How Can We Redeem/Rebuild The Horde (Actual Horde Edition)

Nobody else has done it but Aelthalyste and Velonara and etc should be able to do it




Fair enough. :smiley_cat:


  • full skeleton options
  • undead troll options
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I’m not against this. But wouldn’t it be easier to simply give Blood Elves the Dark Ranger options?
I know… it’s not really a great solution.

I can’t recall such a event either. I don’t think there was one in a book either, at least not in one of the last books.

Uff the Forest Troll Warlord fighting Sylvanas in WC3 was cool.
The Darraki undead model was also neat.


Nah conceptually, all the varied undead should be Forsaken customization options

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Some of their buildings mostly (perhaps other things as well, like the Moonwell).

We really are overdue for Dark Ranger customization options for Undead, tbh…

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TBH, if the Undead NEs really are sticking around on our side of the fence (as tumultuous as that is) … we might as well make a compilation undead Elf AR. If the Horde is already flirting with 3 diff variants, then just base them off the Nightfallen Rigs (to give them that undead frame) and make it a compliation AR comprised of the Banshee Dark Rangers (Velonara), Undead NEs (Delaryn), and the San’layne (Who knows?)

A 13 Seat Council is more functional than a 12 slot (evens are bad for decision making), and the Undead do still sort of need that AR Slot filled. Plus, you could really craft an interesting composite Undead Elf culture.


I just don’t think we’re getting more ARs soon and want to see the customization options soon/now lol


To be honest, kinda don’t want that. And would’ve been okay if the Dark Rangers in general just sorted faded away with Windrunner.

It’s just weird the Forsaken’s leaders and spec opps aren’t just regular Forsaken. Thrall, Vol’Jin, Velen, Tyrande etc. may be notably exceptional orcs, trolls, draenei etc. but they’re still just that. Even with the Night Warrior power up Tyrande’s still just a Nelf.

But with the Forsaken either it’s a Dark Ranger or some suped up extra special deader like Nathanos or Calia. And I can’t help but feel this is a marketing thing. The normie Forsaken just aren’t pretty enough to be the leads in box art and comic books. No we need one who just looks like an elf or human but with apocalyptically bad pink eye.

And I believe this is a misnomer. Because as the internet’s reaction to RE7 shows, there is indeed an audience for filthy goth cannibals.


I’d argue Dark Ranger/San’layn customization should stick to Blood Elf purely because it would drastically hurt the number of traditional Forsaken models if it was a Forsaken option.

Skeletons, Liches, those slime dudes from Maldraxxus, etc are one thing but the single most popular model in the game being a customization option for another race is probably not a great idea. Though the rage over Belves basically having three different sets of raicals between Belf, Velf, and Forsaken would be fantastic to watch.

Speaking of Belf rage… GIVE MORE BEARD OPTIONS BLIZZARD. I’m not asking for a dwarf beard (I’m lying, I would totally rock a dwarf beard) but more than one full beard option would be nice.


Not unless they give Forsaken Human models (and only them) the Necrolord customization options (Frankenstein stuff)

GOOD NEWS, EVERYONE! I’ve created the most beautiful-looking creature in all of Azeroth!”

the sheet is drawn back to reveal Boris Karloff.


Wtb Hearthstone story team to be assigned to wow


Blizzconline Thread: Spoilers, Duh

WoW Classic: Burning Crusade Announce Trailer

INB4 Someone predicts The Great Horde Exodus of 2021.



Sylvanas Purple Dispenser confirmed.

So, even more so :grimacing:

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There’s no guarantee she’s actually dying during the raid though.

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Nothing is a guarantee with this writing team.

Except, maybe, disappointment.



The Hearthstone story team is what brought us Cataclysm

That may not be a plus in your book - but it’s not MoP, WoD, BfA…

I’m calling that addition by subtraction.

Give me an entire expansion based on the Old Gods and the Darkmoon Faire any day. lol.

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from the horde pov, cata wasn´t so bad. It was not perfect, but not so bad.