How Can We Redeem/Rebuild The Horde (Actual Horde Edition)

Oooh can I join the cult?


This I agree with.

I would say the majority of the “trouble” we’ve run into so far with the cultural portrayals of, say, Tauren, Zandalari, Orcs, etc. is that we then see those cultures being actively infringed upon (Taurajo, Battle of Dazar’alor, Daelin Proudmoore).

It does sound like one thing a lot of us can agree on is that we need a break from the faction war, more time devoted to looking inward and building ourselves up culturally, more emphasis on the societies of each race within the factions, rather than on the factions themselves.


You’re confusing “not caring” with challenging the idea. This is what discussions are about.
I’ve read the article and it wasn’t as much dramatic as OP was claiming. I even asked what would be the alternative then that is not racist but covers the idea of different lifestyle/culture that is closer to nature. Answer I was no provided.

And honestly, I really dislike to call plenty of stuff racist, because people nowadays are overusing this word. And if people are overusing certain labels they lose their impact and importance. This is why I was sceptical and didn’t want to join on bandwagon.
And how not to better understand the subject than not by asking questions and providing different scenarios?

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We are the Cult of Blood and Sun. We follow the path of Belore the Burning. Cross us and we shall smite you down with our almighty sunfire!


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So, to which societies do we classify neutral organizations?

Given how humans work, every fantasy race is based off of something. As you stated, the mark of a good writer is to take that fantasy race, based on something and flesh it out within the story enough that it comes new and interesting.

Blizzard doesn’t like to flesh anything out, and just circle of the drain with shallow everything until they try and think they have big ideas and then you end up with BfA.


Burn in your own flame. For faith! For beliefs! For the search for racism in everything!

Or just buttmad Horde posters who can’t stand to live outside of an echochamber for more than half a minute.

Uh huh, right. The noble savage trope has been viewed as racist for…while now. Not even something new. Guess you you’re gonna carry that torch now and keep it alive. Have fun with that.


I’m not sure I understand the question, but “neutral organizations” currently include:

  • The Kirin Tor (ideally)
  • The Cenarion Circle
  • The Earthen Ring
  • The Conclave, as seen in Before the Storm
  • Order of the Broken Temple (even after BfA, I could still see Monks/Pandaren from both factions meeting in peace among the Celestials at the Temple of the White Tiger)
  • Knights of the Ebon Blade
  • The Argent Crusade


Is “imperialistic (any other word, another word for conquest) white” considered racism?

Yes, all this. Where are we going to shove?

The issue I have with that interpretation is that the story fundamentally treats those cultures as being equal to the ones apparently infringing on them. The one problem I have with, say, Tauren, is that their inherent physical might isn’t shown as much as it should be.

The examples you gave are of interactions that came about as a result of war, which came about due to Horde attacking, which is a whole other can of big dumb. A refocus on at home threats, internal ones, for all the races would help define those cultures more thoroughly, but I don’t think calling one side hitting at another problematic necessarily helps with the issue. Tauren are the only ones I can think of that didn’t, factually, help hit at the Alliance or Alliance races first, and my problem with that is more they’re portrayed too often as the underdog, when they should be considered terrifying to fight.

Tauren braves with longbows are basically ballistas that can run really fast.


“Imperialistic white” isn’t necessarily a real term. Someone can be “white” but not necessarily “imperialistic.”

Imperialism is more of an action, the act of conquering another territory/nation.

That being said, yes; it does bear pointing out that, historically-speaking, most if not all imperialism has been racially-prejudiced in nature.


I’m still not understanding the question here, sorry.

Black Harvest is criminally underused as well warlocks literally have zero hero characters since Meryl Felstorm was given to Mages (:roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:) and Kael verdant spheres were retcon’d to be arcane keys and not demon soul balls (:roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:)

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I agree, but the challenge therein is to stack as many different aspects as possible into those races so the inspirations become just a base as opposed to all there is. Pre-Cata, there was more to it, but it’s been taken away instead of built on, and this is an issue for all the non-human races. Hell, all the non-Stormwind races.

Which I get, to an extent. Stormwind is ‘safe’ to write about, because it’s just medieval America with an incredibly simplistic and generic Western fantasy culture that doesn’t align with any real world medieval culture beyond… castles. And even that is now sanded down, hell, we don’t even know what the fashion in Stormwind is.


…weren’t they always Arcane in nature? He got them by essentially dipping a few runestones in the corrupted Sunwell, so at best, they contain energies from both.

Not to mention that Kael’thas has always been classified as a Mage anyway.

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I didn’t knew that, it might’ve been a thing in America, but I had no chance to learn about it. This is why I genuingly asked why people call it and and I wrote how I understood it. And wikipedia page didn’t really cover that, and wiki is not a very valid source for academic research anyway.

If you have some great articles then by all means feel free to share it. But keep in mind that not everyone in here is American, and they might’ve grow in society that has different understanding and approach to certain subjects, even if it would due to translation errors alone.

I never had any malicious intent in here.


Assign an organization to a faction? At least the Cenarion Circle, the Earthen Ring, and the Kirin Tor.