you see immediately the humans want you all dead and the worgen are attacking you for something you neither did nor even heard about.

What are you supposed to be the bigger man and try to hash things out with the army of werewolves baying for blood?


If a functioning conscience and intact moral compass counts as bias, I guess.

Yes, I wonder why they want you dead. Couldn’t have anything to do with trying to exterminate them. It’s like complaining that a mongoose with one leg stuck in a bear trap is acting agressive.

Point is, the second you look up the background behind the events you realize “oh, i’m the bad guy”. No if’s or buts. You’re helping people who by all metrics are despicable. Now that doesn’t mean your character is a bad guy forever, it just means that he was during that zone.

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No offense, but that’s the usual excuse for bias.


Welcome back, Morghel. I see you still haven’t gotten your shots yet, but whatever. Care to add anything constructive?



Eh, I don’t even really care about “epic mounts” when it comes to Classic, tbh.

Like, if I want everything handed to me on a silver platter, well…I can get that in retail. Classic, imo, is just a better way to “stop and smell the digital roses,” if that makes sense—appreciate the world as it used to be, pre-Cataclysm.

It also lacks the constant demand of “do these dailies over and over again,” which often makes it feel like retail is the more stressful of the two. :sweat:

So considering we now have Blizzard making light of:

  • Suicide, depression, and a certain variety of extremely-violating assault (you know which)
  • Racial/cultural identity

I only have one, very important question:

After everything else we saw between 2016 - 2021, where’s all the social media outrage (ideally) triggering a big “Wakeup Call” about this when you need it?

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Well, what you lot wants to happen to the Alliance isn’t exactly what I want, so there’s an impasse there. I’d rather not that the Alliance suddently woke up racist as all heck because of reasons.

Is this some kind of dog joke I’m simply not getting?

I don’t think any of those suggestions were meant to be taken as an overnight type thing. Besides, not everyone is looking at that suggestion as the only suggestion.

In fact, my suggestions that are still being worked on don’t mention any of that.

Stay tuned.



It’s because the forsaken were (originally) set up as a sort of victim against Garrosh, since the point was to get them killed off. Refuse, and they’d likely get kicked out of the horde and the forsaken would be screwed anyway, so the choice would come down to “use the blight to save your own people or let yourself get wiped out.”

Then the dumb comic apparently goes “oh actually Sylvanas was allied with Alpha Prime and she wanted to use the worgen to conquer the world because Reasons.”


Even so, let’s say it happens over a period of time, like an expansion. Why? Why would the Alliance suddently become racist? It has existed for quite some time, during which it has had different races, with different cultures. All without any large scale racism. And not to the Horde either. There is simply no precident for it.
I think an imperialist angle would work better, because that can actually exist without racism. A desire to expand for the sake of the Alliance. There’s already precident for that, after all. Turalyon has stated a desire to return lost Alliance territories. It’s not too far fatched for him to want more than that.

I await it with bated breath.

Right, the main problem is that this is never expressed by the Forsaken themselves. Not once is it mentioned by them between eachother, or to the Worgen, or anyone. It would have been 0 effort on their part to send an emmisary to explain why they invaded Gilneas, and they never did. Thus it must be assumed that they were actually quite fine with it.

Last time Forsaken sent emissaries to humans they disappeared.



You don’t have to. You’ve made your position quite clear and I’m not sure anyone here (Horde) could come up with anything that satisfies your wants.



Bruh. You are proving my point.

You’re not viewing the Forsaken questlines in the context of their story. You’re viewing them in the context of the whole WoW story.

Your undead, the one being attacked, has been up and moving for like a few days if not a few hours and has zero clue what the Worgen are talking about.


Lol okay. Yeah I’m secretly a horrible person because I think necromancy is cool. I guess since you main Worgen you must ish in people’s yards and be a very suspect dog sitter.


That was several years ago at the time of the cataclysm, when no one knew of the Forsaken, or that they were different from the Scourge. And if it’s such a big issue, send a proxy. In a world of magic and goblin tech, shouldn’t be too hard.

Really? So having the Horde offer an apology and a few scraps of restitution is too much? I’m scraping the bottom of the barrel and yet it’s still too much.

Yeah, but what would be the point of that on a meta level? I imagine Blizzard would want worgen fans to hate the forsaken; that’s why they wrote the two of them clashing in the first place. It’d make even more sense if there was no invasion and Sylvanas tried to strike a peace treaty to keep Gilneas out of joining the alliance in the first place, if just to keep her people’s body count down.

Edit: Yessss I stole the (current) 1000th reply.


Like Thrall promising Sylvanas’ head to Tyrande?

Yes, making the Horde players have to make up for the awful decision of playing the faction they love doesn’t seem like much to the faction that wouldn’t have to do it.
