How Can We Redeem/Rebuild The Horde (Actual Horde Edition)

the true path was a faction, created by night elfs and highmountain tauren. its more like a true neutral faction than anything we call today “neutral”

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No, the argument is that the Argent have no claim to the territory considering theyr aren´t a POLITICAL entitity, just a religious one. What impedes for them to negotiate with the Horde so they leave the burden of “taking care” of the territory in the Horde´s hands while they go to Broken Isles to deal with the remanent demon infestation there, hmm? Or them devoting to you know, keep the Scourge in-check (as a way to fulfill their organization´s GOAL) and staying PERMANENTLY in Northrend following their faith´s premise?


The current council are those who are broken. My picks are all superior to the losers we currently have to deal with.

Under Tirion the AC was neutral the last time. Under Turalyon they now fight for the Alliance.

With all due respect, only for you and only in your mind. I see waaay mor evident losers in that list, but you do you.

Elisande was the Grand magistrix. Thalyssra only first Arcanist. Evidence shows who is the real winner here. Just one example. You can play the same game with all the other characters I listed.

And an idiot… and I´ll always take the character with the functional brain over the OP idiot who will get him/herself killed thanks to the aforementioned stupidity.

I repeat: you do you… power by itself does NOT make compelling characters; it only creates annoyances and pet characters. We Hordies kinda deserve better than the second option, Erevien. We deserve actual quality.


What we deserve is unapologetic power houses who can go on par with their alliance counterparts like Velen, Jaina, Malfurion and Tyrande. What we have can be defeated by foot soldiers. Meanwhile a character like Jaina can solo entire armies. POWER is the main feature what should matter when chosing new leaders for the factions.

Which … is it odd I’m just a wee bit glad that we don’t have any more writers pets in the Horde with Sylvie gone? Thrall is an ex-writers pet, and a bit of a Horde safespace for the writers; and Baine clearly is just a pet of a writers pet (who is frustrating). But … truly, outside of the real chance at just more neglect … we don’t have any more self inserts or true writers pets anymore by the looks of things. Those are all on the Alliance. Its like one annoying weight was lifted off our shoulders, even if by doing so our relevance in the future remains uncertain.

Even got rid of that creepy “want to be with my fictional waifu” self-insert Nate while we were at it.

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He will return to the Horde together with Sylvanas. And they will kill the Horde council and replace them with better people.

You truly have the worst taste. You want NATE to come back?

Yes. He was a breeze of fresh air comapred wtih all the butt kissers who couldn’t stop praising us. Nathanos is finally a character who looks down on us and not the other way around. We need more characters like that. I am sick of being praised as the “Champion” all the time.

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I disagree. Unfortunately I don´t think we will go anywhere in this conversation, Erevien. As I´ve been repeating for several times: you do you, period.

Indeed, I 100% agree… Sylvanas really became a toxic disaster the moment the devs decided to use her as some creepy pillow waifu, ewww.

Also, why haven´t you responded to my inquire above?

I wanted (as in, past tense) him to stay before the devs upped his simpiness to a million, cause I appreciated his sasiness and how he didn´t kiss my character´s butts 24/7. Unfortunately devs decided poor Nate wasn´t deserving of actual character development but was just only an accesory so they could get catharsis over “lusting” for Sylvie and it irreparadly ruined him.


Oh? Did I miss a reply? Sorry, what was it?

I kinda btchslapped you alittle over you suggesting development for Aethas (for God´s sake Droité!!! It´s Aethas “I´ll-do-ANYTHING-to-continue-to-kiss-Kirin-Tor-butt” Sunreaver… we don´t need him even staying in the Horde character cast, he´s a neutral for an Alliance leaning organization AFTER they almost killed him unlawfully and unfairly).

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Well, I just sort of threw him on there. You want to replace him with Halduron thats fine. :smiley:

This might be my own bias, and it might feel a bit weird bringing my old RP character to the PTA meeting here, but I’m fine with Everlook and I don’t consider it to be a Horde presence.

Granted, again, my character specialized in the goblin branch of engineering and I personally want to see more tidbits about how Night Elf wardens got their hands on goblin land mines - how that one goblin’s attempt in Feralas to do business with Feathermoon Stronghold went, how Everlook got there in the first place and how their relations were with Starfall Village, etc.

But, just to give a roundup of major points…

  • Lenastus is still wrong - the Night Elves should secure the entirety of Ashenvale. The idea that the Night Elves and the Worgen are going to Spiderman-jump across a river gorge intersected by a mountain range is insane and not a serious contention.
  • If the AC chooses to stand in the way of Forsaken attempts to reclaim the Eastern Territories of Lordaeron from a nation of its former citizens now headed up by its true heir, then I don’t see how they’re going to win that fight, or why they should.

If this is the only reason, me thinks we have a perfect replacement in Rommath, who certainly never “kiss Hero butt” as far as I remember. Amnd he´s sassy too!!!

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What I want are the characters I listed above. Nothing else will satisfy me. If the system of death is fully broken in Shadowlands it will be a one way ticket to get all the dead characters back and make the Horde strong again.

On the other hand, its hard to ignore the fact that the Steamwheedle did canonically support and fund the Horde war effort under the table in BfA. They were profiting off your deaths. So when combined with the fact that neither the NEs nor Draenei have ever really required trade with them, I cannot fathom a reason for the NEs to just let Everlook stay there if that truth was ever revealed. That place is a mining/skinning camp that also seems to have pretty negative impacts on the surrounding environment and fauna as well.