How Can We Redeem/Rebuild The Horde (Actual Horde Edition)

Eh Gameplay Warlock Class Design had some Blood Mage Lore Class elements from the onset (Drain Mana, as an example)

True, but the other thread was technically finished at post 5 :wink:



Hmm. Is it racism to call a black horse black? Or am I already delirious?


Let me rephrase that: big NOPE.

The last thing we need are the third-party, neutral factions taking sides.

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That’s true, and even the original description for Blood Mage from The Frozen Throne portrayed it as something of a “Dark Mage,” so something between a Mage and a Warlock.

Why? Especially if these organizations belonged to one person? After all, some people dream of “strengthening their identity”? Or what did they talk about when they discussed this?

They don’t currently “belong to one person,” and they shouldn’t; that’s the point of them being neutral factions.

I can’t speak for other people, but my suggestion of “strengthening cultural identities” was in relation to the races within each of the two factions.

If Tauren X happens to be a druid or a shaman, then maybe part of his cultural identity as a tauren is also his involvement with the Cenarion Circle or Earthen Ring, because the tauren as a people have a deep respect for nature and the land. And then that’s what lets them have a friendship with night elves, for example.

That is very different from saying the entire neutral faction should join Team Red or Team Blue, though.

We want less faction conflict, not more.


Okay, I’ll bite.



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The Earthen Ring HQ Pre Legion was Mulgore no?

Thanks, will read :+1:

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Then which side should the organizations speak up for when the next Teldrassil happens? Or at least Dalaran?
Hee hee. Draenei Shaman of Light. And the earth cracked, and light gushed out of it …

I mean, the group was originally established by tauren, which is rather interesting given the line from WoWPedia:

Sometime after the tauren’s induction into the Horde, the Earthen Ring began inducting Horde shaman into their order.

That makes it sound as if any tauren shaman in the Ring prior to Cairne’s people joining the Horde were neutral.

There shouldn’t be another Teldrassil.



And Dalaran?

What about Dalaran?

Cleansing Dalaran. Which side did the Kirin Tor take there?

Did the Earthen Ring even have an actual base of operations before Legion? I thought they functionally didn’t really have a presence in the game until Cataclysm, and I think they were off in some spot in the Twilight Highlands.

I figured they were nothing more than a diet Cenarion Circle.

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If you’re referring to the Purge of Dalaran, then yes: the Kirin Tor took the side of Team Blue…for the second time.

Which is wrong, and does still need to be addressed.

WoWPedia lists their “Base of Operations” as being at the:

  • Eastern/Western Earthshrines (Orgrimmar and Stormwind)
  • Temple of Earth (Deepholm)
  • and oddly enough, formerly the Twilight Citadel in the Twilight Highlands
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Yes, it was Mulgore. Mulgore is the capital of the Shaman due to being the original Shaman race in-game, same as Moonglade for the Druids.

With Legion Shaman were given that weird “temple” in the Maelstrom and Druids were given Valsharah.

It should also be pointed out that both organizations likely predate World of Warcraft—the night elves hadn’t joined the Alliance at the time of Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, but still resided within the Moonglade, and we also know that Cairne and the Bloodhoof tauren were just starting to migrate to Mulgore at the time of the Third War.

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Yes, god. Something foul was growing in the Blizz HQ ventilation system when the writer’s room went through on that.

Also, what’s up guys, just saw this thread and wanted to pop in, haven’t read it all the way through yet–
