How Can We Redeem/Rebuild The Horde (Actual Horde Edition)

What do you mean by “hear”? Is it like a city blown up during BfA, about which Horde players will learn from anywhere, but not from the game?

You offer scripts.

She means, alliance gets to have their revenge scenario, but it’s soo far removed from horde questing/leveling/lore that it has no affect on us and we don’t have to deal with the fallout.

Least I think so.

Indeed… besides if Horde already decided to UP and LEAVE from Azeroth, one as Horde player would care over Orgrimmar et al because…???

You are correct.

Does this (Gantrithor´s) potential scenario cost “more” in regards to gameplay? Most probably. Would it make me happier? Absolutely.

I´m firmly in the “I just want for the factions to cese any interaction whatsoever” camp. Cause so far sharing the story has only hurt my faction to the point yeah… we´re here trying to “validate” it´s existence and figu7re out a way to “rebuild it”, which is hilarious if we consider the Horde was supposed to be the deuteragonist of this game. It´s existence shouyld had bever ever become a “question” in the first place.


That is, you need a city destroyed by the Horde, which the Horde never found out about in the game? Do you need to use this “narrative trick”?

I do not quite understand the question, but I will try to complete the phrase. Is it because the Horde is trying to bring some kind of apology before leaving the world?

Do you need to terminate the interaction “completely” or is it enough for you “not to know” about this interaction?

Not only that, but it also appears the current team has forgotten that the horde was also supposed to be essential for Azeroths survival.

Makes you wonder how things went so horribly wrong in a few short years.


The idea is that the Horde should accept that it’s lost and find somewhere so far removed from the Alliance that faction tensions don’t matter anymore.

I agree that this would be ideal but I don’t think it’s realistic, certainly not while there are so many Benedikt’s in the Horde whose only interest is maximizing Alliance grief.

Many changing of hands of writers and fealty to the rule of cool in not just aesthetic (which is fine) but in storywriting which is like the worst thing possible.


It was essential because it was the common threat that caused the Alliance to form, and so without it the Alliance wouldn’t have existed to repeatedly save the world. Badda bing badda boom.

The idea of Horde leaving Azeroth has no ground to stand on. That isn’t going to happen any time soon. Unless you weren’t paying attention during Saurfang’s speech to the troops after his chat with Anduin, they consider Azeroth their home. Both sides are going to have to share a world whether they like it or not.


To be honest sharing a world isn’t in itself a problem. Night Elf players wanting a vague sense of “vengeance” notwithstanding the only real point of contention between the factions right now is Lordaeron, which is why all those proposals that involve the Horde/Forsaken keeping it and making things the way they were pre-BfA are such non-starters.

Step one to creating a viable future for the Horde needs to involve accepting the loss of their position in the Eastern Kingdoms, because if they don’t accept that then faction tension will never go away.

The Horde doesn’t even need to do anything other than acknowledge the facts on the ground at this point anyway.

That question was actually sarcasm. The answer is the Horde wouldn´t give two effs over Orgrimmar nor any other territory on Azeroth.

That scenario could be managed like the Purge one -in your side it´s told to you Nelves “expelled” the Horde… in our background questing it would be said we just decided to stop wasting time with inane fighting over a mediocre territory and actually looked for an actual SUSTAINABLE place to live… far and away from Alliance and their territorial BS. See? we´re all happy.

And yes, absolute termination of the interaction… which I´ve told you several times. Which part of “NO interaction” do you NOT understand?

That´s what happens when you write for the self inserts and not the story per se.

Errr… not exaclty this. It´s not a “qqqq, we´re losers so we go to the corner” but more about “you know what? f*** this. Let´s go somewhere else were we won´t have to deal with this territory BS”.

Of course it doesn´t in current dev team philosophy -I mean they can´t be cheaper than they already are-; however this doiesn´t mean this couldn´t be one of the potential NON toxic solutions to this problem.

Gantrithor put it better in his first suggestion post -as usual-

I mean, I don’t think anyone is actually serious about that suggestion. At least I hope not. Half the orcs alive now, were born on Azeroth anyway, it’s the only home they ever known.

Doesn’t mean they can’t find a place to settle that’s far away from alliance lands, and can support them without, you know, having to worry about the alliance prodding them into doing something drastic to get the other side to stop.


It´s from a gameplay PoV the most expensive option… which most surely makes it unviable.

If another world is NOT feasible, then at the very least I´d settle for a new corner in Azeroth -there is always a “new corner” appearing from nowhere- or clear and defined borders between Horde and Alliance territory that nobody ever crosses at the least. Lorewise speaking gameplay wise the contested territories could be given to the ragtag races (Troggs, Centaurs, etc.) and call it a day so the factions don´t have a means to bother each other.

I’m really pretty thoroughly disinterested in this. I like PvP. I like the aesthic differences between the Horde and Alliance clashing violently.

I just think this is best left as a B-Plot. The Horde and Alliance being in a cold war with flashpoints while still overall working together is fine.

I’m also fine with neutral characters. I think Tirion and Khadgar are two great examples of Alliance raced characters who are none the less utterly disinterested in their politics and are doing their own thing.

What’s bizarre is when Blizz makes a character who led a Horde or Alliance faction, like Magni or Thrall, neutral. Because

A. It robs one team of one of their star players


B. The other team is going to feel weird working under them.

I’m fine with it in say Torghast. Where there’s demonstrably a greater threat to sort out. But with BFA Magni just will not stop bothering my character. Which is weird as, having not played since Wrath in Legion, I only realized Magni wasn’t still King of Ironforge when I rampaged through it and beat up his daughter instead.


Are we, though? Because stuff like this leads to weird canon hierarchies and arguing over “what actually happened”.
Are the nelves stupid for taking credit for “expelling” the Horde when that’s not case, or are the Horde cowards for not acknowledging the L they just took? I don’t think it can be both or neither, not when it comes to fans. Fans will demand to know “canon” and not getting that answer will only make them more disgruntled.

Not saying they’d be in the right, but that’s just what would happen.

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That works to. Wasn’t one of the dev teams orignal ideas for BfA, was to make Kalimdor red and Eastern Kingdoms blue?

I always thought that was a interesting concept. Wonder why they never went with it.

Hoo boy if you think Night Elf players are ballistic now


As Baal has pointed out, we no longer have Chris Metzen and Alex Afrasiabi.

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It’s a question. It wasn’t about who would actually be upset over it.