How Can We Redeem/Rebuild The Horde (Actual Horde Edition)

I mean, technically they are.

Night elves can’t even roll Moon “Priest” without going Balance Druid. :thinking:


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We could nitpick game mechanics all day and scream Blizz secretly hates us. That’s just to make priests easier to balance across all classes. It’s not some secret conspiracy against NE fans

Thats like saying blizz hates all Orcs, because I as a Beast Master in game, can’t dual wield like Rexxar can.

Well, it’s not a secret anymore…

Exactly! Why are you not more outraged by this crime against orc-kind? :rage:


Certain things aren’t that big of a deal and sorry, I don’t buy the whole notion that blizz has this hate b0ner for a particular race or faction. They made a stupid mistake by putting the burning in game, even after alpha/beta testers repeatedly told them it was a bad idea.

My anger towards the writers is they have this really horrible habit of ignoring feedback from players. I don’t think they actually hate any of us, it’s just really frustrating how tone deaf they been the last few years


This thread seems to be overly toxic. Nothing will be resolved by creating an echo chamber. The reason we are in this predicament is because Blizzard themselves seem to be in an echo chamber and keep repeating the same mistakes when it comes to Horde narrative.


Pls, Warv, don´t stop them, i mean, i hoped they would get it over time that this topic will lead really nowhere, but atleast it was funny to read.

In all Alliance warcrimes the Horde deals with the evil do-ers. Horde kills the commander heading the offensive and blow up the Dwarf fortress completely.
In the same expansion Alliance was fighting the Horde in the swamp of sarrows, after conquering the Horde castle they… walk away and let Horde have it again because it is supposed to teach them a lesson.

I am not kidding.
So what would you want to solve? The Horde get their revenge, nothing is being left unaddressed.

A solution to that is hit the Horde hard with Alliance forces. However each time the Alliance has done so (Dalaran purge and Taurajo) Horde players won’t stop complaining about them rather than embrace them as something positive.

So does the Horde want a more evil alliance or not?

Racism is caused by illogical hatred of someone different for no reason.
The problem that Alliance now has with the Horde is not illogical because its based by actual Horde behavior. The Alliance has plenty of reasons to hate and distrust the Horde as a faction.
Considering the fact that both factions are deeply divided by racial identity and species it naturally lends it self that hatred of the Horde is the hatred for Orcs, Forsaken and etc.

For these scenarios to make sense you must give the Alliance wins. So is the Horde prepared to lose territory to the Alliance?
I very much doubt it.
There are also a lengthy list of destroyed and conquered Alliance territory that is still left unaddressed so right now the Alliance has lost territory and has had no recourse to punish the Horde for their attacks or even at the minimum take back those territories or small holdings.

What do you propose to do to fix the Horde without punishing the Alliance further than they have been already in your attempt to rebuild and redeem the Horde? Because most of your suggestions are coming at the expense of the Alliance so far. This expansion Horde also got 3 really high quality shorts for their identity and BFA story. Why does that not count towards the rebuilding of the Horde?


Shun the non-believer, Baal! Shun! SHUN!!! :unicorn:


Whelp!! :smiley_cat:

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You have a habit of writing off any and all complaints given by nelf players, so of course this is something you believe.

Maybe Blizzard isn’t targeting Night Elves, but they most certainly target women when it comes to trauma. Jaina, Maiev, Tyrande. For all, trauma is the main drive for their character development, and it is disproportionately for Blizzard’s female characters rather than male characters. Who often times are inherently virtuous or vindicated.

Jaina’s peaceful and diplomatic ideology was challenged in a traumatizing way. She lost literally everything, and there was a period of time where you questioned, or outright abandoned her entire worldview as a result. In BfA, she still seems to be struggling, masking her rage beneath still waters for the sake of the greater good, marginally reaffirming her pre-MoP worldview.

Anduin never had that development. Anduin believes now what he believed then, when he was still in his early teenaged years. Nothing about the character has changed in that time, and even a heavily destructive war didn’t even put a dent in his ideological beliefs.

