How Can We Redeem/Rebuild The Horde (Actual Horde Edition)

It gets into a larger point in that the Horde playerbase should also probably recognize their factions strategic situation right now. They’ve been relegated to bit player in the Eastern Kingdoms and their hold on anything north of the Barrens in Kalimdor has broken. This is not a faction that is in a position to be envisioning sweeping new megaprojects in which their pre-BfA power status is retained or renewed.

The Horde has never been this weak at any time after Reign of Chaos, and if you recall the power imbalance in that case was resolved by the Scourge destroying like 5 out of 7 human kingdoms in order to put the factions on equal footing.

The Horde’s renewal cannot be focused on a quixotic quest for restoring the pre-BfA status quo, as not only is that narratively dull but it will necessarily involve conflict with the Alliance again. It would undermine the whole notion that the Horde is at a turning point in terms of its identity and structure.

It’s true, the Alliance should have pacified and boarded the Goblin’s slave trade vessel rather than opening fire on it.

Solution already proposed and generally agreed upon.


Your insane brabble belongs in the rp forums.
We can even counter it very easaly.

Alliance players should realize that they have to surrender. Stormwind had to draft peasants (again). The Night Elves are almost extinct. The Worgen are once more on the run, homeless and dying. The Draenei are almost extinct. Gnomes are almost extinct.
Only the Dwarves can hold their lands. The Alliance is clearly done for.

That’s how you sound. No that’s not how I see the situation. Even though many races are near extinct (yes on both sides). Those things never mattered in WoW, ever. The joke of the clone machine isn’t forgotten.
Why am I even taking the bait? Don’t bother people.


The guy is very demonstrably not mentally healthy. Engaging him probably undoes a lot of work so just let him ramble in peace.


I mean if you guys aren’t even going to acknowledge the outcome of BfA as the basis for your suggestions then lol

This isn’t a “How do we rebuild the Horde thread” it’s a “Blizzard please retcon the last 3 expansions” thread. To which I say good luck you guys.

By the way, how many people are psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists? For myself, I know I’m defective, but it seems that people are considered normal until something critical happens, the mention of “mental health” usually has an offensive function rather than a precise diagnosis.
Hmm. A deviation from the topic, perhaps with an insult?

Am I going insane, or has there been a influx of low lvl alliance alts, alliance trolls and toxic alliance players intent on derailing this thread?

Because we were having a civil discussion otherwise.


Some of the low-level posters are from European servers.

Nah like the guy veers into RP and when he first turned up someone immediately let people know he has problems. Like I thought it was maybe some personal beef at first but- yeah.

Claiming that your opponent is a deranged, mentally unstable psychopath and should therefore be ignored is indeed a really convenient way to dodge having to engage in any substantial argument. Sort of like in the other thread where 5 people said they didn’t like someone’s ideas and were dismissed for being “trolls” so their positions and reasoning doesn’t count.

I’ll admit I still haven’t read all the posts on the thread, so what do you propose.

Cause my preferred proposal is “factions ignore the other exist and continue with their merry little lives” THE END. Which means no more “neutral factions managing stuff” BS, no more interaction with Alliance characters as a Horde player and vice versa- no, not even the “neutral-fyed” ones-, no more “we hold hands and work together when 5 secs ago we were killing each other” BS.

If to achieve this the Horde has to travel to another planet and leave Azeroth like the rotten egg it is, then I’m willing to pay the price. It doesn’t bother me.

But I refuse to continue to play second fiddle for Alliance /formerly Alliance /Alliance flavored characters that I’m indifferent at best or I downright despise and feel repulsed for at worst, period.


I actually would favor this proposal as well, but it’s a non-starter when “Pwning the Alliance” seems to be such a central part of Horde identity and a bunch of proposals involve taking Alliance land or otherwise pooping on the Alliance’s lawn.

How many expansions later can the Nelfs launch “unmotivated” attacks?

I like this very much.

I think some neutral factions were even bad for the game. They were at times bad for the narrative, the Cenarion Circle hurt the Night Elves and so on.


Dude, the M E T A L perception and fanwanc the devs SADDLED the Horde with is what put us in this dilemma in the first place. So any story beat dedicated to perpetuate it is nothing but a waste of time and braincells at this point (it’s literally the very modus operandi of the current dev team).

I just want the guarantee I won’t have to see the Gary Stu mug of Anduin nor hear the “virtues” of a hypocritical self insert like Jaina and so on and so fort… It is truly too much to ask to get my quest given to me by my own HORDE characters?


They can, I don’t care if they do. Heck there would be even motivation for them to do so. But that’s nothing that would solve the Horde story problem can. So no idea why you think that’s reasonable to mention here.

It turns out when you cut out most of the spite, Alliance and Horde players actually agree on most things.

I don’t remember the last thread at all, so I rely on individual statements. Someone argued that “this is not allowed because it will ruin the Horde experience.” Was that?
How are quotation marks in English?

I think a lot of us would be more than happy to have that. I, like you, don’t really want to deal with the alliance and alliance heroes.

It’s not too much to ask at all. It’s just I don’t think the current writing team has the courage to do that. They seem rather insistent on pushing alliance morality onto the horde and it’s roster of heroes and its players.


In my scenario Nelves ALREADY launched the attacks dude… They “won” the Aqir infested Kalimdor as they dreamed for oh so long.

I repeat: no more interaction whatsoever between the factions nor the races belonging to it, tyvm.