How Can We Redeem/Rebuild The Horde (Actual Horde Edition)

Freezing Azeroth.
Goblins and gnomes report a planned long-term cooling of Azeroth. The Horde is trying to rectify the situation in the world, the Alliance is saving itself.

The draenei and void elves plan to survive the cold in space, but they need food. Planned mass extermination of the Un’Goro dinosaurs and other forms of radical meat procurement.
Night elves build underground shelters and study light conductors. They are preparing for the Long Vigil, but the druids will stay awake, and the Guardians and civilians will fall asleep. With the help of the dwarves and draenei, the night elves hunt and recycle stone elementals to find materials for light guides. Light guides will be required for underground gardens and greenhouses.
Human tries to replicate the magic dome of the Nightborne, but lacks the magicians to keep the dome stable. An unstable dome spawns magical elementals and devastating lightning. While the archmages are improving the dome, young magicians are recruiting new magicians, including among the “primitive” peoples. Mind control is applied.

Horde shamans are trying to enlist the aid of the elementals to heat Azeroth. Elementals demand help against the Alliance, whose representatives catch and / or kill elementals.
The goblins are rebuilding Gallywix’s Pride into a planetary engine. The goblins do not have enough of their own technology, so they begin to destroy the structures of the Titans and study the wreckage of the Legion’s technology. There are also problems with resources and labor. Gazlowe balances between “decent working conditions” and “saving the world at any cost.”
Blood elves and nightborne oscillate between saving the world and self-preservation. In any case, they help the goblins in destroying the structures of the Titans. Also, elves more actively hunt for relics of “primitive” (all other) peoples in order to provide themselves with mana for many, many years.

The idea is over. There is no plot. Absurdity in delirium. Well, okay
The theoretical result of the patch (obviously not enough to add content). The night elves will have laser weapons and underground cities. Goblins will receive a multifunctional magic engine-cannon. Shamans of the Horde will gain influence on the climate of the entire world. The elves of the Horde will receive a bunch of “primitive” magic items. Humans will get a crowd of zombie mages or something similar.

Kick, hit, because this is absurd, not taking into account the huge chunks of lore!
Dance, dance, Madness, swinging a wand of shadows …

The Horde will receive “Heroism”, the Alliance will finally take care of itself. And a bit of moral stupidity.


Замерзающий Азерот.
Гоблины и гномы сообщают о планируемом долговременном охлаждении Азерот. Орда пытается исправить ситуацию в мире, Альянс спасает себя.

Дренеи и эльфы Бездны планируют пережить холод в космосе, но им требуется пища. Планируется массовое истребление динозавров Ун’Горо и другие формы радикальной заготовки мяса.
Ночные эльфы строят подземные убежища и изучают световоды. Они готовятся к Долгому Бдению, но бодрствовать будут друиды, а Стражи и мирное население погрузятся в сон. Заручившись поддержкой дворфов и дренеев, ночные эльфы охотятся на каменных элементалей и перерабатывают их в поисках материалов для световодов. Световоды потребуются для подземных садов и теплиц.
Human пытаются повторить магический купол ночнорожденных, но им не хватает магов для стабильной работы купола. Нестабильный купол порождает магических элементалей и разрушительные молнии. Пока архимаги улучшают купол, молодые маги вербуют новых магов, в том числе среди “примитивных” народов. Применяется контроль разума.

Шаманы Орды пытаются заручится поддержкой элементалей для обогрева Азерот. Элементали требуют помощи против Альянса, представители которого ловят и/или убивают элементалей.
Гоблины перестраивают Гордость Галливикса в двигатель планетарного масштаба. Собственных технологий гоблинам не хватает, поэтому они приступают к разорению сооружений Титанов и изучению обломков технологий Легиона. Также возникают проблемы с ресурсами и рабочей силой. Газлоу балансирует между “достойные условия труда” и “спасение мира любой ценой”.
Эльфы крови и ночнорожденные колеблются между спасением мира и самосохранением. В любом случае они помогают гоблинам в разорении сооружений Титанов. Также эльфы более активно охотятся за реликвиями “примитивных” (всех остальных) народов, чтобы обеспечить себя маной на долгие-долгие годы.

Идея кончилась. Сюжет никакого. Абсурд на бреде. Ну и ладно
Теоретический итог патча (на дополнение контента явно не хватит). У ночных эльфов появится лазерное оружие и подземные города. Гоблины получат многофункциональный магический двигатель-пушку. Шаманы Орды получат влияние на климат всего мира. Эльфы Орды получат кучу “примитивных” магический поделок. Humans получат толпу магов-зомби или что-то похожее.

Пинайте, бейте, ведь это же абсурд, не учитывающий огромные куски lore!
Танцуй, танцуй, Безумие, размахивая жезлом из теней…

Орда получит “Героизм”, Альянс наконец-то позаботится о себе. И капелька моральной… глупости.