Night Elves being the hot bed of strong female characters, a matriarchal society of warrior women. It shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone that Blizzard is going to do to them what they do to their female characters. Beat them to a pulp until some heroic male figure can bring them down from their “Crazy female hysteria”


Wrong person. Don’t know who you think I am.


Thank you for your contribution, Mr. 18 Post Alt that hasn’t been used on the Forums since 2019.

Just post on your posting main dude.

Also no, nobody in this thread is being toxic compared to the poisonous mess of entitlement of the other thread.

I’ve already responded to one Alliance poster, and here I am about to respond to another.

In-game we are told Jaina was right to purge the Blood Elves, given Aethas is forced to apologize to The Six of Dalaran in Legion (big cringe).

Camp Taurjo in-game was also justified within the questline to the player, the Allinace playerbase is not finger-wagged and told what a bad bad war criminal they are.

False. Spain decided to start enslaving Africans partially due to generational hatred of the Moors during Al-Andalus.

Also US racialization of Latin Americans have no reason given Latin America has never invaded the US or done anything particularly violent to the country.

Learn some history bub.

Sure: you get both plaguelands, which is essentially already the case.

Love your exclusion of Sylvanas, who is the only suicide we have legitimately experienced via a short story that was later retcon’d with a villain bat.

But I guess Horde women killing themselves isn’t as important to you.

I kindly ask everyone to ignore Akiyass give they are regularly toxic and love to throw poison in any thread I make.


I know you’re Micah, you’re not slick.


Wrong person. Don’t know who you think I am.


Not to mention Sylvanas.

Putting to bed the (frankly BS) claim of “Oh, I knew she’d go this route all along,” it’s worth noting that in addition to the women you listed above, the current Warchief-turned-major third-party villain is a female heroine who witnessed her homeland invaded and conquered, and who was quite literally enslaved and subjected to a pain-beyond-painful level of torment on par with…well, with the worst, most invasive/perverse form of pain a woman can be subjected to.

You know what I’m talking about.

And yes, it has been a recurring theme for Blizzard to:

  • Subject a female character to suffering and torment
  • Allow said character to gain power
  • Grant that character the chance to seek/gain revenge against her tormentor(s)
  • Vilify her for doing so

It’s why I’m happy to call “BS!” every time they try to claim they’re somehow “progressive,” which they’ve actually been doing a lot recently.


The Horde on their end got to have their vengeance.
In both scenarios they responded and fought those responsible.

What you want is just a finger waging. That is weird. There is no limited one solution to be addressed. And in Taurajo players were told that killing civilians is wrong and whatever you consider shame inducing.

Aethas apologized because if there is anything he us guilty of is allowing the incident to happen that caused Jaina to do what she did.
He did not apologize for what Jaina did. But for what he did that caused the incident.

Jaina has her own answering to do. You might want to consider “we all have blood on our hands” her acknowledgement of what happened or Varian’s lecturing to her as the shaming finger waging you desire but it doesn’t seem like that satisfied you either.

If we are going to be discussing this at least let us be fair. Otherwise we are both wasting our time by having bad faith arguments.

Thats all I have time for to answer you. I will address the rest later.


This character is a recreation of my original Orc Warrior from way back in vanilla. The fact that you have to resort to petty gatekeeping in order to construct your arguments tells a lot about your priorities.

As a person who played Horde, I think they need to do some genuine reparations towards their victims. As an Alliance player I would like to see some Alliance aggression and morally dubious action towards the Horde so that the morality between the factions isn’t a simple binary. To put it simply, I want Warcraft’s Horde to be heroic, part of being a hero is doing right by those you have wronged. I want the Alliance to be more complex, as simply being morally superior is boring and simplistic.


Probably because her pulling a sad face and saying, “We all have blood on our hands” doesn’t even come close to Aethas having to issue a formal, public apology when his people were the ones being persecuted.

Especially considering she had literally been confronted by a blood elf who had survived the Purge of Dalaran just moments earlier.


I addressed this in my post.
If you missed the point then there is little point in me repeating myself.

Cheers Velth.

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“I already talked about this, you missed my point.”

Yup, never heard that before :roll_eyes: