How Can We Redeem/Rebuild The Horde (Actual Horde Edition)

Question is though, where would the horde move too? Think the Zandalari would let up settle in some unused part of land? It’s the only place I can think of that has enough resources. Than again, the broken isles and Suramar/Highmountain make good places to settle if the current leaders let them

We should have just let the Horde have Pandaria.

Is your script in this thread?

Or is it Baalsamael’s script? Or is it somewhere else?

What, you think the sin’dorei are going to leave the Eastern Kingdoms after having to suffer having their nation literally split in two via blight?

I mean, what are we supposed to do, paint half of Suramar City orange, gold, and red?



Not a script per se, more of a general goal. The “cosmetics” I woould have to consider later.

I just focus in the most important goal for me AKA not having to see, hear nor witness any interaction of any kind with Alliance / formerly Alliance / Alliance flavored characters, organizations nor players.

“Buut muh PvP RP Ariel!!!” well, Merc mode is an amazing tool with a ton of potential.

When will the Nelfs avenge Teldrassil on the Horde? During Shadowlands?

Or during the whole “non-interaction” will you drag offerings to the Nelfs to the edge of the forest, but not run into them?

Well, I’ve seen her in-game too. She seems to have quite the well-made TRP too lol

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Well, I mean…that is a lot of paint that could be put to better use…How about the horde spends some resources to rebuild Quel’thalas to it’s full glory? How’s them apples? :smiley_cat:

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Well, thanks. I love the idea you have for your toon too :smiley_cat:

I mean, if they can de-blight Lordaeron, then they certainly can—and should—de-blight the Ghostlands along with the rest of Quel’Thalas.

And yes, to be fair, I’m all for de-blighting Gilneas and letting the worgen have their proper capital back, as well.


What for? Only 10% of the population remained from the sin’dorei, the city was only half destroyed. Who are you going to relocate to Silvermoon? Forsaken?

I don’t see a problem with that. Everyone gets their respective capitals and than both sides can leave each other alone :smiley_cat:

…didn’t we already establish that “number of casualties” isn’t a thing in this game?

I mean, it’s not like you need to rebuild Teldrassil given how many night elves died when it went up in flames :stuck_out_tongue:

“Yes, losses are not important.” But anyway. Who will live in this city? If the population does not appear, then it can be repaired later. Very far later.

I’m not sure about Teldrassil. It seems that the bulk of those killed there are refugees from the Nelf territories?

No need for petty squabbling now bonks head. Teldrassil is like a siren call for certain people, that I think we all rather avoid having in this thread. But that’s me.

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You don’t want to escape punishment for an unmotivated intrusion, right?

The Horde doesn’t de-blight things, that’s the Argent Crusade and Cenarion Circle. Two factions that are not pleased with the Horde right now.

In your own private Alliance-only scenario I´ll never ever have to hear or look or interact with ever. When? who cares -I´m talking Horde-. Only thing I know it would be AFTER Horde looks for better pasture elsewhere and finally becomes it´s own thing independent from ANY Alliance narrative pollution whatsoever, tyvm.

Man, I´ll literally take living forevermore in a WoD esque Garrison in who knows where if this means I don´t have to hear about Blanduin, Jaina, Tyrande, the Kirin Tor nor any other Alliance rep EVER again.


And which will, hopefully remain dubious as to whether said scenario is officially cannon or not? Seems fair to me.

Why are you talking to Horde players like we’re Blizz’s writing team?