How Can We Redeem/Rebuild The Horde (Actual Horde Edition)

Ah, this one, yeah, yeah, i get what you mean.

Its bc china

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I’m multi-tasking. Got homework to do for my NCOES. And still seeing patients.


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That moment when you realize Thrall’s probably going to be an Elemental Shaman again…

Blizzard: He won’t stop asking questions! We can’t dance this dance forever! :scream:


I heard they covered up the Forsaken’s bones in the Chinese version a long time ago.

Surprised it took the Forsaken so long to get a boneless option with that in mind. So just use the fresh body model either in general or just for censor approval in China. No bones about them bones that way.

I figure they realized the boneless options they were forced to make for Maldraxxus could let them update the now-old boneless options for the Forsaken, and then they just pulled the trigger for Non-China customization boneless.

On this point, the lack of any meaningful foreshadowing in TWO DAYS of Blizzcon outside of “Thrall the Shaman”, “Tyrande is Vengeful”, “Anduin is Mind Controlled”, and “Sylvanas Feels Bad” is concerning.


That would make sense. Still a little saddened we didn’t get a brain in the jar mode. Nor any beards when if I’m remembering correctly the Apothecary in SR was described as having one.

Not asking for like a full bushy beard. But like a ‘Desolate Strip Mall Santa In Rural Kentucky’ beard would fit, I think. Not that I don’t make do. On the Warrior I RP as a Vargul I just have him stroke his dangling tongue in thought.


Adding to wishlist:

  • blood elf model option (all the dark ranger options are literally good to go)
  • night elf model option
  • Maldraxxus customizations (Brain Glass, nuts and bolts options, stitching options on joints with the possibility of different colored skin limbs, etc)
  • full skeleton options
  • undead troll options
  • Forsaken hair-beards
  • Forsaken tentacle beards (I demand Davey Jones-ifying Derek Proudmoore)

Though not necessarily surprising, considering this was pretty much the “plot” of Battle for Azeroth.

This is how Forsaken celebrate the Feast of Winter Veil.

:santa: :skull:


I would at least like the option of the different posture as well. From how I understand it the model apparently bugged the duck out when they tried. But the Deathguard in Dazar’Alor stand upright and with their hands at their weapons.

So it seems they’ve to just hammer out the full range of movement for it.

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What exactly is Kael’thas supposed to do though :upside_down_face:

Like another 8 months of content with zero Lorthemar Kael’thas interactions? No Velonara either? Cmon man

Hadn’t heard this but :eyes: wouldn’t be surprised

Side note,

Derek Proudmoore:

Calia Menethil:

Make it happen Blizzard


Hostile (but not really) takeover of Quel’thalas resulting in everyone basking in the adoration of the newly-resurrected Sun King, of course! :heart_eyes:

Lor’themar’s too busy, er…“interacting” with Thalyssra over in Suramar :kissing_heart:


Not really? If the worgen leaned more into the Grimm brothers (or hell even bloodborne or world of darkness for the most extreme examples) instead of Disney then yeah you’d have point. But as it stands they’ve been completely defanged.

On the other hand the forsaken do play their tropes straight though

Easy enough to walk back Tess Greymane not taking the Worgen curse and the brief Before The Storm change of heart for Genn.

To be perfectly honest, the only part of Before The Storm ive read is the ending so i wouldnt know. And as for the Tess Greymane part im still perplexed the worgen heritage quest (and that horrible suit) is a thing that exists.

Still only two people vs and entire faction vomiting evil on the carpet

Turalyon tries to murder Alonsus except it instead makes him realize the Light is with Alonsus

Genn also refuses to accept Alonsus but runs out before the above happens, but has a change of heart at the Forsaken/Human Reunion meeting.

Quest was extremely dumb, and the suit is cool but should’ve been black/silver, not blue/gold.

That is the narrative problem this entire thread seeks to address.

Is it wrong that I think this would actually make her more attractive as a heroine?


It’s the only thing that makes narrative sense for the progress of the story, otherwise all Humans being Stormwindians With Different Accents.

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thats more to do with Genn’s personal experiences with the undead than him being a worgen

still not a longcoat though

Which is fair, but does not disprove the claim that i made i few posts up

(For the record, in this particular instance of entire faction i meant just the forsaken, not the horde)

Nope; only cute wolf girls get the accents :black_heart:

And now you’ve exposed my secret goth fetish, well done. :confused:

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