Lorehead - a canon out of your head, a canon invented for yourself? And what’s wrong with underground shelters? I don’t see anything wrong with killing and processing elementals. Absolutely.

I’m not convinced that Calia isn’t one. Remember the “puppy dog eyes” comment.

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Ahh … right. Forgot about her. She’s right up Golden’s ally too. Damn … well we’ll have to see.

I want a blood elf mage who’s worthy of respect to get screentime, so we can reclaim our racial fantasy of being the Horde’s magical powerhouse. (The Nightborne were trying to steal that title, but Thalyssra’s fangirling of Jaina puts them out of the running to ever rival the Alliance mages, so the task falls back to the Blood Elves.)

I have mixed feelings about Astalor. He’s one of the few BE mages with any presence over the years, so he has a good basis for development, but he’s always been shown doing kind of sinister stuff. Though I suppose it might be possible to rehabilitate him somewhat when we get the inevitable “Light is not Good” expansion.


To be 100% fair, this is committing the same fallacy as the one used in “The Sunreavers betrayed Dalaran, therefore Jaina was absolutely right to purge them.” Some of the Steamwheedle profited by selling weapons to the Horde, but that doesn’t make every individual Steamwheedle representative personally culpable.


Has he even been in plots in-game since M’uru?

Because I know it’s often depicted as a bad thing, but after reading BotH, from the same part of me that hopes they’re not going to try and frame Tyrande’s stuff as villainous, I can’t bring myself to condemn it anymore.

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Yes, he’s working with anima golems in WoD.


In theory Rommath should be the most powerful Magi the Sin’dorei have… they just seemingly refuse to remember he exists 99% of the time.

The Nightborne do not seem to of advanced their magical studies after the fall of the old Kaldorei empire, really. They were highly advanced for the era, and made some breakthroughs like Telemancy that didn’t get rediscovered, but in a lot of ways that 10,000 years of complacency has resulted in them being super behind the Sin’dorei. You saw the same logic with the new Kaldorei magi being taught be the Shen’dralar. The Sin’dorei thought a lot of the techniques were laughably quaint and antiquated (and downright dangerous to the point they were illegal to teach anymore).


Doesn’t make any sense, I mean all the time magic they had, even ingame, they are supposed to have gotten after the Nightwell, that was then retconned into “only the greatmagistrix could do that”…if the first quest already presented you with a time trap…really, blizz 100%…

and its makes no sense, if their practice 10000 years the same magic without developement.

Well, at the very least they never seem to of developed conjuration or the arcwine issue would of never happened, they could of just made food. While really adept with magics directly manipulating Arcane energy (Arcane Golems, Telemancy, Chronomancy, etc.), the Shal’dorei also show little to no ability with any evocational elemental magics, for example. Those techniques seem to of been fairly cutting edge and with the Moonguard, who made a point of not sharing them after invasion by destroying documentation.

What would the trolls do?

They should have been playable 8.3 as they make a lot more sense as “The goblin AR” then vulpera do.

There are a lot of very cool magic schools that seem to be dead for the rest of elven magi (the scryers maybe still have some of those, considering astromancy was still a thing with Kael’s forces) but iirc the blood elf thing was specifically about battlemages of the shal’dorei, so I get the impression that it was, understandbly, far less weaponizable

The funny thing is, the Highborne are the inventors of the schools of magic we use today, but this culture lost most of its knowledge.

Even the really advanced stuff. They even have to reinvent schools of enchantment.

This is one of the reasons I suggested Blood elves work on their anti-magic capabilities.


The thing is, even spellbreaking doesn’t seem to be a belf special thing, ISTR there were spellbreakers in the Suramar guard.

Although it’s still funny to me that supposedly the most arcane-focused subset of the elves has its warriors (and, implied, rangers) trained specifically to mess up mages. I’m sure the irony wouldn’t be entirely lost to some.

(the response is to the wrong person)

IDK, I realize that allied races don’t always overlap perfectly and it’s a lot of NPCs competing for space when a lot of people are sick of World of Elfcraft so that’s a fair concern I guess?

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I suppose if Blizzard wants the blood elves and Nightborne to be similar yet unique it would require each having their own specialty. I believe the spellbreaker goes back to WC3:TFT so I’m more tempted to lead the Belves in that direction.



Personally, I’m over with WoW’s story as is and just want WoW2 fast forward at least 500 years with a history book published detailing descent and changes.

So Nightborne and Blood Elves can be unified into a giant empire.

Imagine a crest that has a double headed phoenix clutching two dusk lilies in its claws, purple, red, gold, and silver.


500 years in the future would be funny since they could just flat out reuse the entire elven and draenei NPC cast completely unchanged. Maybe have Talanji and Rokhan as seasoned rulers.

Some old forsaken leaders here and there if they plan to not delete them.