How Can We Redeem/Rebuild The Horde (Actual Horde Edition)

Trolls: We worship the great bat and spider spirits, the perfect beings of their kind.

Forsaken: Where I do I sign up?


Seriously I always figured Hi’reek and Shadra should have some Forsaken worshippers.

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Move the Forsaken to Northrend, have them take over a bunch of Scourge strongholds and Malykriss The Vile Hold.

Another option: Move the Forsaken to Northrend, Zul’Drak is their capital.

Do blood elves get to take over the Oculus, now that the Blues are no longer using it? :smiley:

Humans literally lived thousands of years in Amani land.
They were ignored at the start of the Troll wars.
But go ahead and ignore it.

Trolls defeated the Aqir Old God spawn. I don’t care for defect, Old God corrupted mutant robots.

3 Kingdoms and that’s literally wrong. You can go even further back and look at the map of the Amani. Yes all humans land belonged to Trolls. Humans didn’t even exist yet. Not everything was claimed by the Trolls. There was plenty left.

That’s some really funny bias.

Doesn’t work, because they are Alien invaders, not from our Titan. :wink: At least you were somewhat creative.

Stop your spam.

No, I never did.

Trolls are literally never, ever going to take any human lands in this video game.

They already did. So…

Also no idea what you think you will archive with this trolling. Locking the thread? Not going to happen.

I mean fair enough, they are entitled to mob camps and the occasional instance.

I mean, the problem with “trolls reclaiming land” in general is, “which trolls we talking about?”

My initial starting experience on this character literally had me burning Amani left and right, while also collecting ears and a chieftain’s head.

Fast forward to BfA and I actively fought to assist the Zandalari for about 90% of the expansion.

It’s basically the same difference between Froswolf Orcs and Blackrock Orcs during Warlords of Draenor.


This is the best senario possible, but as I mentioned it´s the kind of scenario that would incite complains from Alliance players because Horde would get a ton of “new stuff” while they get yes the WHOLe ownership… of the old stuff.


Slow clap

We need a lot of change, I fear the council will amount to nothing and at the end only act to agree with Calia and Thrall.

We need a alternative to Calia, real Forsaken leading their faction. Independent, proud, not broken and bound to a light zombie.

Rokhan had a good start, I would like to see more story involvement from him. Gazlowe is almost a blank slate. He needs development and his moments in the lore too (as much as I dislike him as leader).

Baine needs a spine, or give the rains to another Tauren.
Talanji should not fall victim to Baine’s peace mentality, after the death of her own father.

It’s really hard for me to see how BfA’s damage could be undone.


They’re literally made of the stone and earth of Azeroth. Literally.
Move those goalposts faster.

But hey, on the bright side to all of this, you definitely live up to your race’s namesake, 'cause you are for sure trolling.

I’m not sure it really matters. My real point here is that regardless of any kind of historical claims for the Trolls to any given spot of land, it doesn’t change the fact that they’re weak. Like, super duper insanely weak compared to the human kingdoms. Talking about Trolls taking human land by force at this point is like talking about Liechtenstein conquering the USA.

Even their Loa are weak by the standards of power that the game is at. They could get their entire pantheon on their side and maybe you’d have a low-end raid.

The smart thing for the Trolls is to do what the Darkspear did and find land somewhere else. Arguments about their claims are irrelevant.

Be careful. You can deny the Nelf the right to attack the Horde in the course of such reasoning.

Because they are divided. This is a point I’m bringing up in my posts.

Another point that will be brought up.

I already made this suggestion.


Didn’t we already? :rofl:

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From Aliens, yes. Not made from our Titan, so no it doesn’t count in my book. They are also corrupted now.

I mean that’s what you are here for. Don’t expect any quarter given.

On topic:

I could see a cold war like situation working.

Both side still have their Azerithe weapons right? So over years tensions could rise, or slowly dwindle, as the Horde could figure it’s problems out, because both factions don’t want to face another war.
I know the Azerithe weapons were mostly a joke, but that’s one angle they could go with.
Even though the Night Elves are of course justified and in my book they don’t have to end their grudge at all. At least if it was up to me they would hold on to it.

On such a basis one could try and build a fragile story.

No. Don’t feed the trolls.

I don’t think you understand why Taurajo is such an issue for Horde players.

A clue: NOT related to scale, we literally ignore scale.

Taurajo became a nuisance for Horde players because the morality surrounding the chain of events that lead to it’s destruction literally washed clean the hands of the Alliance characters responsible for those events. And as Hordies it’s VERY depressing to be told the crimes done against your faction are irrelevant, a courtesy the Horde AND IT’S PLAYERS don’t have regarding the Alliance. It makes one feel as if one is a second rate customer for playing Horde or something…


He doesn’t understand it. He really doesn’t understand our problem with it lies with Baine and how the Alliance never can make any mistakes.

The same goes for the firing on the Goblins.