How Can We Redeem/Rebuild The Horde (Actual Horde Edition)

For the Horde, because it’s a full “dude is bad, Horde has a moral footing that is unquestionable”

Gives the Alliance ground to feel justified; we need an “ooga booga” parallel

We need both, to be sure, on the Alliance, but we do need a Garithos again much like Alliance had Sylvanas’s “DEATH TO THE LIVING REEE”

…so basically you want the Horde to be where the Alliance is right now, with unquestionable moral purity to the point of ridiculousness.

Color me disappointed; I kind of expected more.


I liked your post but mainly it made me sad. I think you were the one who mentioned putting a cooking fire in front of him when you walk by. I do too now. And I pat him on the head.


Nah, that’s not me. Sorry. :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh, I see. I was thinking more of a Sun God, but that works too

Honestly I’d consider moving away from associating a lot of the Horde’s power to a bunch of gods.

WoW seems to be going into the direction of either faith breaking a bunch of people and/or killing gods.

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No, I’m saying there needs to be a diversity of justification.

Both the nuanced “compelling villain” in your sense, and the hard “No, the Horde is right here, period”


…funny, wasn’t the original story all about mortals defeating gods?

looks at the final mission of Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, Twilight of the Gods.

Fair enough.

WC3 also seemed to usher in a era where the mortals would lose old hatreds and stand united against all threats to Azeroth.

And here we are in a thread where I advocating Christopher Columbus style racist Alliance.

But yeah seems like we about to kill the Light. I’ll be surprised if we don’t kill Elune.i think it might save a lot of grief to not hitch a lot of the Hordes power to gods.

Though hypothetically, you could still kill every other god and keep the Horde ones.

So, my “Out of this world” hypothetical.


What if the Horde simply left Azeroth. Not going back to Outland or AU Draenor but a new planet that they can tame.

They go off on a mission and then just don’t return to Azeroth, except a few magical people that can portal the remaining civilians and a few essentials (Tools, personal affects, bath towels - can’t go anywhere without that!).

Horde and Alliance have independent story beats, Horde is on taming this New World and Alliance doing their own thing on Azeroth.

For the PvP oriented; BGs exist out of time as usual but can be seen as holdouts attempting to stake their own claim. Or something to that effect.

It’s a semi-serious consideration and, given what the story is at present, not the most farfetched proposal. Obviously, more details would need to be established to work this out but I haven’t thought that far ahead.



Yup. :joy:

I mean, it’s not like that’s ever backfired before…

looks at Rezan and Rastakhan.

Hypothetically, you could kill every god on the cosmological chart but still keep their “powers” (elements, forces, etc.) in existence, since…well, they’ve been put forth into existence already.

Thing is, why would her family do that? She is, if anything, better now than when she was alive. She’s glowing with holy Light, which they presumably worship.

Because humans have to have a innate irrational fear and hatred of the undead.

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She’s still undead, and someone who may have survived due to the Scarlets may not accept “Light Undead” as a valid thing independent of Turalyon’s little test.


Whoa whoa whoa!

Are you seriously trying to claim there are people out there who are even more fanatical than Turalyon?


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I just the want the orcs to go back to their old clan style of living, only violent because they were simply defending themselves from threats, otherwise if you didn’t bother them, they left you alone but you’re getting your head split open if you keep antagonizing them.

That and making their elders powerful shamans who had a close connection with the elements. Am I asking for too much?


Token Alliance Player: Aye! Thou must verily accept thy Holy Light, and forsaketh these pagan “elements” of yours! Let me cleanse thy soul, brother, lest ye be devoured by the false demonic elements! Forsooth!


I found that funny because I can actually picture someone saying that :smiley_cat:


Also, blood elf “Sunwell Light” is humans’ “Holy Light” with teeth.

They have Holy Paladins and Holy Priests, we have Blood Priests of Discipline and Blood Knights of RETRIBUTION.


And somehow in all that, blizz is secretly victimizing the NEs when the horde gets development actually worth investing in :smiley_cat: