Some Reazan worshipers could also help. Poor Rezan, he will be missed.
Did they really? I don’t see that at all and disagree. It seems more like a failed attempt to redo MoP and WoD.
I think a new start would be good.
Now with the council bring in all allied races of the Horde. Including the Ogres, Forest Trolls and the Taunka. make the Horde into something new.
In a way go back to WC3, but not fully. The Horde isn’t the outcast underdog any longer. But keep the inspiration of it.
It could even go further. Make a new type of architecture once more. I don’t mean deleting and replacing what we have. More for new settlements and things. Also build up the different towns, villages and let us see more Horde npcs and support for the Revantusk, Ogres and Taunka.
Troll aqueducts
Blood Elf gardens (their way of growing crops should be rather effective and used more).
Tauren hunter lodges, to uphold their culture
More magical defenses, from arcane with Evles, too Voodoo and Shamanic options
Goblins could build more infrastructure, like lamps, elevators, technical things and perhaps even some roads (their roads could be jarring tough in the setting).
Tauren druids growing plants in the barrens, perhaps supported by Nightborne mages and Raptari
Let Horde druids heal the Ghostlands
Forsaken apothecaries could find cures to diseases
The Cult of the Forgotten Shadow could be shown more and used as something that some Forsaken are now holding even more on to and could be used for the Horde during Void themed things.
Create orders separate from the neutral ones. One for Horde Druids and one for Horde Paladins. Pushing all of them in one neutral organization only hurt both factions in my view.
Elven and Zandalari Golems as guards
Concentrate on rebuilding the lands of the Horde and connecting them way better. Things like the zepelin from OG to Mulgore and the Zandalari ships from Dazar’alor to the Echo Isles are good. There needs to be so much more to connect the different races and locations so much more.
Show us how they are working together in their daily lives and trying to better their societies for everyone.
In such a way the Horde could get civil stories, development for all races and connect. Building connections where BfA was straining some of them.
That is blatantly false.
Which part? I admit I forgot she was used in WoD, but recent Liadrin isn’t much like BC Liadrin (who, honestly, was pretty underdeveloped). They even replaced her voice actress.
The part about her being associated with the scryers.
Holy cow, you’re right. You could have been a little nicer about the way you pointed it out, but I’ll admit when I’m mistaken. I haven’t been back to Shattrath for a long time, and my memory was playing tricks on me. I fixed the message.
Probably could have I blame it on dealing with stubborn morons too much not talking about you or anyone in specific.
No one misquoted you. “Voluntary” migration solely for the benefit of the Alliance is not much better than forced relocation in your scenario. It still gives off strong “reservations” vibes. And there is no “sustainable” environment in Northrend. The majority of that continent is so plagueridden it can’t support basic agriculture; that crap is seeded into the very soil. The rest that can sustain people is already inhabited by people, AND that continent could not possibly hope to support a faction of the Horde’s size there even if there weren’t.
In essence, what you are suggesting is the Horde go to a place that cannot sustain them, where even survival would be a constant struggle. The option for prosperity would not exist.
I mean his take seems really like a bad faith one. Don’t bother.
Reminder that the penance thing was a retcon. Originally, the orcs chose to settle in Durotar because it reminded them of home.
Reminder that even after the retcon, Durotar had more resources when he settled there than it does today.
Oh, 100%. Mantids are monsters to anything they can eat. We’d totally be on the menu if they could.
Still love 'em though.
This automatically doesn’t work for a number of reasons, though I appreciate you backing off the relocate the entire Horde angle. First, even if the Orcs abandoned Orgrimmar and Durotar, the Darkspear, Goblins, and Pandaren who call it home wouldn’t since they’re already in the neighborhood anyhow. This defeats the entire purpose of your premise in the first place.
The Forsaken still gain nothing from being separated from Lordaeron. You need to give them something extremely substantial to compensate because at the moment Lordaeron is all they have to look forward to after BFA. It’s their rightful home, and nothing changes that.
I disagree here. It’s the exact same as how the Horde interacts with Quilboar and Harpies. They get grumpy the Horde moves in, they attack, they get punked. What would likely happen is that they would challenge the new arrivals and the Forsaken, who just don’t think it’s worth their time, just blight Utgarde and call it a day.
How does this show the Alliance falter? They were chilling before the big mean ol’ Horde came and blew up their stuff and kicked them out. The horror.
I disagree. Sure, I can’t chill on the bank and spam my opening lockboxes macro anymore, but it’s still Orgrimmar. There’s still a Valley of Spirits, Valley of Strength, Valley of Wisdom, etc etc. Though it may look different, it is still the home I worked to create when I was a young teen. It’s just more developed and industrial now.
Where? Northrend is already packed. Does Warsong Hold become the capital? Vengeance Landing? Agmar’s Hammer? Icemist?
Zul’drak is a plagued city full of the dead, Dragonblight is a snowy wasteland that is scared to Dragonkind. The Storm Peaks are cramped as is between the Frost Giants, Vrykul, and Earthern. Sholazar is either Jungle wilderness or small villages for the Oracles/Frenzyheart. Icecrown needs no explanation. Crystalsong is about the farthest thing from ‘Horde’ as you can get. Where in the world is there even room to construct this grand new Horde capital?
On a completely unrelated note, I got my AncestryDNA results back. They are…not quite what I expected.
Get 23&Me later, the results are always different between the two due to different populations accessing either, results are dependent on samples and that’s why the results update over time.
What’s your MTC and SRY halpogroup though
My what?
“50% Labrador, 25% Poodle, 12.5% Greyhound, 6.25% Rhodesian Ridgeback, 6.25% Bull Terrier!? Dammit, I should never have left the swab out on the end table where the dog could lick it!”
I forget if Ancestry tells you your halpogroup.
Mitchondrial DNA is matrilineal 100%, so it traces your mom’s lineage down her line.
SRY DNA is 100% patrilineal on the Y Chromosome, so down your dad’s.
Both are incredibly stable so only 2 dozen or so “groups” exist in the whole world.
I’ll admit I don’t know much about that. I got the email saying my results were in this morning so I was able to check the (gross) percentages before heading in to work.
I’ll have to wait until I get home to a deeper dive on the website.
Slightly back on topic. I can imagine a side quest of helping someone find their heritage.
“You thought you were Frostwolf, but it turns out you were born Laughing Skull.”
That’s kinda what I wish was present in-game more for the MU Orcs.
I thought you all hated my suggestion to bring the clans back… I got pushback over it.