How Can We Redeem/Rebuild The Horde (Actual Horde Edition)

I’m not an Alliance poster, I’m a sentient sword and thus have no affiliation with the factions, as denoted by my forum avatar.


You stated how you feel about the narrative from a meta perspective, not in terms of specific beats you’d like to see.

Sure and I could’ve just quoted myself for nearly every response here but I didn’t.

Already stated this wasn’t the case.

Okay and?

Kyalin majority of the times you were also responding.

Ask yourself why all the Horde left your thread. Ask yourself who is the cause and why.


Nice to see Kyalin hasn’t lost their habit of, “I have the high ground, Obi Wan-style. Now I am done with you, but must still have the last word.”

At least they’re being consistent.



To be fair, having the High ground on Baal is really not that hard.

Kind of hard to debate with “no u” in flowery paragraphs over and over. They offered multiple points many times over, as did many people, but all they got were… well.

You can’t really debate with that because the intent isn’t too debate, it’s to berate.


Ah so you don’t think the “noble savage” trope is racist? Yikes on trikes.


Shockingly, what’s “easy” isn’t always correct or right.

Those of us who have actually bothered to engage with him on subjects like racism and in-game representation might have a different perspective.


If you’d be so kind to unmute me, I might be able to convince you that is wrong. I think Horde players can have valuable input. Droite did, for example. I just don’t want any of your “make the Alliance super racist” junk. Alright?

Anyone who isn’t muted by him, kindly tell him this. I would much appreciate it.


No use responding.

Aki has this month

  • accused me of lying about my race
  • called me ugly (without posting selfies to prove her alleged beauty)
  • said I’m lying about my college degree (I can post my Virtual Diploma number for verification)
  • now insisting I don’t have any other higher education (I’m in med school)

But I’m the one accused of ad hominem lmao


And it was explained to you as to why it was racist and you still don’t care. I don’t know what else to tell you. I’d say read up on it yourself but you’ll just watch some Prager U video or some similar drivel just to reassure yourself that you are right.

I didn’t say anything about any trope. I am just saying you’re a jerk for shaming someone asking questions.

Not the correct perspective. Given the first thing he ever said to me was “[Something inappropriate]” because I didn’t 100% agree with him. And had his goons mass report my posts (didn’t work though).

Forum Mod Edit: This post has been edited by a moderator due to language.

I went and reread some stuff…I’m good now…


I have goons now?

I have control over people’s actions?



Fall asleep. Fall asleep. Drown in your own thoughts. And rise up, forgetting everything about this branch.

Ehhhh…sure. I’ll shame someone for believing racist things as I please, especially when it was explained to them said thing was racist by multiple people. Die mad.


I mean, the obvious solution for any sort of racial issues and problematic relevancy to real life cultures would be to have the Horde become parallel to the Alliance instead of diametrically opposed and to reverse the sanding away of various nuance and cultural variance that’s been happening since Cataclysm. Building up and fleshing out the various cultures of the races would detach them from being compared to real world cultures by dint of actually having some aspects beyond just shallow stuff. But this applies to all the races, not just Horde, and it would be dependant on both factions reverting to Wrath era relations.

No one compared Charr in GW2 to real world cultures because a ton of thought was put into fleshing out their cultures. Same goes for the dunmer in Elder Scrolls, whose lore was likely written by someone high out of their mind, and it’s great.

The solution to most of the writing woes is to define the races far more thoroughly outside of faction conflict and have them be frenemies again.


“Your opinion is wrong.”

Ok, then…

He has “goons”…?


And yeah, I remember those first two points, Aki.

You surrendered any moral high ground the moment you claimed he was “white pretending to be black” and then doubled down with, “Well, now I’ve seen his picture so I know I look better than he does.”

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Velth don’t you know, you and the dozens of posters who like my posts, agree with me, and reported the posts by Aki saying wild things are all my loyal Cult of Personality apparently

And Kyalin wonders why Horde players vacated the other thread

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Sing, sing to the endless echo! Hear the voices of your kind and sleep.