How Can We Redeem/Rebuild The Horde (Actual Horde Edition)

Alliance fans had an attachment to Lordaeron in Warcraft 3 as well. But the Scourge destroyed it anyway.

Eh, Shadowfang Keep was my favorite dungeon, so even if it’s not reflected in-game, knowing that it’s “lost” still stings. I know the Silverpine I liked hasn’t really existed since Cataclysm but it’s still a bummer to me. I viewed it as the forsaken’s version of Darkshore; their own spooky forest zone.

I mean, it’s still a spooky forest zone, it’s just werewolves in top-hats now instead of zombies in gas masks.

Bloodfang, hate forsaken and undead by default, what could go wrong if he rules this lands…sarcasm

Yes but those werewolves in top hats aren’t a horde race which is the whole point why I said I was bummed out to hear that the horde lost most of Silverpine.

Alliancefans don’t get to chase forsaken players out of the zones they’ves had for over a decade because they’re upset they don’t get the most boring human kingdom.

Seriously why should you happiness be worth literally removing another part of the playerbases favorite race from the game? Why should people who want to effectively destroy another part of the playerbase get what they want?


Eh, just bad Intel from Shaw. Everything’s fine there.

Some people just want to watch the world burn sadly :frowning:

I think, blizz show us the new “fightingzones” for future patches

Because that’s how stories work. Sometimes the people you like don’t have things work out for them. That’s why I’m fine with stuff like TFT or Anduin’s coming Death-Knightification even though they involve(d) people I like losing.

What would the Forsaken equivalent of Baghdad Bob be? Bulwark Benedikt?

Blizzard really really should have made these losses apparent in-game because I think I just inadvertently ruined a lot of Horde players’ week.

I already knew about it the moment the book came out. I just wanted to use this tangent as an excuse to kvetch a little bit.

Repeating this for those in the back.

Ähhh, you realize that you do the exact same thing right now? Read again your part 1 and your part 2

For what it’s worth, the Forsaken really had this coming after their actions in Cata and we were long past the point where Alliance inaction on the matter made sense.

The Forsaken constantly antagonizing the superpower that controls most of their home-continent was never going to realistically end well for them.

I am well aware and disliked it even when Cataclysm launched, thank you. The Cata revamp of the zone actually frustrated me enough back then that I never even bothered running the zone a second time on future alts because I didn’t want to dwell on it.

Because they clearly should have predicted that the Alliance would source an amphibious invasion simultaneously from two other corners of the map with no threat to their supply chain, and no concerns about their ability to carry siege weapons. They also should have predicted that Jaina would have been capable of stealing Captain Hook’s pirate ship and magicking blight away.

Reminds me of when Night Elves predicted super-long-range nuclear catapults, and correctly called Saurfang’s bluff that he was going to travel south to the flooded thousand needles, lower catapults one by one down there and I guess use them as boats to get to Tanaris, march through that, then march through Un’Goro, and then arrive in Silithus in fighting shape to take Azerite deposits.

Ah, wait…

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He was literally Danuser´s boss. Also, if they follow a “we work on an expac for 2 years” motto, this means Afriasiabi was the one that approved on the storyline for BfA.

A VERY high one -I aknowledged that-… but it´s that or changing the whole writting team AND probably some of the executives too -cause sorry but the current crippled state of the Horde narrative and development wise IS an issue thanks to the devs refusing to develop the Horde side of things unless it´s to villain bat it-.

When rotten, you DO amputate the dead limb. And this happened like since Cata so…

That´s one incoherent and stupid God, let me tell you.

But here’s my initial point. At absolutely best, the Forsaken still might control Andorhal, Tarren Mill, the Sepulcher, and maybe Ambermill. By contrast, the Alliance controls Shadowfang Keep, Fenris Isle, The Kingdom of Gilneas, the Kingdom of Stromgarde, Southern Western Plaguelands, and Southshore. They likely control Thoradin’s Wall as well.

The Argent Crusade controls everything in the Western Plaguelands north and east of Andorhal. They also control the entirety of the Eastern Plaguelands. They have made clear that they are reclaiming those lands for the Living.

In the absolute best scenario for the Forsaken, they control a handful of small settlements that are encircled by either the Alliance or the Argent Crusade. These are not tenable strategic positions to expand from.

If the Forsaken wish to stay, their only option is to throw themselves at Anduin’s feet in the hopes of being granted the right.

This isn’t a matter of “oh there’s all that empty land the Forsaken can just move back into.” It’s not empty. The living have returned, and the only way back for the Forsaken is through them. This needs to be accounted for in any Horde notions of re-establishing a presence in Lordaeron.

I mean, relative to what?