How Can We Redeem/Rebuild The Horde (Actual Horde Edition)

Burned is an understatement. I don’t know anyone who actually trusts the current team, considering the mountain of lies and half truths they sold us during BfA.


from the sounds of it then, the only zone fully lost was silverpine, with the lower part of hillsbrad being lost as well, that is still 2 full zones, another 3/4s of a zone.

I’m somewhat optimistic. Afrasiabi left the team and Shadowlands HAS been better so far. Maybe they can do decent faction writing if they really try now that Afrasiabi is gone.

The lands are also iconic to the Alliance. Lordaeron has historically been central to the Alliance and there is immense thematic significance to it for the Alliance. Comparisons between it and Night Elf lands aren’t relevant. Out PvP sigil is literally the seal of the Kingdom of Lordaeron.

That’s incorrect. In the comments here:

Tirisfal was talked about, and it is in nobody’s hand. It’s basically abandoned as half the region has a large scar from the Alliance Army’s forces marching through it. Shaw and Fiarwood believe the scar, unlike the tainted Dead Scar in Quel’thalas, will eventually heal with time, but until then the region is basically uninhabited.

Parts of silverpine, western plaguelands (andorhal) and southshore. Maybe the entire zone of gilneas too

There were what… Over five hundred posts when I created mine? Yeah, didn’t even see it.

And that smokescreen was entirely accepted. No one but the PC and the aggrieved draenei question it.

Just to make sure it doesn’t get lost, the book does indeed say that the Forsaken no longer control Tirisfal.

I hope so. Because honestly? I would be lying if I said I haven’t been enjoying SL so far. The Maw is fun, only thing I dislike is Torghast. I refuse to do it. :smiley_cat:

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So you’re proposing to turn the factions into almost separate franchises that only happen to exist in the same universe? I wanted to make a bandaid comparison, but this is more akin to amputation.

I guess it would “fix” the problem of Horde constantly having to apologise, but like… at what cost.

It makes sense since the entire basis for the Battle of Stromgarde was supposed to be that it would determine who wins the war in the Eastern Kingdoms, since both factions needed it to sustain a presence in Lordaeron. The Alliance won it.

…how the hell did they get Andorhal? Oh well, point is basically the writers can’t write the forsaken (whats new?), and that my point about the forsaken being forced from their lands solely to sate the alliance playerbases unhealthy obsession with lordaeron is still valid.

Yeah, I don’t like Golden, this makes me like Golden less, and in general i think this book should be chroniclesed as soon as possible. There is literally nowhere you can take the forsaken if this is actually allowed to remain canon, though i don’t think Golden (or the Alliance posters in this thread) care about what the forsaken players want.

But the alliance don’t stop the horde from retake it. And don’t controll it aswell

While I know WHY it was done that way, it still feels super sucky to hear that Silverpine Forest was lost. I’d be disappointed if the forsaken don’t even get to keep Tirisfal as well.

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The Alliance is positioned to physically stop the Horde if it wanted to, but it doesn’t matter since the Horde have no means of moving a force into Tirisfal to occupy it now.

Why should the undeads not retake their home?


because its alright for Night Elf players to have an attatchment to their zones but not forsaken players apparantly.


Its only partly lost. The isles and the area around gilneas are retaken. Not everything in silverpine is lost.

I expect with this in mind, thats the horde still occupied territory in ashenvale

even rotten holy land is holy land^^

But yeah, the grip of the forsaken in the northern ek shattered right now

Unironically yes.

Anduin said it was fine. He’s the author’s pet and therefore essentially the voice of God. So it’s fine. I don’t make the rules.

Personally I like it when the outcome of wars actually results in meaningful changes to the status quo.

That being said, apparently this forum was not particularly aware of the sheer extent of the Horde’s defeat in BfA which does explain some of the bizarrely optimistic opinions for what constitutes a viable reconstruction of the Horde.

Shadowfang Keep and everything south of it is controlled by the Alliance. Fenris Isle is also controlled by the Alliance. We also saw in war table missions in BfA that the Alliance pushed south into Silverpine from Tirisfal. The Horde might still control the Sepulcher but it’s a real bad strategic position.

I’m pretty sure that the Horde has withdrawn completely from Ashenvale.

You know, because they lost the war.