How Can We Redeem/Rebuild The Horde (Actual Horde Edition)

Oh right. I forgot Metzen retired and I heard Alex was pushed out. Or is he still with blizzard, but not working on WoW anymore?

Nope Alex is gone.


I doubt that was ever actually intended, more just something to hype up the players.

Like Faction Pride or the idea of a morally grey conflict.

Also the Forsaken are keeping Lordauron


He is no longer with Blizz.


Fair enough I suppose.

And that’s a shame, the last two guys who actually cared about any consistency regarding the lore

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Magni is fine.

Jaina becoming a “neutral character” again after killing a horde allied race leader, ethnically cleansing dalaran, and ordering civillian deaths in Tauren lands is just obscene.


They already lost Lordaeron. The recent Eastern Kingdoms atlas emphasized this. The Forsaken have no more presence in Tirisfal. The Alliance controls everything in Silverpine aside from the Sepulcher (and presumably controls Gilneas as well.) The Alliance has regained control of Southshore and is reconstructing it. The only major Forsaken presence left in the region is presumably Tarren Mill and Andorhal (only because the atlas didn’t bring those places up), both of which are either encircled by the Alliance or by Alliance-friendly entities such as the Argent Crusade. The Kingdom of Stromgarde is being rebuilt. The Living have retaken and are fortifying the Plaguelands.

The Horde have lost in the Eastern Kingdoms. The Forsaken are done as a regional power. They have no future there. The cycle of life and death has turned once again and the living are ascendant. This isn’t me speculating, it’s already canon.

They have lost. They need to accept it. Any Forsaken presence there in the future will be because the Alliance permitted it.

Well, at least


The Burning Crusade is coming to Classic.

sits back and calmly sips wine, watching the inevitable exodus from retail following Shadowlands.

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Didn’t…Didn’t it just talk about Anduin’s horse because Golden for some reason has an obsession with horses? Like a deepseated obsession?

Well, she did write the whole thing about Arthas and Invincible in Rise of the Lich King:thinking:

We talking Pope Alexander VI levels of horse obsession?

No, it talked about the post-war political status of a bunch of territories in Lordaeron as well. Is this not common knowledge on these forums?

Then classic scenarios are your thing. Cause sorry but PvP oriented story has done nothing but drag the Horde through the mud to the point you are looking at a potential “Infused by the Light Human with a skin condition” as potential racial leader for the forsaken.

After BfA and the Teldrassil fiasco? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I mean we still have rabid NEFPAs demanding “apologies” 2 years after the event happened so…

I´m not when Tirion´s story arc basically robbed the Forsaken of their narrative Reason d´etrê and Khadgar basically saddled the Horde with the Kirin Tor and Dalaran after the Purge that supposedly expelled them like rats from the city… making the Horde notyhing but glorified beggars that will never ever get development for their arcane thematics cause it´s easier to take Dadgar and Dalaran, force them upon the Horde narrative and call it a day!!

Call me crazy but this seems infinitely less bothersome than the current “the Horde has to do X, Y and Z to “make up” to the Alliance” concocted by any rando Alliance poster with his/her own arbitrary list of demands. Also, if there is no more lore interaction between the factions, literally the only people that would get directly impacted are the RPers -and that only IF they decide to take that scenario into account, so…-

Guys… sorry to be THAT poster, but BfA happened WITH AFRIASIABI at the helm.

If I were you people I´d abstain from attributing any “lore coinsistence” trait into his professional resume. Cause had this happened the lore inconsistencies from Legion wouldn´t have happened and BfA much less…

It´s truly depressing when one kinda understand THIS -"winning " a territory over the other side; which in perspective it´s quite… bland? and pointless? I mrean yes they won and left a dump… so?- is the humid dream for you guys. Instead of you know, getting actual stories for your faction instead of the novella of Anduin and Jaina.


I don’t have the book. Someone else able to factcheck him?

He’s right. It was a few weeks ago a thread with an tl:dr from the book

So per WoWpedia, Alex Afrasiabi is credited with being one of the Creative Directors for Battle for Azeroth, the others being Ion Hazzikostas and Chris Robinson.

Not sure I would attribute that to Afrasiabi solely being “at the helm.”

Also, Chris Metzen literally designed the cinematic for Battle for Azeroth—it was his final project for the company.

That doesn’t mean he knew anything about the expansion itself.

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Really? Can i be shown this part of the new Atlas, if yes, then i’m willing to believe you. I just need some harder proof then your word (mostly because you seem highly anti-horde so i don’t trust you in the slightest)

Eitherway, it doesn’t really matter what the atlas says. The Forsaken being forced to leave their lands is stupid. Even if it’s just the Plaguelands, I’d love to see a rebuilt Andorhall. It also sucks for the playerbase. I’ve always been a proponent of the Nelves getting to keep their zones, so i’m sure as hell not gonna take this crap lying down. The Alliance Claims to those lands are just as pointless as the Hordes claims to nelf ones. It’s also not like blizzard is willing to let book lore stay relevant for longer then like, a patch, right Chronicles?

Seriously though, if they are alliance owned now i’ll be willing to accept it’s canon, but ill still be a proponent of letting the forsaken playerbase keep their iconic zones and having the story progress to let the forsaken control them again. I tend to be for this for everyone in general, but the Forsaken Zones i feel are just to iconic to the forsaken

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Didn’t Flynn and Shaw get special written permission from Baine to allow them to tour Tirisfal Glades, where they met with Calia and Voss who were discussing plans to deblight the area?

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Good thread. The problem with the Horde’s current state is that it will take another Faction-centric expansion to fix. And I think we’ve all been burned by that.

Tirisfal is still hordecontrolled. Is more about the zones around tirisfall

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